HB 2598-S2 - DIGEST

Provides that within thirty days after the adoption of final revised mathematics standards as directed under RCW 28A.305.215, the office of the superintendent of public instruction and the state board of education shall work together to develop a request for proposals for private vendors or nonprofit organizations to adapt an existing mathematics curriculum to be aligned with Washington's essential academic learning requirements and grade level expectations and make the curriculum available online at no cost to school districts. At a minimum, the proposed curriculum shall cover course content in grades kindergarten through twelve and the state's college readiness standards.

Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to review the responses, including an analysis of the qualifications of the respondents, and report the results of the request for proposals under this act to the governor and the education and fiscal committees of the legislature by December 1, 2008.

Provides that within six months after mathematics standards are adopted, the superintendent of public instruction shall present to the state board of education recommendations for no more than three basic mathematics curricula each for elementary, middle, and high school grade spans.

Provides that within two months after the presentation of the recommended curricula, the state board of education shall provide official comment and recommendations to the superintendent of public instruction regarding the recommended mathematics curricula.

Requires the superintendent of public instruction to conduct a comprehensive survey of the mathematics curricula being used by school districts at all grade levels and the textbook and curriculum purchasing cycle of the districts and report the results of the survey to the education committees of the legislature by November 15, 2008.