SB 5467-S2 - DIGEST

Finds that: (1) A developmental disability is a natural part of human life, and the presence of a developmental disability in the life of a person does not diminish the person's rights or opportunity to participate fully in the life of the local community;

(2) Investing in family members who have children and adults living in the family home preserves a valuable natural support system for the individual with a developmental disability and is also cost-effective for the state of Washington;

(3) Providing support services to families can help maintain the well-being of the family and stabilize the family unit.

Declares an intent: (1) To partner with families as care providers for children with developmental disabilities and adults who choose to live in the family home;

(2) That individual and family services be centered on the needs of the person with a developmental disability and the family;

(3) That, to the maximum extent possible, individuals and families must be given choice of services and exercise control over the resources available to them.

Establishes the individual and family services program for individuals eligible to receive services under this title. This program replaces family support opportunities, traditional family support, and the flexible family support pilot program. The department shall transfer funding associated with these existing family support programs to the individual and family services program and shall operate the program within available funding. The services provided under the individual and family services program shall be funded by state funding without benefit of federal match.

Provides that, in addition to services provided for the service priority levels under this act, the department shall provide for: (1) One-time exceptional needs and emergency needs for individuals and families not receiving individual and family services annual grants to assist individuals and families who experience a short-term crisis; and

(2) Respite services based on the department's assessment for a parent who provides personal care in the home to his or her adult son or daughter with developmental disabilities.

Provides that, if a person has more complex needs, a family is experiencing a more prolonged crisis, or it is determined a person needs additional services, the department shall assess the individual to determine if placement in a waiver program would be appropriate.