SB 5833 - DIGEST |
Provides that, if a claim is filed in any forum against a design professional in which loss is alleged to have been caused by an act or omission that violates the standard of care, a claimant must file a certificate of merit at the time of filing the claim. If the claim is filed within forty-five days prior to the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations, the claimant must file the certificate of merit no later than forty-five days after filing the claim. |
Provides that a failure to file a certificate of merit that complies with the requirements of this act is grounds for dismissal of the claim. |
Provides that, if a claim is dismissed for failure to file a certificate of merit that complies with the requirements of this act, the filing of the claim against the design professional shall not be used against the design professional in professional liability insurance rate setting, personal credit history, or professional licensing or credentialing. |