60th Legislature - 2008 - Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore
BARBARA BAKER, Chief Clerk     

Bills Reported Out Of Committee

February 11, 2008 - Monday 29th Day Regular Session
Bill No. Description Committee Ref. Ref.
HB 1046 Motor vehicle insurance TR DP2S15 DNP11 RUL
HB 1115 $f Homelessness APPG DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)10 DNP4 RUL
HB 1332 f Affordable housing APP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)22 DNP8 RUL
ESHB 1741 f Oral history program APPG DP3S(w/o sub SGTA)14 RUL
HB 2344 f Rail corridors TR DP2S22 DNP2 RUL
HB 2426 f High-efficiency lighting APPG DP2S(w/o sub TEC)14 RUL
HB 2444 $f Offender internet info APPG DPS14 RUL
HB 2505 $f Patrol vessel funding APPG DP2S(w/o sub PSEP)14 RUL
HB 2514 f Orca whale protection APPG DP2S(w/o sub AGNR)10 DNP4 RUL
HB 2527 f Rural county definition APPG DP13 DNP1 RUL
HB 2530 f Hydraulic project approval APP DP2S(w/o sub AGNR)29 RUL
HB 2536 f Health care work group APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)20 DNP10
HB 2537 f Health insurance partnership APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)23 DNP11 RUL
HB 2557 f Trial court operation APPG DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)14 RUL
HB 2582 f Higher edu child care APP DPS(HE)30
HB 2584 f Rainwater collection APPG DP2S(w/o sub AGNR)8 DNP6 RUL
HB 2591 f Higher education data APPE DP2S(w/o sub HE)17 RUL
HB 2598 f Online math curriculum APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)17
HB 2601 f Petition signature gatherers APPG DP2S(w/o sub SGTA)8 DNP6 RUL
HB 2631 f Regulatory assistance office APPG DP2S(w/o sub SGTA)14 RUL
HB 2635 f School district boundaries APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)17 RUL
HB 2647 f Children's safe products APP DP2S(w/o sub ENVH)19 DNP10 RUL
HB 2679 $f Students in foster care APP DPS26 RUL
HB 2683 $f Affordable housing for all APP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)21 DNP9 RUL
HB 2690 f Mental health first aid APP DPS21 w/oRec8 RUL
HB 2703 f Energy efficiency APPG DP2S(w/o sub TEC)9 DNP5 RUL
HB 2709 f Locally grown food APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)17 RUL
HB 2718 Frequent ferry user fares TR DPS24 RUL
HB 2746 Fuel purchases TR DPS26 RUL
HB 2777 f Sm community grant program APPG DP2S(w/o sub LG)14 RUL
HB 2778 f Real estate licensure APP DPS(CL)29 RUL
HB 2783 f Edu transfer/articulation APP DP2S(w/o sub HE)29
HB 2809 f Math and science teachers APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)17 RUL
HB 2811 f Healthy student program APPE DPS17
HB 2815 f Green collar jobs APP DP2S(w/o sub EPAR)25 DNP9 RUL
HB 2817 f Meth contamination TR DP2S(w/o sub ENVH)17 RUL
HB 2820 State highway speed limits TR DPS25 DNP1 RUL
HB 2829 $f Financial literacy APPG DP2S(w/o sub IFCP)10 DNP4 RUL
HB 2850 f Puget Sound research APPG DP14 RUL
HB 2882 f Lead-containing products APPG DP2S(w/o sub ENVH)9 DNP5 RUL
HB 2887 f PERS/judges APP DP24 DNP5 RUL
HB 2903 f Access coordinator APPG DPS14 RUL
HB 2917 f Voter registration and info APPG DPS9 DNP5 RUL
HB 2918 f Military children APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)17 RUL
HB 2933 f Prior learning work group APPE DPS17 RUL
HB 2949 f Liquor revolving fund APP DP27 w/oRec1 RUL
HB 3027 f Plan 2/retirement systems APP DP29 RUL
HB 3058 Public transit vehicle stops TR DPS26 RUL
HB 3059 f Lead blood level assessments APP DPS20 DNP9 RUL
HB 3115 f Small business incubators APPG DP2S(w/o sub CEDT)11 DNP3 RUL
HB 3123 Nurse staffing APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)28 RUL
HB 3129 f College credit APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)17 RUL
HB 3149 f Investment board personnel APP DPS27 DNP7 RUL
HB 3159 f Voter registration APPG DP2S(w/o sub SGTA)14 RUL
HB 3177 Expenditure limit committee APP DP22 DNP12 RUL
HB 3183 f Park maintenance equipment TR DPS26 RUL
HB 3186 f Beach management districts APPG DP2S(w/o sub LG)14 RUL
HB 3216 f Wave/tidal energy technology APPG DP2S(w/o sub TEC)12 DNP2 RUL
HB 3227 Hood Canal water quality APPG DP2S(w/o sub ENVH)14 RUL
HB 3254 f DUI liquor/drugs TR DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)17 RUL
HB 3263 f Dual credit strategic plan APPE DPS17 RUL
HB 3269 f Intervention specialist APPE DP2S(w/o sub ELCS)17 RUL
HB 3274 f Port district contracting APPG DP2S(w/o sub LG)14 RUL
HB 3306 f Electronic learning APPE DP2S(w/o sub HE)17 RUL
HCR 4408 Higher edu master plan APPE DPS(HE)17