60th Legislature - 2008 - Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore
BARBARA BAKER, Chief Clerk     


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1364 f Property tax relief Seaquist,Rolfes FIN DPS9
HB 1527 f Elections by mail Appleton,Armstrong SGTA DPS8
HB 1529 f Voter registration Appleton,Chandler SGTA DPS8
HB 1622 Boundary review boards Moeller,Jarrett LG DP2S4 DNP3
HB 1750 Electing the president McDermott,Hankins SGTA DPS7 DNP1
HB 2332 f Levies by school districts Hunter FIN DPS6 DNP3
HB 2426 f High-efficiency lighting Chase,Williams APPG DP2S(w/o sub TEC)14
HB 2435 Postelection audits Miloscia,Armstrong SGTA DP8
HB 2491 Candidate filing Green,Chandler SGTA DP8
HB 2502 f Jurisdictional transfers Clibborn TR DP25
HB 2536 f Health care work group Cody,Van De Wege APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)20 DNP10
HB 2543 f Florists' personal property Hunter,Ericks FIN DPS8 DNP1
HB 2548 f UW at Everett Dunshee,Sells APP DPA(HE)19 DNP13
HB 2577 Concurrency requirements Simpson LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 2588 f Office of public defense Lantz,Rodne APP DPS(JUDI)32
HB 2604 Impact fee exemption Simpson,Ormsby LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 2664 Prescription data Pedersen,Cody HCW DPS9 DNP4
HB 2683 $f Affordable housing for all Miloscia,Chase APP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)21 DNP9
HB 2707 f Frequent flier programs Hurst,Conway CL DPS5 DNP3
HB 2710 f Offenders with body armor Hurst,Roach PSEP DP7
HB 2711 f Felons with body armor Roach,Hurst PSEP DP7
HB 2796 f Ballot rejection Loomis,Chandler SGTA DPS8
HB 2797 f Climate change impacts Simpson,Eddy APP DP2S(w/o sub LG)20 DNP12
HB 2820 State highway speed limits Condotta,Armstrong TR DPS25 DNP1
HB 2946 Leave sharing for victims Dickerson,Priest SGTA DPS8
HB 2952 f Prostitution/conveyances O'Brien,Kirby JUDI DPS6 DNP5
HB 2954 f District treasurer Hunter,Priest ED DPS8 DNP1
HB 2967 f Apprenticeship programs Conway,Wood CL DPS4 DNP3
HB 2979 f Overtime compensation Williams,Conway CL DP5 DNP3
HB 3001 f Community athletics programs Rolfes,Nelson JUDI DPS7 DNP4
HB 3058 Public transit vehicle stops Takko,Armstrong TR DPS26
HB 3095 f Firearms possession Lantz,Ericks APP DPS(JUDI)19 DNP13
HB 3096 f State route number 520 Clibborn,McIntire TR DPS19 DNP7
HB 3099 f Community empowerment zones Kelley,Darneille FIN DPS9
HB 3116 f Electricity production Kessler,Orcutt FIN DPS9
HB 3134 Ethical conduct Simpson SGTA DP5 DNP3
HB 3138 f Natural disaster tax relief DeBolt,Williams FIN DPS9
HB 3163 f Military improvement zone Kelley,McCune FIN DP2S(w/o sub cedt)8 DNP1
HB 3192 f Alcohol beverage regulation Wood,Conway CL DPS8
HB 3193 f Whistleblower protections Ormsby,Chandler APP DPS32
HB 3201 Fire protection service Simpson,Sullivan LG DPS7
HB 3203 Nursing facility residents Morrell,Campbell HCW DPS11 DNP1
HB 3232 f Offender search and seizure Dickerson,O'Brien APP
HB 3262 f Driving record abstracts Takko TR DP18
HB 3266 f Economic development Liias,Ormsby CB DP14 DNP6
HB 3292 f Executive sessions Kessler,DeBolt SGTA DP5 DNP2
HB 3305 Family leave insurance Dickerson,Conway APP DPS(CL)21 DNP12
HB 3319 f Residential mortgage loans Kirby IFCP DPS6 DNP3
HB 3330 f Career/technical edu bonds Fromhold,Ormsby CB DPS19
HJM 4009 Taiwan in world health org Kessler,Ericksen HCW DP11 DNP1
HJM 4025 Presidential primary Appleton,Hunt SGTA DP6 DNP2
HJM 4028 Media ownership act Wallace,Hasegawa TEC DP12
HB 1376 f Propane used by farmers Ericks,Haler FIN DP7 DNP2
ESHB 1765 Construction claims JUDI(Lantz) JUDI DPS7 DNP2
HB 2146 f Toll projects Seaquist,Rolfes FIN DP8 DNP1