60th Legislature - 2007 - Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore
RICHARD NAFZIGER, Chief Clerk     


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1002 f Sales & use tax on vessels O'Brien,Orcutt FIN DPS9
HB 1006 f Filing of disclosure reports Moeller,Sullivan, B. APP DPS33
HB 1008 f Vulnerable adults Moeller,Lovick JUDI DPS11
HB 1009 f Child support schedule Moeller,Wallace APP DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)34
HB 1010 Juvenile taken into custody Moeller,Hudgins HS DP8
HB 1031 Electronic devices Morris,Hudgins TEC DPS9 w/oRec2
HB 1032 Sustainable energy trust Morris,Hudgins TEC DPS11
HB 1034 Utility bill payments Morris,Hudgins TEC DPS8 DNP2
HB 1040 Specialized forest products Sullivan, B. AGNR DPS9 DNP6
HB 1044 f Contribution rates Fromhold,Conway APP DPS33
HB 1046 Motor vehicle insurance Takko,Campbell TR DPS19 DNP6
HB 1047 Alcohol in food and candy Williams,Blake CL DPS8
HB 1049 f Vancouver historic reserve Fromhold,Orcutt APP DP34
HB 1050 Students with disabilities Upthegrove,Quall ED DPS9
HB 1066 f Insurance claims Kirby,Strow IFCP DPS5 DNP3
HB 1072 f Streamlined sales & use tax McIntire,Condotta FIN DPS7 DNP2
HB 1076 f Rockfish research Blake,Takko APP DP2S(w/o sub AGNR)29
HB 1091 f Innovation partnership zones Van De Wege,Chase APP DPS(CEDT)34
HB 1103 f Health professions Campbell,Green APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)23 DNP11
HB 1105 Homeowner's insurance Campbell,Kirby IFCP DP5 DNP3
HB 1106 f Hospital acquired infections Campbell,Chase APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)30 DNP4
HB 1125 f Forest fire protection Sullivan, B.,Kagi APP DPS(AGNR)33
HB 1137 f Water quality capital acct Fromhold,McDonald CB DP20 DNP1
HB 1148 Mobile & manufactured homes Simpson,Dunn HOUS DPS7
HB 1178 f Associate development org Rolfes,Linville APP DP2S(w/o sub CEDT)34
HB 1188 Physical health of students McCoy,Barlow ED DPS5 DNP4
HB 1193 Fish & wildlife director Sullivan, B.,Pearson AGNR DPS14
HB 1201 f Foster care youth medical Roberts,Kagi APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)32 DNP2
HB 1226 f First peoples' teacher cert Sells,Barlow SGTA DPS6 DNP3
HB 1230 f State route 164 Hurst,Roach TR DP23 DNP2
HB 1232 Real estate excise tax Hunt,Alexander LG DPS7
HB 1242 Adult family home cert Morrell,Hinkle APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)31 DNP3
HB 1249 f Hunter education Blake,Kretz AGNR DPS11 DNP4
HB 1252 f Prerecorded telephone calls Hunter,Buri TEC DPS8 DNP3
HB 1254 Tourism promotion Bailey,Sullivan, B. CEDT DPS8 w/oRec1
HB 1259 f Park passes Sullivan, B.,Kretz AGNR DPS15
HB 1265 f Public retirement system Fromhold,Conway APP DP33
HB 1266 f Death benefits Conway,Fromhold APP DPS33
HB 1276 f Tourism partnership Linville,McDonald APP DPS(CEDT)34
HB 1278 f Unemployment Conway,Simpson CL DPS8
HB 1294 f Special fuel taxes Sullivan, B.,Rodne TR DP19 DNP5
HB 1298 f Dental hygienist Green,Campbell HCW DPS7 DNP6
HB 1312 f Transportation providers Hudgins,Hankins TR DPS22 DNP2
HB 1313 f Railroad shipping Eddy,Hankins TR DP19 DNP5
HB 1314 f Gas & liquid pipelines Morris,Crouse TEC DPS11
HB 1324 f Durable medical equipment Hunter,Lovick FIN DPS9
HB 1329 f Deficit reduction act Flannigan APP DPS(APP)23 DNP11
HB 1331 f Veterinary technicians Haigh,Kretz AGNR DP15
HB 1332 f Affordable housing Pettigrew,Dunn APP
HB 1337 f Colorectal cancer Kenney,Skinner HCW DPS9 DNP4
HB 1343 f Certificate of ownership Takko,Armstrong TR DP21
HB 1346 f Exclusion from gambling Wood,Conway CL DPS8
HB 1351 f Domestic partnerships McDermott,Jarrett JUDI DPS7 DNP4
HB 1371 Rental vehicles Appleton TR DP23
HB 1372 Port districts Rolfes,Appleton LG DPS6 DNP1
HB 1373 f Traffic infractions Lantz,Seaquist TR DPS19 DNP6
HB 1375 Aerospace manufacturing Sullivan, B.,Priest CEDT DP9
HB 1382 f Tangible personal property Ericks,Hunter FIN DP9
HB 1383 f Body piercing Appleton,Campbell HCW DP12
HB 1397 Massage therapy definition Campbell,Kenney HCW DPS11
HB 1404 f Trail grooming services Wallace,Hinkle FIN DP8 w/oRec1
HB 1413 f Definition of floodway Eddy,Simpson LG DP7
HB 1414 f Ambulatory surgical fclt Cody,Green APP DPS(HCW)22 DNP12
HB 1430 Community & economic dev Pettigrew,Haler CEDT DP8
HB 1436 f Student loan revenue bonds McIntire,Chase HE DP9
HB 1449 Gambling licensee info Condotta,Armstrong SGTA DP9
HB 1453 f Water right Grant,Haler AGNR DPS12 DNP2
HB 1471 Voluntary intoxication Kristiansen,O'Brien JUDI DP8 DNP3
HB 1478 f UTC authority Morris,Crouse TEC DP11
HB 1493 f Development activity Hudgins,Simpson TR DP24
HB 1501 f Workers' comp total disable Wood,Conway CL DP8
HB 1517 f World language instruction Schual-Berke,Priest APP DP24 DNP10
HB 1522 f Retirement age for judges Williams,Darneille JUDI DPS11
HB 1524 f Light-emitting diode lights Chase,Morris TEC DPS10 w/oRec1
HB 1525 f Regulatory fairness Chase,Kessler SGTA DP9
HB 1529 f Voter registration Appleton,Chandler SGTA DPS9
HB 1533 f Selling insurance Kirby,Simpson IFCP DPS7 w/oRec1
HB 1543 Economic development officer Buri,Grant CEDT DP9
HB 1552 Broadcast of legal notices McDermott,Wood SGTA DPS9
HB 1561 Watershed management Jarrett,Clibborn JUDI DPS10
HB 1562 f Workers' comp advisory comm Conway,Green CL DPS8
HB 1588 $f Mobility education Upthegrove,Wood TR DPS17 w/oRec7
HB 1590 f Limited jurisdiction/courts Goodman,Rodne JUDI DPS10
HB 1597 Plumbing & electrical lic Moeller APP DPS(CL)34
HB 1605 f Aquatic rehabilitation zone Eickmeyer,Haigh PUGT DPS8
HB 1622 Boundary review boards Moeller,Jarrett LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 1623 f Aquatic lands Morris TEC DPS11
HB 1624 f Child welfare Kagi,Walsh ELCS DPS7
HB 1644 f Part-time academic employees Kenney,Sells HE DP7
HB 1669 District & municipal court Strow,Ericks JUDI DPS10
HB 1670 School counselors Quall,Santos ED DP6
HB 1671 f Salary adjustments Green SGTA DP6 DNP3
HB 1672 f Department of personnel Green SGTA DP7 DNP2
HB 1674 f Cigarette tax contracts Hunter,Conway SGTA DP9
HB 1706 Indian gaming reg act Conway,Hunt CL DP5 DNP2
HB 1722 f Physician assistants Conway,Curtis CL DP7
HB 1741 f Oral history program Hunt,Skinner SGTA DPS9
HB 1747 Regional transit authorities Simpson,Rodne TR DP25
HB 1748 Flood protection Sullivan, B.,Curtis AGNR DPS15
HB 1751 f Indecent exposure Eddy,McDonald PSEP DPS7
HB 1777 Charitable organizations Rodne,Lantz APP DPS(JUDI)33 w/oRec1
HB 1784 f Investment of funds Kenney,Sells CB DPS19 DNP1
HB 1789 f Home heating oil tanks Kagi,Priest IFCP DP8
HB 1793 f Indigent defense grants Lantz,Hinkle JUDI DP10
HB 1797 f Ephedrine & pseudoephedrine O'Brien,Campbell PSEP DPS7
HB 1802 f Human papillomavirus Darneille,Kenney HCW DPS9 DNP4
HB 1805 Homestead exemption Morrell,Lantz JUDI DPS8 DNP2
HB 1820 f Electric vehicles Dickerson,Hankins TR DP23
HB 1826 f Medical benefits Seaquist,Hinkle HCW DPS13
HB 1832 Limitation on actions Hunt,Chandler SGTA DPS9
HB 1836 f Sex & kidnapping offenders Ericks,Pearson PSEP DP7
HB 1837 f Nonambulatory persons Newhouse,Cody HCW DPS13
HB 1848 f ID for health services Curtis,Cody HCW DPS13
HB 1849 f Design-build construction Flannigan,Ormsby TR DP21
HB 1850 Prescription information Pedersen,Schual-Berke HCW DP9 w/oRec3
HB 1852 f Treatment records Green,Cody HCW DP11
HB 1855 f Sexual health education Schual-Berke,Kessler APP DPS(HCW)24 DNP9
HB 1857 f Utility pole attachments McCoy,Kessler TEC DPS7 w/oRec4
HB 1865 Landlords Williams,O'Brien JUDI DPS11
HB 1870 Juneteenth Pedersen,Ross SGTA DP9
HB 1879 Dept of natural resources Blake,Sullivan, B. AGNR DPS15
HB 1925 Industrial land banks Curtis,Fromhold LG DP7
HB 1930 Rural library districts Williams LG DP7
HB 1937 Consumer protection act Lantz JUDI DPS11
HB 1949 f Harvesting geoduck clams Williams,Conway CL DP7
HB 1959 f Department of early learning Kagi,Haler ELCS DP7
HB 1960 f Court of appeals Williams,Quall APP DP22 DNP12
HB 1961 f Professional athletics Conway,Hudgins CL DPS7
HB 1965 Major industrial development Eddy,Curtis LG DPS7
HB 1967 Physician convicted for DUI Moeller,Skinner JUDI DP11
HB 1987 Metal theft Warnick,Armstrong JUDI DPS10
HB 2003 f Business enterprise program Alexander,Hunt SGTA DPS9
HB 2007 Allowable fuel blends Eddy,Crouse TEC DPS10
HB 2013 f Tribal & Indian law officers Williams,O'Brien SGTA DPS6 DNP3
HB 2019 Signature gatherers McDermott,Ormsby SGTA DPS5 DNP4
HB 2023 f Newborn screening fees Schual-Berke,Hinkle APP DPS33
HB 2026 Recruiter access to student Santos,McDermott ED DP6 DNP3
HB 2033 Payroll deductions Ormsby,Campbell SGTA DP7 DNP2
HB 2034 Victims of vehicle theft Jarrett,Clibborn JUDI DP9
HB 2047 Ballot measure committees McDermott SGTA DP5 DNP4
HB 2052 Disposition orders McCoy,Rodne HS DP6 DNP2
HB 2056 f Recycling Lantz,Goodman AGNR DPS10 DNP4
HB 2070 f Exceptional sentences O'Brien,Goodman PSEP DP7
HB 2079 Agency shop fees McDermott,Ormsby SGTA DP6 DNP3
HB 2087 f Health care facilities Fromhold,Hinkle APP DPS31 DNP2
HB 2092 f Buildable lands requirements Miloscia,Springer LG DPS5 DNP2
HB 2103 Telecommunications Morris,Crouse TEC DPS11
HB 2104 f Real property electronic rec Curtis,Simpson LG DP7
HB 2107 f Settlement agreements Schual-Berke,Sullivan, B. AGNR DPS15
HB 2110 Fire protection facilities Simpson,Ericks LG DP4 DNP3
HB 2125 f School employee housing Miloscia,O'Brien ED DP6 DNP3
HB 2129 f Geothermal resources Van De Wege,Hudgins TEC DPS10
HB 2137 School employees' children Wallace,Skinner ED DP9
HB 2152 Election certification Appleton,Seaquist SGTA DP9
HB 2156 f Carbon dioxide mitigation Morris,Kenney TEC DP11
HB 2161 Code cities & noncode cities Simpson,Curtis LG DP7
HB 2163 f Medical benefits adm account Cody,Sommers APP DP21 DNP11
HB 2170 f Law enforcement agency staff Ross,O'Brien PSEP DP6
HB 2177 Definition of a weapon Moeller,Williams JUDI DPS11
HB 2204 Nursing homes Morrell,Cody HCW DP13
HB 2209 Autopsy reports & records Seaquist,Morrell HCW DPS9 DNP4
HB 2244 Homeless tent encampments Miloscia,Ormsby HOUS DPS4 DNP2
HB 2263 Dishwashing detergent Blake,Moeller AGNR DP15
HB 2265 Supervised community options Goodman,Rodne HS DPS6 DNP2
HB 2274 Competitive bid limits McIntire,Sullivan, B. LG DP7
HJM 4001 Oliver Punks Smith Pearson,Lovick TR DP25
HJM 4002 Northwest Straits Sullivan, B.,Upthegrove PUGT DP8
HJM 4003 Federal lands recreation Chase,Morris AGNR DPS10 DNP3
HJM 4005 Universal health care system Moeller,Takko HCW DP7 DNP4
HJM 4006 Timber on federal land Blake,Newhouse AGNR DP14
HJM 4008 Employee free choice act Conway,Campbell CL DPS5 DNP2
HJM 4011 Saddle stock animals Kessler,Warnick AGNR DPS13
HJM 4012 No child left behind act Quall,Jarrett ED DPS6 w/oRec3
HJM 4014 Tax reform act of 1954 Morrell,Cody HCW DP8 DNP3
HJM 4015 Highly qualified teachers Ormsby,Priest ED DPS9
HJM 4016 Children's health insurance Seaquist,Hinkle HCW DP11
HJM 4017 Highways 112 and 113 Kessler,Van De Wege TR DP24
HJR 4204 School levies Schual-Berke,Chase ED DP8 DNP1
HJR 4209 Retirement age for judges Williams,Darneille JUDI DP11
HJR 4211 County functions Sommers,Curtis LG DP5 DNP2
HJR 4215 Prohibitions on investment Kenney,Sells CB DPS19 DNP1
HCR 4404 Workforce training Kenney,Anderson HE DP7
SSB 5089 f Streamlined sales & use tax WM (Regala) FIN DP7 DNP2
SSB 5191 f Missing persons JUD (Hatfield) PSEP DP7