60th Legislature - 2008 - Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore
BARBARA BAKER, Chief Clerk     


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1010 Juvenile taken into custody Moeller,Hudgins HS DPA8
HB 1046 Motor vehicle insurance Takko,Campbell TR DP2S15 DNP11
HB 1115 $f Homelessness Miloscia,Pettigrew APPG DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)10 DNP4
HB 1232 Real estate excise tax Hunt,Alexander LG DP2S7
HB 1324 f Durable medical equipment Hunter,Lovick FIN DP2S9
HB 1332 f Affordable housing Pettigrew,Dunn APP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)22 DNP8
HB 1364 f Property tax relief Seaquist,Rolfes FIN DPS9
HB 1545 f Workers' comp death benefit Kirby,Ericks CL DP8
HB 1621 f Manufactured/mobile home Sullivan, B.,Sells FIN DP2S6 DNP3
ESHB 1741 f Oral history program SGTA(Hunt) APPG DP3S(w/o sub SGTA)14
ESHB 1873 f Wrongful injury or death JUDI(Ormsby) APP DP3S19 DNP11
HB 1957 DOT highway contracts Eddy TR DPS21 DNP2
HB 2015 f Genetic counselors Schual-Berke,McIntire APP DPS(HCW)23 DNP11
HB 2110 Fire protection facilities Simpson,Ericks LG DP4 DNP3
HB 2134 f Port district fire fighter Van De Wege,Linville APP DP32
HB 2208 f Window tint requirements Wallace TR DP23 DNP3
HB 2332 f Levies by school districts Hunter FIN DPS6 DNP3
SHB 2338 f Job development fund CB (Fromhold) CB DP22
HB 2344 f Rail corridors Wallace,Rodne TR DP2S22 DNP2
HB 2426 f High-efficiency lighting Chase,Williams APPG DP2S(w/o sub TEC)14
HB 2434 Canvassing board membership Miloscia,Hunt SGTA DPS4 DNP3
HB 2444 $f Offender internet info Pearson,McCune APPG DPS14
HB 2449 f Child care center employees Pettigrew,Conway APP DP2S(w/o sub CL)22 DNP10
HB 2452 f Wildlife rehab committee Appleton,Campbell AGNR DPS9 DNP3
HB 2455 f Fare media monetary value Appleton,Hudgins TR DPS18
HB 2465 Legal financial obligations Warnick,O'Brien JUDI DP10 DNP1
HB 2468 f Community and urban forestry Van De Wege,Warnick APP DPS32
HB 2476 f Tribal police officers McCoy,Simpson APPG
HB 2484 Annexation review board Moeller,Dunn LG DP4 DNP2
HB 2485 f Local infrastructure finance Fromhold,Orcutt FIN DP7 DNP2
HB 2502 f Jurisdictional transfers Clibborn TR DP25
HB 2503 Offender's risk level O'Brien,Morrell PSEP DP7
HB 2505 $f Patrol vessel funding O'Brien APPG DP2S(w/o sub PSEP)14
HB 2507 f Higher edu institutions O'Brien,Ormsby CB DP2S(w/o sub PSEP)21 DNP1
HB 2509 Aquatic land purchases Rolfes,Upthegrove CB DPS(EPAR)17 DNP5
HB 2514 f Orca whale protection Quall,Appleton APPG DP2S(w/o sub AGNR)10 DNP4
HB 2519 f Smoking in vehicles Schual-Berke,Hunt TR DPS18 DNP8
HB 2527 f Rural county definition Bailey,Kenney APPG DP13 DNP1
HB 2530 f Hydraulic project approval Nelson,Cody APP DP2S(w/o sub AGNR)29
HB 2533 f Utility pole attachments McCoy,Chase APP DP2S(w/o sub TEC)23 DNP9
HB 2535 Shoreline management act Lantz,Hunt LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 2537 f Health insurance partnership Cody,Hasegawa APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)23 DNP11
HB 2542 f Cigarette taxes Ericks FIN DP9
HB 2543 f Florists' personal property Hunter,Ericks FIN DPS8 DNP1
HB 2547 Canine cruelty Dunshee,Lantz JUDI DPS11
HB 2548 f UW at Everett Dunshee,Sells APP DPA(HE)19 DNP13
HB 2553 f Puget Sound hazardous wastes Dickerson,Hudgins EPAR DPS6 DNP3
HB 2554 f Lid lift ballot propositions Dickerson,McIntire FIN DPS8 DNP1
HB 2557 f Trial court operation Goodman,Barlow APPG DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)14
HB 2564 f Drivers' edu curriculum Upthegrove,Pedersen TR DP19 w/oRec7
HB 2575 f Fire sprinkler systems Simpson,Ormsby LG DPS7
HB 2577 Concurrency requirements Simpson LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 2580 f Military employees' paydates Hurst,McCoy APP DPS32
HB 2584 f Rainwater collection McCoy,O'Brien APPG DP2S(w/o sub AGNR)8 DNP6
HB 2585 f Newspaper supplement tax McIntire,Kessler FIN DPS8 DNP1
HB 2588 f Office of public defense Lantz,Rodne APP DPS(JUDI)32
HB 2591 f Higher education data Wallace,Sells APPE DP2S(w/o sub HE)17
HB 2592 f Vendor overpayments Morrell,Van De Wege APP DPS32
HB 2597 f Kindergarten assessment Sullivan,Pedersen APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)15 DNP3
HB 2601 f Petition signature gatherers Hunt,Hasegawa APPG DP2S(w/o sub SGTA)8 DNP6
HB 2604 Impact fee exemption Simpson,Ormsby LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 2609 f Property revaluation plans McIntire,Condotta FIN DPS9
HB 2611 $f Annual property revaluations McIntire,Condotta FIN DPS9
HB 2618 Water-sewer districts Takko,Ross LG DP6 DNP1
HB 2624 f Human remains McCoy,Kessler APP DP2S(w/o sub SGTA)21 DNP12
HB 2625 f Employer-assisted housing Springer,Ericks FIN DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)9
HB 2626 f Emergency eligibility Van De Wege,Kessler CL DPS8
HB 2631 f Regulatory assistance office Linville,Kretz APPG DP2S(w/o sub SGTA)14
HB 2635 f School district boundaries Quall APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)17
HB 2647 f Children's safe products Dickerson,Hudgins APP DP2S(w/o sub ENVH)19 DNP10
HB 2650 f Cigarette tax agreement Santos,Ericks FIN DP7 DNP2
HB 2651 f Public employees' benefits Fromhold,Morrell APP DP32
HB 2668 f Long-term care programs Morrell,Green APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)32
HB 2675 f Nonprofit organization tax Hasegawa,Chase FIN DPS9
HB 2683 $f Affordable housing for all Miloscia,Chase APP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)21 DNP9
HB 2690 f Mental health first aid Cody,Hasegawa APP DPS21 w/oRec8
HB 2693 f Long-term care workers Morrell,Darneille APP DPS22 DNP10
HB 2698 Teen pregnancy prevention Cody,Loomis HCW DPS7 DNP6
HB 2699 f Minimum wage Moeller,Conway APP
HB 2703 f Energy efficiency Morris,Morrell APPG DP2S(w/o sub TEC)9 DNP5
HB 2709 f Locally grown food Hurst,Pettigrew APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)17
HB 2712 $f Criminal street gangs Hurst,Ross APP DP2S(w/o sub PSEP)33
HB 2718 Frequent ferry user fares Appleton,Rolfes TR DPS24
HB 2726 Cost recovery Fromhold,Ericks LG DP4 DNP3
HB 2746 Fuel purchases Jarrett,Morris TR DPS26
HB 2747 f Judicial district population Hunt JUDI DP10
HB 2750 f Regional support networks Cody,Hinkle HCW DPS10 DNP3
HB 2752 Aerial search and rescue O'Brien,Hurst JUDI DPS11
HB 2756 f Commitment center calls Kelley,Green APP DPS33
HB 2759 f Bail bond agents Conway,Wood CL DPS8
HB 2767 Agricultural structures Blake,Kretz LG DPS5 w/oRec2
HB 2768 f Burns bans Campbell,Hunt ENVH DP7 DNP1
HB 2777 f Sm community grant program Clibborn,Ericksen APPG DP2S(w/o sub LG)14
HB 2778 f Real estate licensure Conway,Wood APP DPS(CL)29
HB 2792 Parimutuel system breaks Wood,Condotta CL DP7
HB 2796 f Ballot rejection Loomis,Chandler SGTA DPS8
HB 2797 f Climate change impacts Simpson,Eddy APP DP2S(w/o sub LG)20 DNP12
HB 2807 f Judicial candidate info Schual-Berke,Hunt APPG DP2S(w/o sub SGTA)9 DNP5
HB 2809 f Math and science teachers Sullivan,Haler APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)17
HB 2813 f Teacher preparation programs Quall,Upthegrove ED DP9
HB 2815 f Green collar jobs Dunshee,Priest APP DP2S(w/o sub EPAR)25 DNP9
HB 2816 f Health care device/procedure Campbell,Morrell HCW DPS9 DNP4
HB 2817 f Meth contamination Campbell,Green TR DP2S(w/o sub ENVH)17
HB 2818 Waste reduction Campbell,Hudgins ENVH DPS8
HB 2820 State highway speed limits Condotta,Armstrong TR DPS25 DNP1
HB 2821 f Parental rights hearings Kagi,Dickerson ELCS DP7
HB 2822 f Family/juvenile court prog Kagi,Walsh APP DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)32
HB 2829 $f Financial literacy Kelley,Williams APPG DP2S(w/o sub IFCP)10 DNP4
HB 2832 Basic education Anderson,Fromhold APP
HB 2833 f All mail voting Hunt,Appleton SGTA DPS5 DNP3
HB 2843 f Ballot drop-off sites Upthegrove,Sells SGTA DP5 DNP3
HB 2844 f Urban forestry Kagi,Priest APP DP2S(w/o sub EPAR)27 DNP5
HB 2847 f Weatherization assistance Ormsby,Schindler FIN DPS9
HB 2850 f Puget Sound research Rolfes,Upthegrove APPG DP14
HB 2852 Public office defamation Miloscia,Haler SGTA DPS5 DNP3
HB 2854 f Countywide policy compliance Miloscia LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 2864 f Certified payroll records Ormsby,Wood CL DPS5 DNP3
HB 2873 f Housing finance commission Ormsby,Liias CB DP22
HB 2880 f Rental car tax Kenney,McIntire FIN DPS8 DNP1
HB 2882 f Lead-containing products Wood,Hudgins APPG DP2S(w/o sub ENVH)9 DNP5
HB 2887 f PERS/judges Fromhold,Crouse APP DP24 DNP5
HB 2893 Forest practices board Van De Wege,Kessler AGNR DPS13
HB 2899 f Adult literacy education Darneille,Santos APP DPS29 w/oRec4
HB 2901 f Artistic organizations Springer,Orcutt FIN DP9
HB 2903 f Access coordinator Lantz,Rodne APPG DPS14
HB 2904 Publicly funded tv stations Haler,Hailey SGTA DPS6 DNP2
HB 2917 f Voter registration and info Upthegrove,Warnick APPG DPS9 DNP5
HB 2918 f Military children Wallace,Chase APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)17
HB 2924 f Driver's license renewal Flannigan,Ormsby TR
HB 2933 f Prior learning work group Wallace,Kenney APPE DPS17
HB 2938 Annexation procedures Simpson,Schindler LG DPS7
HB 2943 f Factory assembled structures Wood,Conway CL DPS7 DNP1
HB 2946 Leave sharing for victims Dickerson,Priest SGTA DPS8
HB 2949 f Liquor revolving fund Linville,Conway APP DP27 w/oRec1
HB 2950 Concurrency and impact fees Eddy,Simpson LG DP7
HB 2952 f Prostitution/conveyances O'Brien,Kirby JUDI DPS6 DNP5
HB 2958 f Lottery revenue Hunter,McIntire APP DPS32
HB 2963 f WSU collective bargaining Conway,Campbell APP DPS21 DNP11
HB 2966 f HVAC and refrigeration Conway,Wood APP DP2S(w/o sub CL)19 DNP14
HB 2967 f Apprenticeship programs Conway,Wood CL DPS4 DNP3
HB 2976 Math assessment Sullivan,Haigh ED DP7 DNP2
HB 2979 f Overtime compensation Williams,Conway CL DP5 DNP3
HB 2980 f Ex parte contacts Williams,Conway CL DPS5 DNP3
HB 2981 f Surface mines Williams,Blake AGNR DPS13
HB 2993 f Medical assistance Dickerson,Kagi APP DPS32
HB 2996 f Antifreeze products Loomis,Dunshee CL DPS8
HB 3001 f Community athletics programs Rolfes,Nelson JUDI DPS7 DNP4
HB 3003 f Mental health treatment Cody,Dickerson APP DP32
HB 3013 f Nursing facility payment sys Cody,Morrell APP DP22 DNP10
HB 3019 f TRS/SERS Fromhold,Conway APP DP32
HB 3025 f Higher edu retirement Fromhold,Conway APP DP32
HB 3027 f Plan 2/retirement systems Cody,Fromhold APP DP29
HB 3036 WA state quality award Miloscia,Hudgins LG DP7
HB 3047 f Higher edu course materials Armstrong,Newhouse HE DPA8 DNP2
HB 3051 f Transportation project tax Seaquist,Lantz FIN DPS7 DNP2
HB 3052 Wildstock geoduck resource Appleton,Sells AGNR DPS13
HB 3054 f Heritage and arts programs Hunter,Priest FIN DP7 DNP2
HB 3058 Public transit vehicle stops Takko,Armstrong TR DPS26
HB 3059 f Lead blood level assessments Hudgins,Hasegawa APP DPS20 DNP9
HB 3067 f Life settlements model act Kirby IFCP DP8 w/oRec1
HB 3068 High-capacity transportation Clibborn,Fromhold TR DPS18
HB 3069 f Driver improvement schools Wallace TR DPS17
HB 3071 Condominium statutes Goodman,Rodne HOUS DPS7
HB 3076 f Aerospace manufacturing Liias,Rodne CEDT DPS9
HB 3095 f Firearms possession Lantz,Ericks APP DPS(JUDI)19 DNP13
HB 3096 f State route number 520 Clibborn,McIntire TR DPS19 DNP7
HB 3099 f Community empowerment zones Kelley,Darneille FIN DPS9
HB 3115 f Small business incubators Kenney,Skinner APPG DP2S(w/o sub CEDT)11 DNP3
HB 3116 f Electricity production Kessler,Orcutt FIN DPS9
HB 3117 LEAP document Hunter,Sullivan APP DP32
HB 3120 f Construction tax exemption Rolfes,Morrell FIN DPS9
HB 3121 f Construction industry Conway,Green APP DP2S(w/o sub CL)31 DNP2
HB 3123 Nurse staffing Morrell,Cody APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)28
HB 3125 Bldg communities fund Kenney,Haler CB DP2S(w/o sub CEDT)14 DNP8
HB 3126 Local govts to license/tax Loomis,Orcutt FIN DPS9
HB 3129 f College credit Schmick,Anderson APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)17
HB 3131 f School safety Lantz,Goodman JUDI DPS11
HB 3134 Ethical conduct Simpson SGTA DP5 DNP3
HB 3137 f Property tax relief DeBolt,Kessler FIN DP9
HB 3138 f Natural disaster tax relief DeBolt,Williams FIN DPS9
HB 3139 f Industrial insurance orders Conway,Wood APP DP2S(w/o sub CL)21 DNP11
HB 3142 f Rapid response loan program Liias,Chase CB DP20 DNP1
HB 3145 Foster parent licensing Kagi,Haler APP DP2S(w/o sub ELCS)21 DNP11
HB 3148 f Firearm license Moeller JUDI DPS11
HB 3149 f Investment board personnel Sommers,Haler APP DPS27 DNP7
HB 3151 f National disaster counties Alexander,DeBolt FIN DP9
HB 3158 f Transportation improvement Flannigan,Hudgins TR DP18 DNP8
HB 3159 f Voter registration Chandler,Roach APPG DP2S(w/o sub SGTA)14
HB 3160 Nutrition information Springer,Newhouse CL DPS6 w/oRec2
HB 3163 f Military improvement zone Kelley,McCune FIN DP2S(w/o sub cedt)8 DNP1
HB 3167 f Environmental health Hunt,Campbell ENVH DPS8
HB 3176 f Bottled wine Kenney,Conway CL DPS8
HB 3177 Expenditure limit committee Sommers,Dunshee APP DP22 DNP12
HB 3179 Dog bites Ross JUDI DPS11
HB 3180 $ Housing investments Ormsby,Green CB DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)13 DNP8
HB 3181 PFD board of directors Wood,Ahern LG DP7
HB 3183 f Park maintenance equipment McDonald,Flannigan TR DPS26
HB 3185 f Water system program Appleton,Dunshee CB DPS21
HB 3186 f Beach management districts Nelson APPG DP2S(w/o sub LG)14
HB 3188 f Waste vegetable oil Roach,Hurst FIN DP9
HB 3192 f Alcohol beverage regulation Wood,Conway CL DPS8
HB 3193 f Whistleblower protections Ormsby,Chandler APP DPS32
HB 3201 Fire protection service Simpson,Sullivan LG DPS7
HB 3202 WA vesting laws Simpson,Sells LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 3205 f Child long-term well-being Jarrett,Walsh APP DP2S(w/o sub ELCS)32
HB 3206 f Annual econ impact report Kenney,Haler CEDT DPS9
HB 3216 f Wave/tidal energy technology Seaquist,Morris APPG DP2S(w/o sub TEC)12 DNP2
HB 3218 Ferry vessels Clibborn,Van De Wege TR DPS22 DNP4
HB 3221 f Financial services Santos,Darneille FIN DP2S(w/o sub IFCP)6 DNP3
HB 3224 f Commuter rail services Loomis,Hunter TR DPS23 DNP3
HB 3227 Hood Canal water quality Eickmeyer,Sump APPG DP2S(w/o sub ENVH)14
HB 3230 f Shoreline mgmt act notice Conway,Darneille LG DP7
HB 3232 f Offender search and seizure Dickerson,O'Brien APP
HB 3234 f Earned income tax credit Green,Darneille FIN DPS6 DNP3
HB 3245 f Aerospace industry tax Liias,Orcutt FIN DPS8 DNP1
HB 3246 School impact fee Fromhold,Flannigan LG DP5 w/oRec2
HB 3249 PEBB benefits Cody,Fromhold APP DP32
HB 3254 f DUI liquor/drugs Goodman,Pedersen TR DP2S(w/o sub JUDI)17
HB 3259 f Port district financing Hunter,Hudgins FIN DPS9
HB 3260 f Computer server equipment Grant,Santos FIN DPS8 DNP1
HB 3261 Wireless communications Flannigan,Wallace TR DP25 w/oRec1
HB 3262 f Driving record abstracts Takko TR DP18
HB 3263 f Dual credit strategic plan Wallace,Kenney APPE DPS17
HB 3264 Public works projects Loomis,Ormsby CB DPS14 DNP7
HB 3266 f Economic development Liias,Ormsby CB DP14 DNP6
HB 3269 f Intervention specialist Roach,Haler APPE DP2S(w/o sub ELCS)17
HB 3274 f Port district contracting Simpson,Hudgins APPG DP2S(w/o sub LG)14
HB 3275 f Grocery distribution co-ops Linville,Ericksen FIN DP9
HB 3281 Port district levies Seaquist,Rolfes LG DP7
HB 3283 f Military personnel/taxes Herrera,Takko FIN DPS9
HB 3289 Special license plates Simpson,Kelley TR DPS26
HB 3291 f Community schools act Kelley,Santos CB DPS14 DNP6
HB 3303 f Polysilicon manufacturers Grant,Walsh FIN DP7 DNP2
HB 3305 Family leave insurance Dickerson,Conway APP DPS(CL)21 DNP12
HB 3309 $f Columbia river water Ormsby,Kretz APP DP2S(w/o sub AGNR)32
HB 3317 Math/science standards Hunter,Anderson ED DP9
HB 3326 Telephone directories Simpson,Hudgins TEC DPS8 w/oRec4
HB 3329 f Education capital projects Fromhold,McDonald CB DPS20
HB 3330 f Career/technical edu bonds Fromhold,Ormsby CB DPS19
HB 3349 f Residential contractors Ericks,Eddy APP DP2S(w/o sub CL)32
HB 3360 Time certificate of deposit Hasegawa,Santos FIN DP9
HB 3362 f Energy efficient equipment Kelley FIN DP9
HJM 4009 Taiwan in world health org Kessler,Ericksen HCW DP11 DNP1
HJM 4025 Presidential primary Appleton,Hunt SGTA DP6 DNP2
HJM 4028 Media ownership act Wallace,Hasegawa TEC DP12
HJM 4029 Marine conservation Liias,Loomis AGNR DP13
HJM 4030 Oliver "Punks" Smith Pearson,Clibborn TR DP26
SB 6310 Chapter 10.77 RCW references Hargrove HS DP8