10:36 AM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1077 Fish & wildlife data Blake,Kretz NROR DPA9
SHB 1144 Jurisdiction over judgments Williams,etc. JUD DP6 w/oRec2
HB 1229 Wildlife account B. Sullivan NROR DP9
SHB 1233 Fixed payment insurance Ericks,etc. HEA DPA9
HB 1247 f Long-term care services Morrell,Hinkle,etc.,DSHS HEA DP9
SHB 1258 Air pollution control agcy Alexander,etc. GO DP6
SHB 1264 f Portability of retirement Fromhold,etc. WM DP19
SHB 1266 f Death benefits Conway,etc. WM DPA21
SHB 1279 $f Poet laureate program Skinner,etc. GO DP4 w/oRec1
HB 1311 f Small farm assistance prog Grant,Hailey,etc.,AGR ARED DP5
SHB 1314 f Gas & liquid pipelines Morris,etc. WET DP10
SHB 1338 Beer commission P. Sullivan,etc. ARED DP5
HB 1344 f Window tint exemption Lovick,Rodne,etc.,WSP TRAN DP14
HB 1370 f Prevailing wages Green,Conway,etc. LCRD DP7
HB 1371 Rental vehicles Appleton TRAN DPA13
HB 1412 f Shoreline master program Eddy,Curtis,etc.,ECY WET DP10
EHB 1413 f Definition of floodway Eddy,Simpson,etc.,ECY WET DP10
HB 1431 f Certificates of discharge Goodman,Lantz,etc.,SEC HSC DP6
HB 1437 Sexual assault protection Eddy,Williams,etc. JUD DP8
HB 1475 f Volunteer firefighters Hurst,Haigh,etc. GO DP5
HB 1556 Walla Walla sweet onion Walsh,Grant,etc. ARED DP4 w/oRec1
HB 1645 f Health care authority Pedersen,Curtis,etc.,HCA HEA DP9
HB 1676 Public utility districts Fromhold,Curtis,etc. WET DP10
SHB 1826 Medical benefits Seaquist,etc. HEA DP9
HB 1852 f Treatment records Green,Cody,etc.,DSHS HSC DP6
HB 1888 f Brassica seed production Linville,Newhouse,etc. ARED DP5
HB 1966 Physician assistants Curtis,Cody,etc. HEA DPA8
SHB 1975 f Alcoholic beverage license Springer,etc. LCRD DP7
SHB 2300 College textbooks Hasegawa,etc. HIE DP5
HB 2319 f Early learning Kagi,P. Sullivan,etc. HIE DP5

Total Count: 30