2:02 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 5006 Public works board projects Fraser,Brandland,etc.,DCD ,PWB WM DP19
SB 5440 f Public facilities districts Keiser,Kauffman,etc. WM DPS14 w/oRec1
SB 5493 f Forest products businesses Hargrove,Zarelli,etc. WM DPS17 w/oRec1
SB 5518 f Dept of retirement systems Fairley,DRS WM DP19
SB 5651 f Community credit needs Kauffman,Kastama,etc. FI DPS5
SB 5766 Investment of funds Fraser,Brandland,etc.,WASH WM DP19
SJR 8220 Prohibition on investment Fraser,Brandland,etc.,WASH WM DP19
SCR 8407 Liquor laws Kohl-Welles,Clements,etc. LCRD DPS7
HB 1000 f Special parking privileges Kessler,Kagi,etc. TRAN DP13
SHB 1002 f Sales & use tax on vessels O'Brien,etc. WM DP20
ESHB 1024 Polybrominated diphenyl Hunter,etc. WET DP7 DNP4
SHB 1039 f Ecology department opinions B. Sullivan,etc. WET DP11
ESHB 1047 Alcohol in food and candy Williams,etc. LCRD DP7
HB 1064 Veterans' benefits Seaquist,Morrell,etc. GO DP5
HB 1077 Fish & wildlife data Blake,Kretz NROR DPA9
SHB 1082 Shellfish/seaweed license Blake,etc. NROR DPA9
SHB 1117 Homeless housing and asst Miloscia,etc. CPH DP9
HB 1137 f Water quality capital acct Fromhold,McDonald,etc.,OFM WM DP18
SHB 1148 Mobile & manufactured homes Simpson,etc. CPH DP7
HB 1166 County treasurers Takko,Alexander,etc. GO DPA5
HB 1185 f Timber purchases VanDeWege,Kristiansen,etc. WM DP19
EHB 1217 f Clubhouse rehabilitation Hinkle,Darneille,etc. HSC DPA6
HB 1224 Student course materials Kelley,Sells,etc. HIE DP5
HB 1229 Wildlife account B. Sullivan NROR DP9
SHB 1233 Fixed payment insurance Ericks,etc. HEA DPA9
2SHB 1242 f Adult family home cert Morrell,etc. HEA DP8 w/oRec1
SHB 1246 f Residential services McCoy,etc. HEA DP8 w/oRec1
HB 1247 f Long-term care services Morrell,Hinkle,etc.,DSHS HEA DP9
SHB 1258 Air pollution control agcy Alexander,etc. GO DP6
SHB 1261 f Service credit/disability Crouse,etc. WM DP19
SHB 1262 f Public employment/retirees Bailey,etc. WM DP19
SHB 1264 f Portability of retirement Fromhold,etc. WM DP19
SHB 1266 f Death benefits Conway,etc. WM DPA21
SHB 1279 $ Poet laureate program Skinner,etc. GO DP4 w/oRec1
HB 1291 f Advance deposit wagering Quall,Priest,etc.,HRC LCRD DP5
HB 1292 f Veterans' cemetery Barlow,Ahern,etc.,DVA GO DP4
HB 1293 f Regulatory assessment fees Cody,Sommers,INS WM DP18 w/oRec1
HB 1296 f Information technology Hunter,Anderson GO DP5
HB 1305 f Food lockers Kretz,Warnick,etc.,AGR ARED DP5
HB 1311 f Small farm assistance prog Grant,Hailey,etc.,AGR ARED DP5
SHB 1312 f Transportation providers Hudgins,etc. TRAN DP13 w/oRec1
HB 1313 f Railroad shipping Eddy,Hankins,etc.,UTC TRAN DPA12 DNP1
SHB 1314 f Gas & liquid pipelines Morris,etc. WET DP10
SHB 1338 Beer commission P. Sullivan,etc. ARED DP5
HB 1343 f Certificate of ownership Takko,Armstrong,WSP TRAN DPA13 w/oRec1
HB 1344 f Window tint exemption Lovick,Rodne,etc.,WSP TRAN DP14
HB 1349 f Sale of alcoholic beverages Condotta,Wood LCRD DP7
HB 1370 f Prevailing wages Green,Conway,etc. LCRD DP7
HB 1371 Rental vehicles Appleton TRAN DPA13
SHB 1381 f Laws relating to taxes Hasegawa,etc. WM DP19
HB 1391 Office of mayor Eddy,Ross,etc. GO DP5
SHB 1394 Medical students Williams,etc. HIE DP5
SHB 1398 U of W and WSU Fromhold,etc. WM DP19
HB 1412 f Shoreline master program Eddy,Curtis,etc.,ECY WET DP10
EHB 1413 f Definition of floodway Eddy,Simpson,etc.,ECY WET DP10
HB 1418 Dangerous wild animals Lovick,Campbell,etc. CPH DPA6 w/oRec1
HB 1430 Community & economic dev Pettigrew,Haler,etc. EDTM DP6
HB 1431 f Certificates of discharge Goodman,Lantz,etc.,SEC HSC DP6
HB 1457 f Youth soccer referees Lovick,Dunshee,etc. LCRD DPA5
E2SHB 1461 Manufactured/mobile home Morrell,etc. CPH DPA5 w/oRec1
HB 1475 f Volunteer firefighters Hurst,Haigh,etc. GO DP5
HB 1505 f Special parking privileges Clibborn,Curtis,etc. HEA DP9
SHB 1507 f Shared leave Seaquist,etc. GO DP5
SHB 1508 f Resale of natural gas Orcutt,etc. WM DP20
SHB 1513 f Forest products businesses Kessler,etc. WM DP17
HB 1543 Economic development officer Buri,Grant,etc. EDTM DPA6
HB 1556 Walla Walla sweet onion Walsh,Grant,etc. ARED DP4 w/oRec1
SHB 1565 Child in need of services Kagi,etc. HSC DP6
SHB 1566 f Rural county tax credit VanDeWege,etc. WM DP19
SHB 1574 f Business and professions Wood,etc. LCRD DP5
HB 1644 f Part-time academic employees Kenney,Sells,etc.,HCA HIE DPA5
HB 1645 f Health care authority Pedersen,Curtis,etc.,HCA HEA DP9
HB 1666 f Nurse practitioners Green,Conway,etc. LCRD DP7
HB 1674 f Cigarette tax contracts Hunter,Conway,etc.,DOR WM DPA19
HB 1676 Public utility districts Fromhold,Curtis,etc. WET DP10
HB 1680 f LEOFFRS service credit Hunter,Haler,etc.,LPRB WM DP21
SHB 1693 f State ferry employees Appleton,etc. LCRD DP5
SHB 1734 Campaign funding/disclosure Haigh,etc. GO DP4
SHB 1784 f Investment of funds Kenney,etc. WM DP19
HB 1813 Committee for outdoor rec Kelley,Priest,etc.,IAC NROR DP8 w/oRec1
SHB 1826 Medical benefits Seaquist,etc. HEA DP9
HB 1831 Election cycle Hunt,Armstrong,etc. GO DP5
HB 1852 f Treatment records Green,Cody,etc.,DSHS HSC DP6
HB 1870 Juneteenth Pedersen,Ross,etc. GO DP5
HB 1888 f Brassica seed production Linville,Newhouse,etc. ARED DP5
SHB 1929 Environmental mitigation Hurst,etc. WET DPA7 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1940 f Proposed land dispositions Schindler,Simpson,etc. GO DP6
HB 1972 Irrigation dist foreclosure Ross,Newhouse GO DP6
SHB 1975 f Alcoholic beverage license Springer,etc. LCRD DP7
ESHB 1981 f Financial information Hunter,etc. WM DP17
SHB 2008 f Quinault Indian Reservation VanDeWege,etc. WM DP19 w/oRec2
HB 2090 Family policy council Dickerson,Dunn,etc. HSC DPA6
SHB 2103 Telecommunications Morris,etc. WET DP11
SHB 2158 f Vehicle sale to nonresident Hasegawa,etc. WM DP20
HB 2161 Code cities & noncode cities Simpson,Curtis,etc. GO DP5
ESHB 2171 f Crane safety Eddy,etc. LCRD DP5 DNP2
SHB 2300 College textbooks Hasegawa,etc. HIE DP5
HB 2319 f Early learning Kagi,P. Sullivan,etc. HIE DP5
SHJR 4215 Prohibitions on investment Kenney,etc. WM DP19

Total Count: 99