Washington State Senate 1st Order

2007 Regular Session of the 60th Legislature
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate ROSA FRANKLIN, President Pro Tem
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem

Bill No.   Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SB 5053 f Industrial insurance LCRD DPS5 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5059 f Custom farming services ARED DP5 WM
SB 5076 Agriculture ARED DPS5 RUL
SB 5090 f Innovation partnership zones EDTM DPS6 WM
SB 5106 f Emergency plans for animals GO DPS5 RUL
SB 5145 Conservation of agr lands ARED DPS4 RUL
SB 5151 f Youth athletic coaches LCRD DP5 w/oRec2 WM
SB 5340 f Definition of disability JUD DPS7 RUL
SB 5342 Drug courts JUD DPS5 DNP2 RUL
SB 5352 Health professionals JUD DPS5 DNP2 RUL
SB 5353 f Municipal courts JUD DPS5 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5406 f Whistleblower protection GO DPS7 RUL
SB 5443 f Workers' comp claims LCRD DPS6 DNP1 RUL
SB 5465 f Right to possess firearms JUD DPS6 DNP1 RUL
SB 5505 $f CBRNE response program GO DP7 WM
SB 5511 Volunteer firefighters GO DPS7 RUL
SB 5557 f Economic dev facilities EDTM DPS6 WM
SB 5559 f Youth soccer referees LCRD DPS7 RUL
SB 5585 Parent & child services HEA DPS6 w/oRec2 RUL
SB 5587 Judicial commission JUD DPS7 RUL
SB 5595 f Farming ARED DP5 WM
SB 5601 f Voters' pamphlets GO DPS6 DNP1 WM
SB 5616 f Health sciences and services LCRD DP5 DNP2 WM
SB 5642 Cigarette ignition LCRD DPS7 WM
SB 5667 f Small business tax relief EDTM DP6 WM
SB 5716 f Retainer hlth care practices HEA DPS6 w/oRec2 RUL
SB 5722 f Body-gripping traps NROR DPS9 RUL
SB 5763 Life sciences research LCRD DPS7 WM
SB 5764 f Repairs to farm machinery ARED DPS5 WM
SB 5805 f Grain elevators ARED DPS4 WM
SB 5829 f Export assistance EDTM DPS6 WM
SB 5844 f Specialized forest products NROR DPS9 RUL
SB 5874 f Health benefit plans HEA DPS7 w/oRec2 WM
SB 5906 f Practice of esthetics LCRD DPS6 DNP1 RUL
SB 5917 f Prescription drug marketing HEA DPS6 DNP2 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5925 f Facilities in rural counties EDTM DPS6 WM
SB 5957 Legislature GO DP7 RUL
SB 6014 Reclaimed surface coal mine GO DP6 RUL
SB 6021 f Boards and commissions GO DPS7 WM
SB 6088 State trust lands NROR w/oRec7 DNP1 w/oRec1 WM
SJM 8007 Saddle stock animals NROR DP8 RUL
SJM 8012 National guard GO DPS7 RUL
SJM 8018 Philippines Consulate EDTM DP6 RUL
SCR 8406 Aerospace task force EDTM DP6 RUL