Washington State Senate 1st Order

2007 Regular Session of the 60th Legislature
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate ROSA FRANKLIN, President Pro Tem
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate PAULL SHIN, Vice President Pro Tem

Bill No.   Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SB 5010 f State park foster home pass WM DPS20 RUL
SB 5011 Beer/wine distribution bill LCRD DP7 RUL
SB 5016 Petitions for guardianship JUD DPS5 RUL
SB 5018 Guardianship roles JUD DPS5 RUL
SB 5020 f Part-time college faculty LCRD DPS5 DNP2 WM
SB 5045 f Contractor licensing LCRD DPS5 DNP3 RUL
SB 5075 f Outdoor burning WET DPS7 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5108 f Farmland preservation office WM DPS(ARED)18 RUL
SB 5197 Sale of firearms LCRD DPS5 DNP3 RUL
SB 5230 f Unemployment administration WM DP2S20 RUL
SB 5246 f Placement of children WM DPS(HSC)20 RUL
SB 5312 f Stolen metal property JUD DPS8 RUL
SB 5315 f Forest fires/property access NROR DPS9 RUL
SB 5346 f Judgments against offenders JUD DP6 w/oRec2, On motion referred to WM WM
SB 5372 f Puget Sound partnership WET DPS8 DNP3 WM
SB 5373 f Unemployment insurance prog LCRD DPS5 DNP3 RUL
SB 5421 f Environmental covenants WM DP20 RUL
SB 5447 f Coastal Dungeness crab NROR DPS9 RUL
SB 5463 f Forest fire protection WM DPS(NROR)16 w/oRec2 RUL
SB 5475 f Underground storage tanks WM DPS(WET)16 DNP2 RUL
SB 5482 Dishonored checks JUD DPS8 RUL
SB 5484 Dogs in bars LCRD DPS5 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5519 f Water right WET DPS7 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5558 f House-banked card games LCRD DPS8 RUL
SB 5586 $f Cleaner energy WET DPS7 DNP3 WM
SB 5592 Telecommunications WET DPS11 RUL
SB 5603 f Public records GO DPS7 RUL
SB 5615 f Motor vehicle offenders JUD DP6 RUL
SB 5622 f Collective bargaining LCRD DPS5 DNP1 w/oRec2 WM
SB 5659 f Family & medical leave ins LCRD DPS5 DNP3 WM
SB 5675 f Workers' comp benefits LCRD DP5 DNP3 RUL
SB 5676 f Temporary total disability LCRD DPS5 DNP3 RUL
SB 5702 f Unemployment insurance LCRD DPS7 RUL
SB 5706 Murder JUD DPS6 DNP2 RUL
SB 5711 f Offender score JUD DP5 RUL
SB 5721 f Sports/entertainment LCRD DPS8 RUL
SB 5725 Medical records JUD DPS6 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5728 Educational staff associates EDU DPS13 WM
SB 5733 Flood protection NROR DPS8 DNP1 RUL
SB 5746 Landscape architecture LCRD DPS6 DNP1 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5748 f Ballast water management NROR DPS9 WM
SB 5751 f Wine and beer tasting LCRD DP7 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5772 Employee organization LCRD DPS5 DNP3 RUL
SB 5783 Care providers LCRD DPS5 DNP3, On motion referred to WM WM
SB 5788 f Home inspectors LCRD DPS7 DNP1 RUL
SB 5822 Wine LCRD DPS8 RUL
SB 5833 Design professional JUD DP5 RUL
SB 5836 Accrual of property tax GO DPS7, On motion referred to RULES RUL
SB 5838 f Alcoholic beverage license LCRD DPS8 RUL
SB 5856 Bidder responsibility LCRD DPS6 DNP1 RUL
SB 5859 f Retail liquor license LCRD DPS8 WM
SB 5866 Homestead exemption JUD DP6 w/oRec2 RUL
SB 5868 f Civil disorder JUD DP6 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5870 Criminal case records JUD DPS8 RUL
SB 5873 Human rights commission LCRD DP5 DNP3 WM
SB 5878 Identity theft reports JUD DP8 RUL
SB 5879 Payroll deductions GO DP7 RUL
SB 5898 Shipment of wine LCRD DPS8 RUL
SB 5899 Alcoholic beverage control LCRD DPS8 RUL
SB 5900 f Victims of domestic violence LCRD DPS6 w/oRec2 RUL
SB 5910 Medical malpractice action JUD DPS6 RUL
SB 5915 Unemployment/workers' comp LCRD DPS8 RUL
SB 5923 f Aquatic invasive species NROR DPS9 WM
SB 5927 f Gambling licensee info LCRD DP8 RUL
SB 5929 f False Amber alert JUD DPS8 RUL
SB 5938 Human remains GO DPS6 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5944 f Ignition interlock devices JUD DP8 RUL
SB 5947 f Tax on employee tips LCRD DPS8 WM
SB 5953 f Violence by strangulation JUD DP6 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5958 Primary health care delivery HEA DPS9, On motion referred to WM WM
SB 5964 f Persistent offenders JUD DPS6 RUL
SB 5972 f Surface mining reclamation NROR DPS9 RUL
SB 5980 f Nursing & boarding homes HEA DPS8 WM
SB 5984 f Engineering services LCRD DPS6 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 5987 f Gang-related offenses JUD DPS6 RUL
SB 5990 f Crane safety LCRD DPS7 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 6001 Climate change WET DPS7 DNP4 RUL
SB 6004 Exceptional sentences JUD DPS8 RUL
SB 6005 f Interpreter services JUD DPS7, On motion referred to WM WM
SB 6010 Hydraulic project permits NROR DP5 DNP2 RUL
SB 6023 Alternative assessments EDU DPS8 DNP3 RUL
SB 6030 Health ins for young adults HEA DPS8 RUL
SB 6032 Medical use of marijauna HEA DPS7 w/oRec1 RUL
SB 6036 Construction liens LCRD DPS6 DNP1 RUL
SB 6053 f Food fish and shellfish NROR DPS8 DNP1 RUL
SB 6059 Attorneys/service of process JUD DP8 RUL
SB 6065 Public school art programs EDU DPS7 DNP4 w/oRec1 WM
SB 6075 Competitive bid limits GO DP7 RUL
SB 6078 f Hotel liquor licenses LCRD DPS8 RUL
SB 6082 f Unemployment LCRD DPS5 DNP3 RUL
SB 6083 Medical information HEA DPS8 WM
SB 6090 f Crowd management LCRD DP8 RUL
SB 6094 f Core subject instruction EDU DP11, On motion referred to RULES RUL
SB 6100 Charitable donations JUD DPS8 RUL
SB 6102 Public utility districts WET DPS9 DNP2 RUL
SB 6103 $ Financial fraud JUD DPS7 WM
SB 6106 f Regulation of certain trades LCRD DPS8 RUL
SB 6117 Reclaimed water WET DPS6 DNP1 w/oRec4 WM
SB 6122 Autism program HEA DP9 WM
SB 6128 Candidate or committee GO DP4 w/oRec3 RUL
SB 6141 Forest health T.O. NROR DPS9 WM
Bill No.   Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SGA 9240 JEAN-LUC DEVIS, Director, Department of Printing GO BC7 RUL