6183.E AMH HUDG MERE 125
ESB 6183 - H AMD 943
By Representative Hudgins
On page 1, line 18, after "unless" strike "the" and insert ":
(a) The"
On page 2, line 9, after "order" insert ";
(b) The secretary or the secretary's designee has determined that the offender is not a United States citizen;
(c) A final order of deportation or exclusion has been issued for the offender;
(d) The secretary or the secretary's designee has determined that the offender is not married to a Washington state citizen, does not have a child who is a Washington state citizen, and does not have a parent who is a Washington state citizen; and
(e) The secretary or the secretary's designee has determined that deportation of the offender will not necessitate public assistance for the offender's family that remains in Washington state"
(1) Requires the Secretary of the Department of Corrections or his or her designee (Secretary), before an offender is placed on "conditional release status", to determine that the offender is not a United States citizen.
(2) Provides that an offender may not be placed on conditional release status unless a final order for deportation or exclusion has been issued.
(3) Requires the Secretary to determine that the offender is not married to a Washington State citizen, does not have a child who is a Washington State citizen, and does not have a parent who is a Washington State citizen.
(4) Requires the Secretary to determine that deportation of the offender will not necessitate that the offender's family remaining in Washington seek public assistance.
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