5352-S AMS HOLJ S2857.2

SSB 5352  - S AMD257
     By Senators Holmquist, Hewitt, Schoesler, Carrell, Morton, Becker, Parlette

NOT ADOPTED 04/01/2009

     On page 40, line 23, strike "$50,000,000" and insert "$106,672,000"

     On page 40, line 28, strike "$76,226,000" and insert "$132,898,000"

     On page 40, beginning on line 33, after "in" strike all material through "2009" on line 35, and insert "LEAP Capital Projects System Senate Amendment, as developed April 1, 2009, Program - Rail Capital Program (Y), as it appears in subsection (7) of this section"

     On page 44, after line 31, insert the following:

     LEAP Capital Projects System
          Senate Amendment, as developed April 1, 2009
          Program - Rail Capital Program (Y)

          ($ in Thousands)   
State Route
Project Title  Leg DistPrior2009-112011-132013-152015-172017-192019 +Total
Rail Capital Program (Y)            
000700100APalouse River and Coulee City RR - Rail Authority-Sponsored Rehabilitati07, 09, 125008,100000008,600
000 Construction
State - TInA
000700610ACW Line/Lincoln County - Grade Crossing Rehabilitation07037100000371
  Construction 037100000371
  State - MMA 037100000 
000701301AStatewide - Washington Produce Rail Car Pool991,10073114300001,974
  Construction 1,10073114300001,974
000 Ded Fed Rail - MMA 1,1007311430000 
000710110AClark Co.-owned RR/Vancouver - Track Rehabilitation17, 18, 49036700000367
  Construction 036700000367
  State - MMA 036700000 
000710510ALincoln Co. PDA/Creston - New Rail Spur07033800000338
  Construction 033800000338
  State - MMA 033800000 
000711010ATacoma Rail/Tacoma - New Refinery Spur Tracks27042000000420
  Construction 042000000420
  State - MMA 042000000 
000711010BTacoma Rail/Tacoma - Improved Locomotive Facility27036700000367
  Construction 036700000367
  State - MMA 036700000 
000711310ATacoma Rail/Roy - New Connection to BNSF and Yelm-owned Spur02052500000525
  Construction 052500000525
  State - ERAA 050000000 
  State - MMA 02500000 
000722710APort of Ephrata/Ephrata - Additional Spur Rehabilitation13036300000363
  Construction 036300000363
  State - ERAA 017500000 
  State - MMA 018800000 
000730210ATacoma - New D St-M St. Rail Connection27, 2906,000000006,000
  Preliminary Engineering 01,200000001,200
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 01,20000000 
  Right of Way 04,800000004,800
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 04,80000000 
000F01000AStatewide - Freight Rail Investment Bank 991,0801,3168,6845,0005,0005,00016,00042,080
  Construction 1,0801,3168,6845,0005,0005,00016,00042,080
  Federal Oth - TInA 0000001,000 
  State - TInA 1,0801,3168,6845,0005,0005,00015,000 
000F01001AStatewide - Emergent Freight Rail Assistance Projects99002,7502,7502,7502,7508,25019,250
  Construction 002,7502,7502,7502,7508,25019,250
  State - ERAA 001501258800 
  State - MMA 002,6002,6252,6622,7508,250 
000F01001ENew Creston Livestock Feed Mill Spur Track072280000030
  Construction 2280000030
  State - MMA 22800000 
000F01001OPort of Moses Lake/Northern Columbia Basin - RR Engineering and Environm131,95050000002,000
  Preliminary Engineering 1,95050000002,000
  State - MMA 1,9505000000 
000F01010APort of Pasco - Intermodal Facility Improvements, Phase 41651037200000882
  Construction 51037200000882
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 51037200000 
000F01021APort of Columbia/Wallula to Dayton - Track Rehabilitation1627025200000522
  Construction 27025200000522
  State - MMA 27025200000 
000F01030CBellingham - Waterfront Restoration 4249505,00000005,495
  Preliminary Engineering 495000000495
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 495000000 
  Construction 005,00000005,000
  State - MMA 005,0000000 
000F01113AGeiger - New Transloader  07, 097000000790860
  Preliminary Engineering 7000000070
  State - MMA 70000000 
  Right of Way 000000790790
  State - ERAA 000000500 
  State - MMA 000000290 
000F01130CTacoma Rail and Puget Sound and Pacific RR/Centralia - Reconfigure Rail20337000007,0637,400
  Preliminary Engineering 33700000363700
  State - MMA 33700000363 
  Construction 0000006,7006,700
  State - MMA 0000006,700 
000F01130DTacoma Rail and Puget Sound and Pacific RR - Reconfig Rail Phase 1B200000005,4155,415
  Right of Way 000000400400
  State - MMA 000000400 
  Construction 0000005,0155,015
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 0000003,915 
  State - MMA 0000001,100 
000F01160GTacoma Rail/Fredrickson to Morton - Track Rehab02, 204001,085000001,485
  Construction 4001,085000001,485
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 4001,08500000 
000F01160HTacoma Rail/Tacoma to Morton and Yelm - Track Rehab02, 20075500000755
  Construction 075500000755
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 075500000 
000F01170APort of Quincy - Short Haul Intermodal Pilot Project1363435000000984
  Construction 63435000000984
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 63435000000 
000F11001AIntermodal Infrastructure Enhancement Project, Port of Olympia2270728300000990
  Construction 70728300000990
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 70728300000 
000F11001BIntermodal Infrastructure Enhancement Project, Port of Olympia2270728300000990
  Construction 70728300000990
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 70728300000 
000L2000024Port of Moses Lake/Northern Columbia Basin RR -- Segment 2 & 31302,000000002,000
  Construction 02,000000002,000
  State - MMA 02,00000000 
000P01000BPNWRC - Safety Improvements 993,9986956956956956952,0859,558
  Construction 3,9986956956956956952,0859,558
  Federal Oth - MMA 3,9986956956956956952,085 
000P01005AVancouver - Rail Bypass and W 39th Street Bridge18, 4955,07268,94226,3490000150,363
  Preliminary Engineering 10,42000000010,420
  State - MMA 7,193000000 
  State - MMA 3,227000000 
  Right of Way 10,2163,2000000013,416
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 2,000000000 
  State - MMA 8,2163,20000000 
  Construction 34,43665,74226,3490000126,527
  Federal Oth - MMA 5,5005,50000000 
  Local - MMA 0819190000 
  State - MMA 28,93660,16125,4300000 
000P01006AKelso to Martin's Bluff - 3rd Mainline and Storage Tracks183,598002,44347,0270053,068
  Preliminary Engineering 3,598002,4430006,041
  State - MMA 3,598002,443000 
  Construction 000047,0270047,027
  State - MMA 000047,02700 
000P01008CTacoma - Bypass of Pt. Defiance 02, 27, 28, 2917,57911,05924,89146,37600099,905
  Preliminary Engineering 6,28750022300007,010
  State - MMA 4,740000000 
  State - MMA 1,5475002230000 
  Right of Way 2,0000000002,000
  State - MMA 40000000 
  State - MMA 1,960000000 
  Construction 9,29210,55924,66846,37600090,895
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 1,5000850850000 
  State - MMA 2,292000000 
  State - MMA 5,50010,55923,81845,526000 
000P01010AChehalis Jct - High Speed Crossovers 200000003,9003,900
  Preliminary Engineering 000000400400
  State - MMA 000000400 
  Construction 0000003,5003,500
  State - MMA 0000003,500 
000P01010BNewaukum River - High Speed Crossovers18, 200000003,4903,490
  Preliminary Engineering 000000390390
  State - MMA 000000390 
  Construction 0000003,1003,100
  State - MMA 0000003,100 
000P01100ABellingham - GP Area Upgrades 422000000180200
  Preliminary Engineering 2000000180200
  State - MMA 2000000180 
000P01101AMt Vernon - Siding Upgrade 101,7364401,62400003,800
  Preliminary Engineering 8604000000900
  State - MMA 8604000000 
  Construction 8764001,62400002,900
  State - MMA 8764001,6240000 
000P01102AEverett - Curve Realignments and Storage Tracks3812,1813,0190000015,200
  Preliminary Engineering 1,0310000001,031
  State - MMA 1,031000000 
  Right of Way 250000000250
  State - MMA 250000000 
  Construction 10,9003,0190000013,919
  State - MMA 10,9003,01900000 
000P01104AStanwood - Siding Upgrades 104,50011,4500000015,950
  Preliminary Engineering 250000000250
  State - MMA 250000000 
  Construction 4,25011,4500000015,700
  State - MMA 4,25011,45000000 
000P01105ABlaine - Customs Facility Siding 424,0002,000000006,000
  Preliminary Engineering 400000000400
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 400000000 
  Right of Way 1000000010
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 10000000 
  Construction 3,5902,000000005,590
  Ded Fed Rail - MMA 2,590000000 
  State - MMA 1,0002,00000000 
000P01201AKing Street Station - Track Improvements119,1425,8580000015,000
  Preliminary Engineering 800000000800
  State - MMA 800000000 
  Right of Way 2,2000000002,200
  State - MMA 2,200000000 
  Construction 6,1425,8580000012,000
  State - MMA 6,1425,85800000 
000P02001ACascades Train Sets - Overhaul 994,0004,0001,0000001,00010,000
  Preliminary Engineering 50025000000750
  State - MMA 50025000000 
  Construction 3,5003,7501,0000001,0009,250
  State - MMA 3,5003,7501,0000001,000 
000P20000AStanwood - New Station  103,9001,100000005,000
  Preliminary Engineering 376000000376
  State - MMA 376000000 
  Right of Way 200000000200
  State - MMA 200000000 
  Construction 3,3241,100000004,424
  State - MMA 3,3241,10000000 

EFFECT:  Restores the amount of state multimodal funding for rail capital projects to approximately the level in the Governor's Proposed budget. Restores the construction schedule for existing rail capital projects to the schedule in the Governor's Proposed budget or sooner.

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