HB 1000

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

C 184 L 09

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Extending state route number 397 to Interstate 82.

Sponsors: Representatives Haler, Klippert and Wood; by request of Transportation Improvement Board.

House Committee on Transportation

Senate Committee on Transportation


Benton County and the Washington State Department of Transportation created a partnership to construct a new rural arterial to connect Interstate 82 and State Route 397. The road, which was completed in October 2008, is about 11 miles long with two 12-foot lanes and six-foot shoulders. This new "intertie road," which is also known as County Road 397, allows industrial and farm-to-market truck traffic to access the Finley and south Kennewick industrial and agricultural areas while bypassing the Tri-Cities area.

The extension of State Route 397 to the intertie road would result in a route jurisdiction transfer; i.e., the jurisdiction of the intertie road would be transferred from Benton County to the state. Since 1991, the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) has reviewed route jurisdiction transfer requests. If the TIB agrees that the request meets the criteria established in state law, the TIB forwards a recommendation for the transfer to the House and Senate transportation committees.


State Route 397 is extended to include the 11-mile road currently known as the "Interstate 87 to State Route 397 intertie." Jurisdiction of this road is transferred from Benton County to the state.

Votes on Final Passage:








July 26, 2009