Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



State Government & Tribal Affairs Committee

HB 1029

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Recodifying and making technical clarifications to campaign funding and disclosure laws.

Sponsors: Representatives Armstrong, Hunt, Appleton, Chandler, Miloscia, Kelley and Upthegrove; by request of Public Disclosure Commission.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Reorganizes and recodifies chapter 42.17 RCW.

Hearing Date: 1/16/09

Staff: Marsha Reilly (786-7135)


Initiative 276, passed by the voters in 1972, established disclosure of campaign finances, lobbyist activities, financial affairs of elective officers and candidates, and access to public records. That initiative also created the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC), a five member, bi-partisan citizen commission, to enforce the provisions of the campaign finance disclosure law.

Twenty years later, in 1992, the Fair Campaign Practices Act was enacted following passage of Initiative 134. Initiative 134 imposed campaign contribution limits on elections for statewide and legislative office, further regulated independent expenditures, restricted the use of public funds for political purposes, and required public officials to report gifts received in excess of $50.

Since the enactment of these initiatives numerous changes and additions have been made, including the enactment of SHB 1133 resulting in a recodification of the public records portion of the Public Disclosure Act into a new chapter, chapter 42.56 RCW.

Summary of Bill:

Chapter 42.17 RCW is reorganized and language is clarified. Obsolete provisions relating to the information technology plan and electronic filing are removed. The provisions repealed in RCW 42.17.131, 42.17.362, 42.17.365, 42.17.375, 42.17.562, 42.17.620, and 42.17.647 are included in other statutes. The definition of "person in interest" is moved from chapter 42.17 RCW to chapter 42.56 RCW as the term is applicable to the public records statutes. The contribution dollar amounts are updated and technical changes are made to clarify language.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect January 1, 2011.