HOUSE RESOLUTION NO.4655, by Representatives Anderson and Haler
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives
amend the Permanent Rules of the House, as adopted in House Resolution
No. 2009-4608, as follows:
The Rules Committee
Rule 24. The Rules Committee is a standing committee of the House
of Representatives and shall consist of ten members, six members shall
be from the majority party, including the Speaker, and four members
from the second largest caucus, including the Minority Leader. Members
of the committee, other than the Speaker and Minority Leader, shall be
selected by an election in their respective caucuses.
While the Rules Committee is a standing committee, by long standing
custom and necessity it has not operated in a manner wholly consistent
with the rules applicable to all other standing committees. The
special rules for the operation of the Rules Committee, regarding
notice, testimony, and committee actions are set forth herein.
Meeting Notice:
The Speaker of the House may call for a meeting of the Rules Committee
at any time, provided that such call must provide for at least twenty-four hours notice to all members and the public.
In the absence of a call for a meeting of the Rules Committee by the
Speaker, a majority of the members of the Committee may call for a
meeting at any time with a signed petition designating the time and
place of the meeting, so long as at least twenty-four hours notice is
made available to all members and the public.
As is the case with all other standing committees, proceedings of the
committee will be open to the public and audio recordings maintained.
Video recording shall be allowed. Any member of the Rules Committee
may request that the committee take testimony from the Chair and
Ranking member of a committee that has reported a bill to the Rules
Committee before the bill reported out of committee and to the floor
for action. Such request, if made within two hours of the meeting
notice, shall be honored unless rejected by a recorded majority vote of
the committee membership. Any testimony shall be limited to technical
and operational aspects of the bill.
Committee Actions:
The Committee may recommend a bill be referred to the floor for
consideration or rereferred to another committee, upon an oral vote,
without a signed majority report as required of other standing
committees, but any member may demand a roll call vote on any motion.
No member may move more than one bill per motion and all members shall
be given an equal number of motions.
Notwithstanding any other Rule, no bill in the Rules Committee may be
moved from the Rules Committee without an affirmative vote of a
majority of the Rules Committee members.
Renumber remaining rules consecutively.
The code reviser is directed to engross this amendment into the
Permanent Rules of the House prior to final publication.