SB 5041.E - DIGEST

Mitigates economic damage to veteran-owned businesses as a result of military service.

Requires the department of veterans affairs to: (1) Develop a procedure for certifying veteran-owned businesses and maintain a list of those businesses on the department's public web site;

(2) Adopt rules necessary to implement the act; and

(3) Collaborate with and assist agencies in implementing outreach to veteran-owned businesses.

Requires state agencies to: (1) Perform outreach to veteran-owned businesses in collaboration with the department of veterans affairs to increase opportunities for veteran-owned businesses to sell goods and services to the state; and

(2) Work to match agency procurement records with the department's database of certified veteran-owned businesses to establish how many procurement contracts are being awarded to those businesses.

Encourages state agencies to award three percent of all procurement contracts that are exempt from certain competitive bidding requirements to veteran-owned businesses certified by the department of veteran affairs.

Requires the department of general administration to identify in its vendor registry all vendors that are veteran-owned businesses as certified by the department of veterans affairs.