61st Legislature - 2009 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore

Bills Reported Out Of Committee

February 17, 2009 - Tuesday 37th Day 2009 Regular Session
Bill No. Description Committee Ref. Ref.
HB 1015 f Novelty lighters CL DPS8 APPG
HB 1055 f Construction trade workers CL DPS8 RUL
HB 1131 f Economic development comm CEDT DPS6 DNP3 APPG
HB 1135 f Anaerobic digester exemption EPAR DPS13 DNP1 APPG
HB 1141 f Affordable housing tx rebate LGH DPS7 DNP4 FIN
HB 1152 f Driver w/ disability sticker TR DPS26 RUL
HB 1173 f Affordable housing programs LGH DPS7 DNP4 APPG
HB 1208 Property tax administration LGH DPS9 FIN
HB 1215 f Motor vehicle warranties CL DPS5 DNP3 RUL
HB 1225 f Trans systems/fuel tx effect TR DPS19 DNP7 RUL
HB 1276 f Performing arts bargaining CL DPS7 0 RUL
HB 1309 Dental hygiene HCW DPS11 RUL
HB 1312 f University engineering progs HE DP10 APPE
HB 1319 f School distr employee ethics ED DPS13 RUL
HB 1326 f Pacific sardines AGNR DPS11 RUL
HB 1327 f Fish & wildlife equipment AGNR DP11 APPG
HB 1378 f Clear zone area land LGH DP10 DNP1 FIN
HB 1379 Shoreline mgmt act/moratoria LGH DPS6 DNP3 RUL
HB 1408 f Victim impact panels JUDI DPS11 RUL
HB 1412 f Neurodevelopmental therapies HCW DPS8 DNP3 APPH
HB 1434 f Spirits, beer & wine license CL DPS8 APPG
HB 1435 f Cigarette & tobacco licenses CL DPS8 FIN
HB 1457 Boundary review boards LGH DPS6 DNP3 RUL
HB 1462 Malt liquor CL DP8 RUL
HB 1488 f State institution discharge LGH DPS11 WAYS
HB 1495 f Neighborhood stabilization LGH DPS9 DNP2 FIN
HB 1496 f Interoperability exec comm PSEP DPS8 RUL
HB 1515 f Electronic records approval HCW DP11 RUL
HB 1532 Wastewater reclamation syst LGH DPS9 RUL
HB 1553 f Damages claims against govt JUDI DPS9 DNP2 RUL
HB 1561 Fire prot district annexing LGH DP9 RUL
HB 1572 f All mail elections SGTA DPS5 DNP3 RUL
HB 1583 County auditors LGH DPS9 RUL
HB 1605 f Growth management act LGH DPS11 RUL
HB 1621 f Consumer loan companies FII DPS11 APPG
HB 1624 f Internet voting SGTA DPS8 APPG
HB 1626 f Wildlife interactions AGNR DP9 DNP2 APPG
HB 1639 County investment expenses LGH DP8 DNP3 RUL
HB 1653 f Shoreline & growth mgmt acts LGH DP7 DNP3 RUL
HB 1680 f Health care facil employees CL DPS6 DNP2 WAYS
HB 1696 f Employer-assisted housing LGH DPS7 DNP4 FIN
HB 1714 Association health plans HCW DPS7 DNP4 RUL
HB 1727 f Registered domestic partners JUDI DPS7 DNP4 WAYS
HB 1728 Joint oper agencies & PUD's LGH DP9 RUL
HB 1760 Sheriffs' offices LGH DP9 RUL
HB 1762 f Public education involvement ED DPS13 APPE
HB 1813 Graduation & reengagement ED DPS13 APPE
HB 1824 f Concussion mgmt/youth sports ED DP13 RUL
HB 1825 Growth management act LGH DPS11 RUL
HB 1841 f College & university boards HE DPS9 DNP1 RUL
HB 1879 f Deaf & hearing impaired ELCS DPS7 APPE
HB 1888 Mobile homes titling LGH DP9 RUL
HB 1897 Water-sewer districts LGH DP9 RUL
HB 1943 f Early learning workforce ELCS DPS7 RUL
HB 1952 f Building communities fund CEDT DP6 DNP3 CB
HJM 4003 Government of Turkey SGTA DP7 RUL
HJM 4005 Nisei veterans postage stamp SGTA DP7
HCR 4403 St workforce training plan HE DP9 DNP1 RUL