1776-S2 AMH FROC PALC 030

2SHB 1776 - H AMD 227

By Representative Frockt

ADOPTED 03/02/2011

           On page 1, at the beginning of line 4, insert the following:

    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1. (1)The legislature finds that some licensed child care centers seeking to operate in publicly owned or operated buildings, such as public schools or municipal centers, incur substantial costs to renovate spaces which have otherwise been deemed safe for children to use for other purposes, such as public education. Consequently, families have been forced to seek before or after school child care outside of the school building, resulting in additional transitions for students.

    (2)It is the legislature's intent to allow licensed child care centers to operate in facilities that have otherwise been deemed safe and healthy for children to use for other purposes, such as public education.  With respect to section 2(2) of this act, the legislature intends that the development of any related child care licensing requirements shall:

    (a)Ensure safe and healthy environments for children;

    (b)Utilize existing rule making processes and resources;

    (c)Utilize existing requirements as a starting point rather than create an entirely new set of requirements; and

    (d)Not overburden child care centers with additional licensing requirements."


    Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly. 


    On page 1, beginning on line 16, after "(2)" strike all material through "buildings" on page 2, line 4 and insert "In consultation with the state fire marshal's office, the director shall use an interagency process to address requirements for child care centers operated in publicly owned or operated buildings, such as public schools or municipal centers, in which there are existing prekindergarten or school age educational programs"


    Correct the title.




·    States that it is the legislature's intent to allow child care centers to operate in publicly owned or operated facilities that have been deemed safe for children to use for other purposes, such as public education, and that the development of any related licensing requirements shall: 

o   ensure safe and healthy environments for children;

o   use existing rule making processes and resources when developing requirements;

o   use existing requirements as a starting point rather than create entirely new requirements; and

o   not overburden child care facilities with additional requirements.

·    Changes the Director's licensing duty from developing licensing requirements for child care centers described in section 2(2), to addressing requirements for child care centers described in section 2(2).







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