2SHB 1795 -
By Representative Anderson
FAILED 05/09/2011
On page 4, beginning on line 24 of the amendment, after "(3)(a)"
strike all material through "factor." on line 32 and insert "Beginning
with the ((2003-04 academic year and ending with the 2012-13)) 2011-12
academic year, the governing boards of the state research universities,
the regional universities, and The Evergreen State College((, and the
state board for community and technical colleges may reduce or)) may:
(i) Increase undergraduate resident tuition by no more than the fiscal
growth factor in RCW 43.135.025(7); and (ii) increase full-time tuition
fees for all students other than resident undergraduates, including
summer school students and students in other self-supporting degree
programs. Percentage increases in full-time tuition fees for all
students other than resident undergraduates may exceed the fiscal
growth factor."
EFFECT: Strikes language that gave complete authority to the governing boards at the four-year institutions to reduce or increase the operating fees portion of full-time tuition fees for all students regardless of amount or percentage or whether an increase exceeded the fiscal growth factor. Provides that governing boards have authority to raise tuition fees for resident undergraduates by no more than the fiscal growth factor but do have unlimited authority with respect to setting tuition fees for all other students.