2262 AMH KAGI MERE 337


HB 2262 - H AMD 1361

By Representative Kagi

ADOPTED 03/08/2012

    Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1.  A new section is added to chapter 74.08A RCW to read as follows:

    The department of social and health services shall operate the Washington WorkFirst program authorized under RCW 74.08A.210 through 74.08A.330, 43.330.145, 43.215.545, and 74.25.040, and chapter 74.12 RCW within the following constraints:

    (1) The program shall be operated within amounts appropriated by the legislature and consistent with policy established  by the legislature and the legislative-executive WorkFirst oversight task force as provided in RCW 74.08A.260 to achieve self-sufficiency through work and the following  additional outcomes:

    (a) Recipients’ economic status is improving through wage progression, job retention, and educational advancement;

    (b) Recipients’ status regarding housing stability, medical and behavioral health and job readiness is improving;

    (c) The well-being of children whose caretaker is receiving benefits on their behalf is improving with respect to child welfare and educational achievement.

    (2) (a) The department shall create a  budget structure that allows for more transparent tracking of program spending. The budget structure shall outline spending for the following: Temporary assistance for needy family grants, working connections child care, WorkFirst activities and administration of the program.

    (b) Each biennium, the department shall establish  a biennial spending plan, using the budget structure created in (a) of this subsection, for this program and submit the plan to the legislative fiscal committees and the legislative-executive WorkFirst oversight task force no later than July 1st of every odd numbered year, beginning on July 1, 2013. The department shall update the legislative fiscal committees and the task force on the spending plan if modifications are made to the plan previously submitted to the legislature and the task force for that biennium. 

    (c) The department also shall provide expenditure reports to the fiscal committees of the legislature and the legislative-executive WorkFirst oversight task force beginning September 1, 2012, and on a quarterly basis thereafter. If the department determines, based upon quarterly expenditure reports, that expenditures will exceed funding at the end of the fiscal year, the department shall take those actions necessary to ensure that services provided under this chapter  are available only to the extent of and consistent with  appropriations in the operating budget and policy established by the legislature  following notification provided in (b) of this subsection.

    (3) No more than fifteen percent of the temporary assistance for needy families block grant, the federal child care funds and qualifying state expenditures may be spent for administrative purposes. For purposes of this subsection, "administrative purposes" does not include expenditures for information technology and computerization needed for tracking and monitoring required by P.L. 104-193.

    (4) The department shall expend funds appropriated for work activities, as defined in RCW 74.08A.250, or for other services provided to WorkFirst recipients, as authorized under RCW 74.08A.290.


    NEW SECTION. Sec. 2.  RCW 74.0A.340 (Funding restrictions) and 2009 c 564 s 953, 2008 c 329 s 922; 2007 c 522 s 957; 2006 c 265 s 209; 1997 c 58 s 321 are each repealed.

Sec. 3.  RCW 43.88C.010 and 2011 c 304 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

    (1) The caseload forecast council is hereby created.  The council shall consist of two individuals appointed by the governor and four individuals, one of whom is appointed by the chairperson of each of the two largest political caucuses in the senate and house of representatives.  The chair of the council shall be selected from among the four caucus appointees.  The council may select such other officers as the members deem necessary.

    (2) The council shall employ a caseload forecast supervisor to supervise the preparation of all caseload forecasts.  As used in this chapter, "supervisor" means the caseload forecast supervisor.

    (3) Approval by an affirmative vote of at least five members of the council is required for any decisions regarding employment of the supervisor.  Employment of the supervisor shall terminate after each term of three years.  At the end of the first year of each three-year term the council shall consider extension of the supervisor's term by one year.  The council may fix the compensation of the supervisor.  The supervisor shall employ staff sufficient to accomplish the purposes of this section.

    (4) The caseload forecast council shall oversee the preparation of and approve, by an affirmative vote of at least four members, the official state caseload forecasts prepared under RCW 43.88C.020.  If the council is unable to approve a forecast before a date required in RCW 43.88C.020, the supervisor shall submit the forecast without approval and the forecast shall have the same effect as if approved by the council.

    (5) A councilmember who does not cast an affirmative vote for approval of the official caseload forecast may request, and the supervisor shall provide, an alternative forecast based on assumptions specified by the member.

    (6) Members of the caseload forecast council shall serve without additional compensation but shall be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with RCW 44.04.120 while attending sessions of the council or on official business authorized by the council.  Nonlegislative members of the council shall be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.

    (7) "Caseload," as used in this chapter, means:

    (a) The number of persons expected to meet entitlement requirements and require the services of public assistance programs, state correctional institutions, state correctional noninstitutional supervision, state institutions for juvenile offenders, the common school system, long-term care, medical assistance, foster care, and adoption support;

    (b) The number of students who are eligible for the Washington college bound scholarship program and are expected to attend an institution of higher education as defined in RCW 28B.92.030.

    (8) The caseload forecast council shall forecast the temporary assistance for needy families and the working connections child care programs as a courtesy.

    (9) Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions provided in RCW 43.88.020 apply to this chapter.

NEW SECTION. Sec. 4.  This act takes effect July 1, 2012."


    Correct the title.





    EFFECT:   (1) Repeals RCW 74.08A.340 regarding the operation of the WorkFirst program by the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS).


(2) Adds a new section to Chapter 74.08A RCW regarding funding for the WorkFirst program.


(3) Requires that the WorkFirst program be operated within amounts appropriated by the Legislature and consisted with policy established by the Legislature and the Legislative-Executive WorkFirst Oversight Task Force to achieve outcomes including improving a recipients economic status, housing stability, medical and behavioral health, job retention, educational advancement; and the well-being of children in the recipient's care.


(4) Requires the DSHS to create a budget structure, including a biennial spending plan, to allow for transparent tracking of program spending for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Family (TANF) grants, the Working Connections Child Care program, WorkFirst activities, and the administration of the WorkFirst program.


(5) Requires the DSHS to provide expenditure reports to legislative fiscal committees and the Legislative-Executive WorkFirst Oversight Task Force beginning September 1, 2012, and on a quarterly basis thereafter.


(6) Requires that spending for administrative purposes, which does not include information technology and computerization for tracking and monitoring required by federal law, must not exceed 15 percent of the TANF block grant, the federal child care funds, and qualifying state expenditures.


(7) Requires the DSHS to expend funds for work activities and other services for WorkFirst recipients as provided in statute.


(8) Requires the Caseload Forecast Council to forecast the TANF and the Working Connections Child Care programs as a courtesy.




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