2485 AMS EDU S4836.1

HB 2485  - S COMM AMD
     By Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education

ADOPTED 02/27/2012

     Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

"Sec. 1   RCW 28A.330.080 and 1990 c 33 s 346 are each amended to read as follows:
     Moneys of such school districts shall be paid out only upon orders for warrants signed by the president, or a majority of the board of directors and countersigned by the secretary: PROVIDED, That when, in the judgment of the board of directors, the orders for warrants issued by the district monthly shall have reached such numbers that the signing of each warrant by the president personally imposes too great a task on the president, the board of directors, after auditing all payrolls and bills as provided by RCW 28A.330.090, may authorize the issuing of one general certificate to the county treasurer, to be signed by the president, authorizing said treasurer to pay all the warrants specified by date, number, name and amount, and the funds on which said warrants shall be drawn; thereupon the secretary of said board shall be authorized to draw and sign said orders for warrants. Orders for warrants and warrant registers may be sent in an electronic format and using facsimile signatures as provided under chapter 39.62 RCW.

Sec. 2   RCW 28A.330.230 and 1990 c 33 s 352 are each amended to read as follows:
     Second-class school districts, subject to the approval of the superintendent of public instruction, may draw and issue warrants for the payment of moneys upon approval of a majority of the board of directors, such warrants to be signed by the chair of the board and countersigned by the secretary: PROVIDED, That when, in the judgment of the board of directors, the orders for warrants issued by the district monthly shall have reached such numbers that the signing of each warrant by the chair of the board personally imposes too great a task on the chair, the board of directors, after auditing all payrolls and bills, may authorize the issuing of one general certificate to the county treasurer, to be signed by the chair of the board, authorizing said treasurer to pay all the warrants specified by date, number, name and amount, and the funds on which said warrants shall be drawn; thereupon the secretary of said board shall be authorized to draw and sign said orders for warrants. Orders for warrants and warrant registers may be sent in an electronic format and using facsimile signatures as provided under chapter 39.62 RCW."

HB 2485  - S COMM AMD
     By Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education

ADOPTED 02/27/2012

     On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "warrants;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 28A.330.080 and 28A.330.230."

EFFECT:  Adds the statute addressing the issuances of warrants for second-class districts and amends it in the same manner to permit second-class school districts to also use an electronic format for signatures.

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