BILL REQ. #: S-0963.1
State of Washington | 62nd Legislature | 2011 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/27/11. Referred to Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.
AN ACT Relating to providing a limited exemption from school day and hour requirements in order to mitigate state funding reductions; creating a new section; providing an expiration date; and declaring an emergency.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 (1) The legislature recognizes that mid-year, retroactive reductions in state funding create administrative
hardship for school districts. The legislature further recognizes that
during difficult economic times, restructuring the school day or year
can create local savings that may help mitigate the impacts of
unforeseen state funding reductions, including savings in utilities,
transportation, and certain personnel costs. The legislature intends
to temporarily broaden the authority of the superintendent of public
instruction to provide districts increased flexibility to manage within
existing resources, while still offering quality educational programs.
(2) During the 2010-11 school year, the superintendent of public
instruction may provide an exemption from the requirements of RCW
28A.150.290(2), without adopting rules, if there are unforeseen,
retroactive mid-school year reductions in state funding for school
districts. The superintendent may provide an exemption for up to three
school days, or the hourly equivalent. School districts must make
application for this exemption, and must include a resolution from the
local school board of directors in support of the request. The
superintendent shall establish an exemption application and review
process that is expedited and recognizes the unique administrative
challenges facing school districts in the 2010-11 school year. The
superintendent shall review exemption requests on the basis of district
fund balance and administrative capacity to accommodate the proposed
schedule or calendar changes, while preserving educational program
(3) This section expires September 1, 2011.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 This act is necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the
state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect