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Legislative Digest No.
36 |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 | | 52nd Day - 2011 Regular Session |
This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change.
Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at
House Bills
HB 1080-Sby House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs (originally sponsored by Representatives Hurst, Klippert, Eddy, Taylor, Green, Armstrong, Hunt, Dammeier, Appleton, and Moeller; by request of Secretary of State)
Facilitating voting for service and overseas voters.
Modifies voting provisions for service and overseas voters.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 16 | Public hearing in the House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | SGTA - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs at 10:00 AM. |
HB 1101-Sby House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Moeller and Kenney)
Providing patients with information on options for breast reconstruction.
Requires physicians and osteopathic physicians and surgeons performing a mastectomy, lymph node dissection, or lumpectomy to provide the patient with information regarding the option of postprocedure reconstructive surgery.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 14 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | HCW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 10:00 AM. |
HB 1128-Sby House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Roberts, Carlyle, Kagi, Walsh, Orwall, Goodman, Reykdal, Kenney, Maxwell, Appleton, Hunt, and Pettigrew)
Requiring the department of social and health services to develop a plan for extending foster care services.
Requires the department of social and health services, within existing resources, to develop a plan to implement the provisions of the federal fostering connections act to provide foster care services for youth up to the age of twenty-one years.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 27 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | ELHS - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Referred to Ways & Means. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 24 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 25 | WAYS - Executive action taken by committee. |
| WAYS - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. |
HB 1153-S2by House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight (originally sponsored by Representatives Ladenburg, Walsh, Hurst, Goodman, Kagi, Rodne, and Jinkins)
Concerning costs for the collection of DNA samples.
Modifies provisions relating to costs for collection of DNA samples from certain offenders.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 25 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 4 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 15 | Public hearing in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 16 | APPG - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 17 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 25 | Referred to Rules 2 Consideration. |
Feb 26 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
HB 1167-Sby House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Liias, Goodman, Probst, Rolfes, Moscoso, Roberts, Fitzgibbon, Billig, Miloscia, and Maxwell)
Expanding provisions relating to driving or being in physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Authorizes counties to establish and operate DUI courts.Requires the traffic safety commission to develop and maintain a registry of qualified victim impact panels.Addresses the requirement to attend a victim impact panel.Increases the additional fee assessed to certain alcohol violators.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 14 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | JUDI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Referred to Ways & Means. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 21 | Committee relieved of further consideration. |
| Referred to Transportation. |
Feb 23 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Transportation at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 24 | TR - Executive action taken by committee. |
| TR - Majority; do pass 1st substitute bill proposed by Judiciary. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Transportation at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 25 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 1186-S2by House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight (originally sponsored by Representatives Rolfes, Hudgins, Upthegrove, Appleton, Roberts, Pedersen, Carlyle, Goodman, Liias, Van De Wege, Dickerson, Cody, Fitzgibbon, Dunshee, McCoy, Finn, Jacks, Reykdal, Tharinger, Frockt, Billig, Hunt, Kenney, Stanford, Ryu, and Seaquist)
Concerning requirements under the state's oil spill program.
Requires the owner or operator of a tank vessel transiting to or from a Washington marine facility to establish or fund a vessels of opportunity response system to supplement the timely and effective response to spills in the vessel's area of operation.Requires the department of ecology to: (1) Establish a volunteer coordination system which may be included as a part of the state's overall oil spill response strategy;(2) Order joint large-scale, multiple plan equipment deployment drills of tank vessels; and(3) Coordinate with certain federal agencies, the state of Oregon, and the province of British Columbia to establish a drill incident command.Increases notifications the owner or operator of a covered vessel must provide to the United States coast guard regarding a vessel emergency.Requires the director of the department of ecology to formally request that the federal government contribute to the establishment of regional oil spill response equipment caches in this state to ensure adequate response capabilities during a multiple spill event. This requirement expires December 31, 2014.Increases civil penalties for certain violations by owners and operators of covered vessels.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 1 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Environment at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 8 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Environment at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | APPG - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Public hearing and executive action taken in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 22 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 25 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Feb 28 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. |
| Floor amendment(s) adopted. |
| Held on second reading. |
| Vote on final passage will be reconsidered. |
| Vote on Amendment (76) being reconsidered. |
| Floor amendment(s) adopted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 62; nays, 35; absent, 0; excused, 1. |
HB 1267-S2by House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight (originally sponsored by Representatives Pedersen, Walsh, Jinkins, Eddy, Roberts, Kagi, Sullivan, Van De Wege, Hurst, Goodman, Orwall, Moeller, Kirby, Frockt, Carlyle, Liias, Kenney, Clibborn, Seaquist, Blake, Hudgins, Fitzgibbon, Darneille, Dunshee, Morris, Takko, Pettigrew, Finn, Billig, Hunter, Cody, Dickerson, Stanford, Springer, Reykdal, Haigh, Rolfes, Sells, Jacks, Appleton, Hunt, Maxwell, Ryu, Ormsby, Ladenburg, McCoy, Santos, Lytton, Moscoso, Upthegrove, Green, Hasegawa, and Tharinger; by request of Washington State Bar Association)
Clarifying and expanding the rights and obligations of state registered domestic partners and other couples related to parentage.
Expands and clarifies the rights and obligations of state registered domestic partners and other couples related to parentage.Establishes consistent standards and procedural safeguards for the protection of all parties involved in a surrogacy contract in this state and to confirm the legal status of children born as a result of these contracts.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 24 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 1:30 PM. |
Jan 27 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 15 | Public hearing in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 16 | APPG - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 17 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 22 | Referred to Rules 2 Consideration. |
Feb 24 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Feb 28 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. |
| Floor amendment(s) adopted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 57; nays, 41; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
HB 1349-Sby House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representative Morris)
Concerning private road maintenance agreements.
Requires the holders of an interest in any easement to maintain the easement.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 10 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | JUDI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM. |
HB 1362-Sby House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Orwall, Hope, Rolfes, Moeller, Liias, Probst, Green, Darneille, Frockt, Kirby, Miloscia, Roberts, Hunt, Dickerson, Upthegrove, Fitzgibbon, Kagi, Eddy, Hasegawa, Pettigrew, Ormsby, Sells, Kenney, Cody, Hudgins, Lytton, Moscoso, Ryu, Appleton, Reykdal, Van De Wege, Carlyle, Dunshee, Santos, McCoy, Tharinger, Haigh, Goodman, Jinkins, Jacks, Takko, Sullivan, Blake, Seaquist, Billig, Stanford, Ladenburg, Finn, and Pedersen)
Protecting and assisting homeowners from unnecessary foreclosures.
Establishes the foreclosure fairness act to: (1) Encourage homeowners to use the skills and professional judgment of housing counselors as early as possible in the foreclosure process;(2) Create a framework for homeowners and beneficiaries to communicate with each other to reach a resolution and avoid foreclosure whenever possible; and(3) Provide a process for foreclosure mediation when a housing counselor or attorney determines that mediation is appropriate.Creates the foreclosure fairness account.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 26 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 3 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | JUDI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Referred to Ways & Means. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 23 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 25 | WAYS - Executive action taken by committee. |
| WAYS - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. |
HB 1363-Sby House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Darneille, Kirby, Dickerson, Orwall, Green, Jinkins, Billig, Eddy, Appleton, Dunshee, Roberts, and Kenney)
Regulating tanning facilities.
Regulates the indoor tanning industry.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 10 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | HCW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Referred to Health & Human Services Appropriations & Oversight. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 18 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Health & Human Services Appropriations & Oversight at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 21 | APPH - Executive action taken by committee. |
| APPH - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Health & Human Services Appropriations & Oversight at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 25 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 1365-Sby House Committee on Environment (originally sponsored by Representatives Eddy, Warnick, Morris, and Hinkle)
Modifying the definition of "distributed generation" for the purposes of chapter 19.285 RCW, the energy independence act. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Concerning distributed generation. )
Revises the definition of "distributed generation" for the purposes of the energy independence act.Addresses a qualifying utility's requirements to count distributed generation from a solar photovoltaic generation facility.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 17 | ENVI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Public hearing and executive action taken in the House Committee on Environment at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 22 | Referred to Rules 2 Consideration. |
Feb 24 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Feb 26 | 1st substitute bill substituted. |
| Floor amendment(s) adopted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 95; nays, 2; absent, 0; excused, 1. |
Mar 1 | First reading, referred to Environment, Water & Energy. |
HB 1367-Sby House Committee on Labor & Workforce Development (originally sponsored by Representatives Green, Moeller, Rolfes, Hasegawa, Pettigrew, Sells, Ryu, Appleton, Hunt, Seaquist, Miloscia, Ormsby, and Roberts)
Concerning for hire vehicles and for hire vehicle operators.
Declares that all taxicab, limousine, for hire vehicle businesses, and for hire vehicle operators are subject to mandatory industrial insurance coverage under Title 51 RCW.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 28 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Labor & Workforce Development at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 9 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Labor & Workforce Development at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 15 | LWD - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Labor & Workforce Development at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 1371-Sby House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs (originally sponsored by Representatives Darneille and Hunt; by request of Governor Gregoire)
Addressing boards and commissions.
Eliminates certain boards and commissions.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 2 | Public hearing in the House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | SGTA - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Referred to Ways & Means. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 24 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 9:00 AM. |
HB 1405-S2by House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight (originally sponsored by Representatives Kirby, Kelley, Ladenburg, Darneille, Ryu, Stanford, and Jinkins)
Regulating loans made under the consumer loan act.
Exempts certain nonprofit housing organizations from the provisions of the consumer loan act.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 25 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Business & Financial Services at 1:30 PM. |
Jan 27 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Business & Financial Services at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 4 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Business & Financial Services at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 15 | Public hearing in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | APPG - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 22 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 1427-Sby House Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Hunt and Takko)
Adjusting timber tax account distribution calculations.
Adjusts calculations for timber tax account distribution.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 1 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | WAYS - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. |
Feb 25 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 1431-Sby House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Anderson and Haigh)
Addressing financial insolvency of school districts.
Requires educational service districts to analyze options and make recommendations for a clear legal framework and process for dissolution of a school district on the basis of financial insolvency.Provides that the act is null and void if appropriations are not approved.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 1 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Education at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 3 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Education at 9:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | ED - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Referred to Education Appropriations & Oversight. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Education at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 18 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Education Appropriations & Oversight at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 21 | APPE - Executive action taken by committee. |
| APPE - Majority; do pass 1st substitute bill proposed by Education. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Education Appropriations & Oversight at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 25 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 1449-Sby House Committee on Education Appropriations & Oversight (originally sponsored by Representatives Hunter, Haigh, Anderson, Maxwell, Sullivan, and Dammeier; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction)
Establishing a processing fee for educator certificates.
Requires the superintendent of public instruction to charge an application processing fee for initial educator certificates and subsequent actions.Creates the educator certification processing account.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 1 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Education Appropriations & Oversight at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | APPE - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Education Appropriations & Oversight at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 23 | Referred to Ways & Means. |
HB 1494-Sby House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representative Moeller)
Concerning vulnerable adult referral agencies.
Establishes the elder and vulnerable adult referral agency act.Regulates elder and vulnerable adult referral agencies.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 2 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | HCW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Referred to General Government Appropriations & Oversight. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 18 | APPG - Executive action taken by committee. |
| APPG - Majority; do pass 1st substitute bill proposed by Health Care & Wellness. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Public hearing and executive action taken in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 22 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 1495-Sby House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Eddy, Rodne, Kirby, Armstrong, Hunter, Hinkle, Chandler, Pettigrew, Carlyle, Springer, Maxwell, Anderson, Clibborn, Kelley, and Kenney)
Regarding the unfair competition that occurs when stolen or misappropriated information technology is used to manufacture products sold or offered for sale in this state.
Addresses unfair competition with regard to the manufacturing of an article or product while using stolen or misappropriated information technology.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 2 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 3 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | JUDI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Placed on second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 22 | 1st substitute bill substituted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 90; nays, 4; absent, 0; excused, 4. |
Feb 23 | First reading, referred to Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection. |
HB 1496-Sby House Committee on Environment (originally sponsored by Representatives Fitzgibbon, Upthegrove, Cody, and Takko)
Concerning the disposal of residential sharps waste.
Requires certain pharmaceutical manufacturers to submit a plan to the department of health that describes specific actions the manufacturers will take to provide a free and convenient service for the safe collection and proper disposal of residential sharps waste to all consumers who use the manufacturer's self-injected medications.Requires the department of health to convene a work group of stakeholders to discuss and identify options for collection and diversion of residential sharps waste from the waste stream. This requirement expires June 30, 2012.Creates the residential sharps waste disposal program account.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 10 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Environment at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | ENVI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Referred to Health & Human Services Appropriations & Oversight. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Environment at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 18 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Health & Human Services Appropriations & Oversight at 1:30 PM. |
HB 1524-Sby House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representative Orwall)
Recognizing the international baccalaureate diploma.
Recognizes the international baccalaureate diploma.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 11 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Education at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | ED - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Education at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 22 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Feb 25 | 1st substitute bill substituted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 82; nays, 16; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
Mar 1 | First reading, referred to Early Learning & K-12 Education. |
HB 1534-Sby House Committee on Business & Financial Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Condotta and Kirby)
Concerning credit and debit card transactions.
Prohibits a seller from requiring a customer who is making a payment on an existing account, as a condition of payment by credit or debit card, to consent to authorizing future charges against the customer's credit or debit card.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 1 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Business & Financial Services at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 4 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Business & Financial Services at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 11 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Business & Financial Services at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 15 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Business & Financial Services at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | BFS - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Business & Financial Services at 8:00 AM. |
HB 1547-Sby House Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Darneille, Hunter, Dickerson, Cody, Hunt, Kagi, Sullivan, and Kenney)
Concerning the deportation of criminal alien offenders.
Modifies provisions relating to deporting criminal alien offenders.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 31 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | WAYS - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. |
Feb 25 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 26 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. |
HB 1556-Sby House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Kirby, Orwall, Miloscia, Stanford, Kelley, Blake, and Smith)
Increasing the penalties for first-time offenders of driving or being in physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug.
Increases the minimum jail term for first-time DUI offenders and requires the offender to pay the cost of incarceration.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 14 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | JUDI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM. |
HB 1561-Sby House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Cody, Jinkins, and Kenney)
Addressing payment for critical services rendered by out-of-network providers in in-network hospitals.
Requires a hospital with an emergency department to provide notification of whether the providers in the emergency department are nonparticipating providers with any of the health carriers with whom the hospital participates.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 14 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | HCW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 10:00 AM. |
HB 1721-Sby House Committee on Environment (originally sponsored by Representatives Frockt, Kenney, Roberts, Fitzgibbon, and Stanford)
Preventing storm water pollution from coal tar sealants.
Prohibits the sale, at wholesale or retail, of a coal tar pavement product that is labeled as containing coal tar.Prohibits the application of a coal tar pavement product on a driveway or parking area.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 8 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Environment at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | ENVI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Environment at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 25 | Referred to Rules 2 Consideration. |
Feb 26 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Feb 28 | 1st substitute bill substituted. |
| Floor amendment(s) adopted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 67; nays, 30; absent, 0; excused, 1. |
HB 1869-Sby House Committee on Labor & Workforce Development (originally sponsored by Representatives Sells, Santos, and Ormsby)
Addressing occupational health best practices in industrial insurance through creation of a state-approved medical provider network and expansion of centers for occupational health and education.
Expands the duties of the department of labor and industries with regard to occupational health best practices in industrial insurance.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 9 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Labor & Workforce Development at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 15 | LWD - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Executive action taken in the House Committee on Labor & Workforce Development at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 25 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Feb 26 | 1st substitute bill substituted. |
| Floor amendment(s) adopted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 95; nays, 1; absent, 0; excused, 2. |
Mar 1 | First reading, referred to Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection. |
Senate Bills
SB 5019-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Regala, Kline, Harper, and Kohl-Welles)
Concerning the privacy of nonconviction records.
Establishes the records privacy act of 2011.Provides clarity in the information publicly disseminated by the courts and other criminal justice agencies.Prohibits courts and other criminal justice agencies from making available publicly on the internet any information regarding the registration, filing of a petition for, or issuance of an order for protection in certain circumstances.Prohibits certain nonconviction data from being disseminated unless the individual identified in the data has provided permission.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 13 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
Feb 21 | On motion, referred to Ways & Means. |
Feb 24 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. |
SB 5020-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Murray, Regala, Kohl-Welles, Prentice, and Chase)
Protecting consumers by assuring persons using the title of social worker have graduated with a degree in social work from an educational program accredited by the council on social work education.
Prohibits a person from representing himself or herself as a social worker unless certain qualifications have been met.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 13 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Mar 1 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
SB 5024-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Hargrove, Sheldon, Becker, Litzow, Haugen, Carrell, King, Honeyford, Shin, Kilmer, Regala, Pflug, Parlette, Rockefeller, and McAuliffe; by request of Attorney General)
Placing restrictions on legal claims initiated by persons serving criminal sentences in correctional facilities.
Restricts certain legal claims by a person serving a criminal sentence in a federal, state, local, or privately operated correctional facility.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 13 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
SB 5034-S2by Senate Committee on Environment, Water & Energy (originally sponsored by Senators Kilmer, Kastama, Shin, Hatfield, Zarelli, Conway, and Hewitt)
Concerning private infrastructure development.
Allows private utilities to provide infrastructure needed for economic development in a manner that minimizes development sprawl.Provides a contingent effective date.Requires the utilities and transportation commission to provide written notice to certain parties as to whether the contingency occurs.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 2 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Trade & Innovation at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 7 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Trade & Innovation at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 15 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Environment and Water & Energy at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 18 | EWE - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Environment and Water & Energy at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 25 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Feb 28 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 46; nays, 1; absent, 0; excused, 2. |
SB 5074-Sby Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection (originally sponsored by Senators Murray, Kohl-Welles, Rockefeller, Haugen, Keiser, Regala, Prentice, Hobbs, and Parlette)
Concerning guest artist licenses and licenses of nonresidents for the practice of body art, body piercing, or tattooing.
Authorizes the department of licensing to issue: (1) A guest artist license to a nonresident who intends to engage in the practice of body art, body piercing, or tattooing in this state; and(2) An individual operator license to a nonresident if certain conditions are met.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 18 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce & Consumer Protection at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 7 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce & Consumer Protection at 9:00 AM. |
Feb 18 | LCCP - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
SB 5097-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Delvin, Kohl-Welles, McAuliffe, and Chase)
Concerning juveniles with developmental disabilities who are in correctional detention centers, juvenile correction institutions or facilities, and jails.
Establishes a work group to address issues relating to juveniles with developmental disabilities who are confined in places of detention and juvenile correction institutions or facilities.Expires January 1, 2013.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 20 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Mar 1 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
SB 5100-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Carrell, Schoesler, Swecker, Benton, Stevens, Morton, King, and Zarelli)
Concerning expenditures for works of art.
Prohibits the expenditure of public funds on the acquisition or placement of works of art in the special commitment center on McNeil Island, certain secure community transition facilities and other halfway houses operated by the department of social and health services, and facilities operated by the department of corrections.Expires June 30, 2013.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 20 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
Feb 21 | On motion, referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 5102-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Carrell, Stevens, Schoesler, Pflug, Ericksen, Roach, and Holmquist Newbry)
Concerning registered persons in adult family homes, boarding homes, and other assisted living situations.
Requires the sex offender policy board to conduct a thorough review of the housing options for sex offenders who are aging and/or have health-related issues and therefore need some form of assisted living.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 25 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 22 | Made eligible to be placed on second reading. |
Mar 1 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
SB 5114-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senator Hargrove)
Streamlining competency evaluation and competency restoration procedures.
Streamlines competency evaluation and competency restoration procedures with regard to the criminally insane.Delays the effective date of the 2010 c 280 amendments to RCW 71.05.212 (evaluation--consideration of information and records) and RCW 71.05.245 (determination of grave disability or likelihood of serious harm--use of recent history evidence).-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 27 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 22 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Feb 28 | 1st substitute bill substituted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 39; nays, 9; absent, 0; excused, 1. |
-- IN THE HOUSE -- |
Mar 1 | First reading, referred to Judiciary. |
SB 5128-Sby Senate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Haugen, King, White, Swecker, Hobbs, and Shin)
Concerning statewide transportation planning.
Allows more flexibility to organize the transportation planning process across modes and jurisdictions by providing policy direction on the desired outcome and eliminating statutory requirements that may impede the efficacy of statewide transportation planning.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 10 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. |
Feb 18 | TRAN - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
SB 5139-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Hargrove and Shin)
Creating a claim for wrongful conviction and imprisonment.
Provides redress for those who have been wrongly convicted and subsequently imprisoned.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 1 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
Feb 21 | On motion, referred to Ways & Means. |
Feb 25 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 8:00 AM. |
SB 5150-Sby Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection (originally sponsored by Senators Kohl-Welles and Hewitt)
Creating a pilot project to allow spirits sampling in state liquor stores and contract stores.
Requires the liquor control board to establish a pilot project to allow spirits sampling in state liquor stores and contract stores to promote the sponsor's products.Expires December 1, 2012.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 8 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce & Consumer Protection at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce & Consumer Protection at 9:00 AM. |
Feb 18 | LCCP - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 28 | Made eligible to be placed on second reading. |
SB 5187-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Becker, Keiser, Hargrove, Stevens, and Carrell)
Concerning the accountability of mental health professionals employed by an evaluation and treatment facility for communicating with a parent or guardian about the option of parent-initiated mental health treatment.
Expands the duties of evaluation and treatment facilities and mental health professionals employed or contracted by a facility who have contact with the parent or guardian of a minor child.Provides that failure to fulfill certain duties constitutes unprofessional conduct.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 28 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Mar 1 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
SB 5188-Sby Senate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Becker, Haugen, Swecker, Stevens, King, Fain, Delvin, Holmquist Newbry, Honeyford, and Hewitt)
Harmonizing certain traffic control signal provisions relative to yellow change intervals, certain fine amount limitations, and certain signage and reporting requirements.
Harmonizes and makes uniform certain legal provisions relating to traffic control signals.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 25 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. |
Feb 18 | TRAN - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 22 | Made eligible to be placed on second reading. |
Feb 28 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
SB 5202-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Regala and Hargrove)
Regarding sexually violent predators.
Addresses sexually violent predators.Retains the high bar of reasonable doubt for a person's original commitment and eliminates the requirement for a unanimous jury verdict normally reserved for criminal trials.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 25 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 22 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Mar 1 | 1st substitute bill substituted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 49; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
SB 5203-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Regala, Hargrove, Stevens, and Shin)
Improving the administration and efficiency of sex and kidnapping offender registration.
Improves administration and efficiency of sex offender and kidnapping offender registration.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 25 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 25 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Mar 1 | 1st substitute bill substituted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 49; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
SB 5204-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Regala, Hargrove, and Stevens)
Concerning juveniles who have been adjudicated of a sex offense.
Addresses juveniles adjudicated of a sex offense.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 25 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 25 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Mar 1 | 1st substitute bill substituted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 30; nays, 18; absent, 1; excused, 0. |
SB 5205by Senators Kilmer, Sheldon, Rockefeller, and White
Concerning high capacity transportation system plan components and review.
Requires local authorities to follow a certain planning process to assure development of an effective high capacity transportation system only if their system plan: (1) Includes a rail fixed guideway system component; or(2) Proposes to convert or appropriate existing highway capacity.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 18 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
Jan 24 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. |
Feb 8 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. |
Feb 9 | TRAN - Majority; do pass. |
Feb 10 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Feb 28 | Floor amendment(s) adopted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 47; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 2. |
SB 5297-Sby Senate Committee on Government Operations, Tribal Relations & Elections (originally sponsored by Senators Nelson, Conway, Harper, Chase, White, Kohl-Welles, Kline, Keiser, Prentice, and Shin)
Concerning signature gathering.
Regulates signature gathering businesses.Increases the initiative filing fee.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 10 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Government Operations and Tribal Relations & Elections at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Government Operations and Tribal Relations & Elections at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 18 | GO - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| And refer to Ways & Means. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
Feb 21 | Referred to Ways & Means. |
Feb 22 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 25 | WM - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 12:30 PM. |
SB 5318-Sby Senate Committee on Economic Development, Trade & Innovation (originally sponsored by Senators Eide, Kastama, Rockefeller, and Shin; by request of Office of Regulatory Assistance)
Concerning the office of regulatory assistance.
Transfers reporting requirements relating to certain effects on the regulatory system in the state from the office of financial management to the office of regulatory assistance.Repeals the termination and repeal of the office of regulatory assistance under the sunset act.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 2 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Trade & Innovation at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 10 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Economic Development, Trade & Innovation at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 14 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Economic Development, Trade & Innovation at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 16 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Economic Development, Trade & Innovation at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Trade & Innovation at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 18 | EDTI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| And refer to Ways & Means. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
| Referred to Ways & Means. |
Feb 22 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 24 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 25 | WM - Majority; do pass 1st substitute bill proposed by Economic Development, Trade & Innovation. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
SB 5327-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Carrell, Zarelli, Becker, Stevens, Baumgartner, Hewitt, King, Schoesler, and Swecker)
Limiting the use of public assistance electronic benefit cards.
Expands the limitations on purchases made with an electronic benefit card.Requires certain businesses to disable the ability of ATM and point-of-sale machines located on their premises to accept an electronic benefit card.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 3 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; do not pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
Feb 21 | On motion, referred to Ways & Means. |
Feb 25 | WM - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 8:00 AM. |
| Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 12:30 PM. |
Feb 28 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
SB 5351-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Honeyford, Swecker, and Schoesler)
Prohibiting certain registered sex offenders from entering school grounds.
Authorizes law enforcement to serve written notice to leave school grounds or give written permission of entry to school grounds to certain sex offenders in the same manner as an owner, manager, or operator of the school.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 11 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Mar 1 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
SB 5393-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Hargrove, Stevens, Harper, Regala, White, Carrell, McAuliffe, Shin, and Tom)
Providing for unannounced visits to homes with dependent children.
Requires the department of social and health services and the supervising agencies to randomly select no less than ten percent of the caregivers currently providing care to children in out-of-home care and in-home dependencies to receive one unannounced face-to-face visit in the caregiver's home per year.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Jan 27 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 28 | Made eligible to be placed on second reading. |
SB 5423-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Regala, Hargrove, Chase, and Kline)
Modifying legal financial obligation provisions.
Creates a mechanism for courts to eliminate interest accrued on nonrestitution debt during incarceration and improves incentives for payment of legal financial obligations in order to foster reintegration.Supports the efforts of county clerks in taking collection action against those who do not make a good faith effort to pay.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 15 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
SB 5428-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators McAuliffe, Harper, Hargrove, Stevens, Zarelli, Pridemore, Shin, and Roach)
Requiring notification to schools regarding the release of certain offenders.
Requires the department of corrections, before certain offenders twenty-one years of age or younger are released from confinement, to provide notice to the school district board of directors of the district in which the offender last attended school.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 4 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. |
Feb 18 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 28 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
SB 5431-Sby Senate Committee on Environment, Water & Energy (originally sponsored by Senators Rockefeller and Nelson)
Defining the attributes of null generation electricity.
Defines the attributes of null generation electricity.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 18 | EWE - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Minority; without recommendation. |
| Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Environment and Water & Energy at 8:00 AM. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 22 | Made eligible to be placed on second reading. |
SB 5505-Sby Senate Committee on Government Operations, Tribal Relations & Elections (originally sponsored by Senators Hill, Chase, Fain, Pridemore, Stevens, Nelson, Litzow, Swecker, Honeyford, and Schoesler)
Allowing the use of federal census data to determine the resident population of annexed territory.
Allows a local government to use federal census data under certain circumstances to determine the resident population of annexed territory.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 15 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Government Operations and Tribal Relations & Elections at 1:30 PM. |
Feb 21 | GO - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
| Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
| Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Government Operations and Tribal Relations & Elections at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 22 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Feb 25 | 1st substitute bill not substituted. |
Mar 4 | Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Local Government at 9:00 AM. (Subject to change) |
SB 5747-Sby Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection (originally sponsored by Senators Hewitt, Kohl-Welles, and Conway)
Concerning Washington horse racing funds.
Modifies horse racing commission provisions relating to: (1) Daily gross receipts distribution and the commission's percentage;(2) Investment earnings from the horse racing commission operating account to be retained in the account; and(3) The commission's authority to receive gifts, grants, and endowments from public or private sources for regulating or supporting nonprofit race meets.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Feb 14 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce & Consumer Protection at 10:00 AM. |
Feb 17 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce & Consumer Protection at 9:00 AM. |
Feb 18 | LCCP - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. |
Feb 21 | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. |
Feb 22 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
Feb 28 | 1st substitute bill substituted. |
| Floor amendment(s) adopted. |
| Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. |
| Third reading, passed; yeas, 46; nays, 2; absent, 0; excused, 1. |
SB 5860by Senator Murray; by request of Office of Financial Management
Addressing state government employee compensation.
Reduces base salaries by three percent for all state employees of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, except for: (1) Elected officials whose salaries are set by the commission on salaries for elected officials;(2) Employees at higher education institutions;(3) Certificated employees of the state school for the blind and the center for childhood deafness and hearing loss;(4) Commissioned officers of the Washington state patrol represented by the state patrol troopers association and the Washington state patrol lieutenants association;(5) Represented ferry workers of the department of transportation; and(6) Employees whose monthly full-time equivalent salary is less than two thousand five hundred dollars per month.Authorizes state elected officials of the executive branch to voluntarily reduce their salary.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Mar 1 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 5861by Senators Carrell, Hobbs, Schoesler, Swecker, Conway, Baxter, Roach, Litzow, Stevens, Benton, and Shin
Regarding veteran scoring criteria status.
Modifies provisions relating to veterans' scoring criteria status.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- |
Mar 1 | First reading, referred to Government Operations, Tribal Relations & Elections. |