EHB 2088

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

C 1 L 13 E3

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Making appropriations specifically for activities related to the aerospace industry for permitting and training, including program development, staff, facilities, and equipment.

Sponsors: Representatives Sells, Seaquist, Senn and Morrell; by request of Governor Inslee.

House Committee on Appropriations


Aerospace Workforce Education and Training.

There are a variety of programs to educate and train students and workers in science, technology, engineering, and math in K-12 schools, community and technical colleges, and four-year institutions. In addition, there are programs and funding specifically for education and training related to high demand fields including the aerospace industry.

As directed by the Legislature in 2011, the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) established the Aerospace and Advanced Materials Manufacturing Pipeline Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee). The Advisory Committee is required to:

The Washington Aerospace Training and Research Center (WATR) provides short-term training courses teaching skills required in the aerospace industry and providing college credit. The WATR opened in 2010 and is operated by Edmonds Community College. It is located at Paine Field in Snohomish County.

The City of Renton is in the process of developing the Renton Aerospace Training Center at the Renton Airport. Renton Technical College will train aerospace workers at the facility.

Project Permitting.

The state regulates land use and development activities within its borders through a number of statutes, including the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The SEPA requires that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) be prepared if a proposal is likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts. The EIS includes, in part, detailed information about the environmental impact of the project, any adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided if the proposal is implemented, and alternatives, including mitigation, to the proposed action.

Most cities and counties may adopt a process in accordance with requirements prescribed in the SEPA that allow for up-front planning activities in specific geographic areas. Up-front analysis of impacts and mitigation measures can facilitate environmental review of subsequent individual development projects. Local jurisdictions may assess a fee upon subsequent development that will make use of and benefit from the up-front analysis.


Operating Budget.

Supplemental appropriations are made to the 2013-15 Operating Budget for aerospace worker education and training and for environmental permitting activities related to large aerospace facilities.

Eight million dollars General Fund-State (GF-S) is appropriated in fiscal year (FY) 2015 for the SBCTC to add 1,000 full-time equivalent students in the 2014-15 school year. The additional enrollments are to take place at locations and in programs recommended by the Advisory Committee. It is the intent of the Legislature that funding be ongoing as long as there is a demonstrated need. In addition, $500,000 GF-S is appropriated in FY 2015 to the SBCTC to develop a fabrication composite wing training program for current aerospace workers at the WATR. It is the intent of the Legislature to continue this training in FY 2016.

Two million dollars GF-S is appropriated to the Department of Commerce to make grants to local governments to assist in paying the cost of an environmental analysis that advances environmental permitting activities related to large manufacturing sites for aerospace and other key economic growth centers. Of this amount, $750,000 is for FY 2014 and the remainder is for FY 2015.

Capital Budget.

Supplemental appropriations are also made to the 2013-15 Capital Budget related to facilities for aerospace worker education and training.

Five million dollars is appropriated from the bond financed State Building Construction Account-State to the Department of Commerce for the Renton Aerospace Training Center construction. This is in addition to $5 million provided in the underlying biennial capital budget.

One and a half million dollars is appropriated from the State Building Construction Account-State to the SBCTC for building modifications to the WATR and for acquisition of specialized equipment related to a fabrication composite wing training program for current aerospace workers.

Votes on Final Passage:

Third Special Session








February 8, 2014