E2SHB 2192

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

C 68 L 14

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Promoting economic development through enhancing transparency and predictability of state agency permitting and review processes.

Sponsors: House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Smith, Hansen, Haler, Buys, Hayes, Parker, Short, Seaquist, Pike, Scott, Zeiger, Hargrove, Manweller, Holy, Magendanz, Vick and Wilcox).

House Committee on Government Operations & Elections

House Committee on Appropriations

Senate Committee on Trade & Economic Development


Regulatory Process Programs.

Several programs have been established, through legislation and executive order, relating to the state regulatory process:

Performance Audits of Regulatory Processes.

In 2012 the State Auditor completed an audit of state regulatory practices. The audit addressed two questions:

Regarding website access to business information, the audit found that the vision of a one-stop business portal has not yet been achieved. Regulatory information on regulatory agency websites is incomplete, not all sites are easy to use, and only 23 percent of permits and licenses provide online information about processing times.

Regarding rule streamlining, the audit found that agencies are streamlining some of their rules and some agencies' streamlining practices are in alignment with executive orders. The audit determined that three agencies could improve their streamlining practices for formalizing their review processes: (1) the Department of Ecology; (2) the Department of Health; and (3) the Department of Labor and Industries. None of these agencies measured the results of streamlining activity to determine whether rule revisions had the intended effect.

The audit recommended that all state regulatory agencies adopt streamlining processes that include:

In 2013 the State Auditor completed a performance audit on improving permit timeliness. The audit revealed that not all agencies:

The audit recommendations included that agencies should:


Each agency that issues permits indicated in the State Auditor's December 30, 2013, performance audit report is required to track and record the time it takes to make permitting decisions. At a minimum, the following performance data must be tracked and recorded:

By March 1, 2016, and every even-numbered year thereafter until 2020, each agency must provide a report to the ORA with information on its performance data including application completion times and decision issuance times.

To provide meaningful customer service that informs project planning and decision making for citizens and businesses, the following information must be made available to permit applicants through a link from the agency's website to the ORA website:

To ensure that agencies can post the required information online with minimal expenditure of agency resources, the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), in consultation with the ORA, will establish a central repository for permit performance and assistance information, hosted on the ORA's website. The ORA will ensure the searchability of information posted on the central repository.

By September 2016, and each even-numbered year thereafter until 2020, the ORA must publish a comprehensive progress report on the performance of agencies in tracking permit timelines and other efforts to improve regulatory permitting. The report must:

The procedures implemented due to the requirements under the act are added to the integration efforts required by the Quality Management, Accountability, and Performance System.

Votes on Final Passage:








June 12, 2014