BILL REQ. #: H-1062.4
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2013 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to training public officials and employees regarding public records and open public meetings; adding new sections to chapter 42.30 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 42.56 RCW; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that the right of
citizens to observe the actions of their public officials and to have
timely access to public records are the underpinnings of democracy and
are essential for meaningful citizen participation in the democratic
process. All too often, however, violations of the requirements of the
public records act and the open public meetings act by public officials
and agencies result in citizens being denied these important rights.
Such violations are often the result of inadvertent error or a lack of
knowledge on the part of officials and agencies regarding their legal
duties to the public pursuant to these acts. Also, whether due to
error or ignorance, violations of the public records act and open
public meetings act are very costly for state and local governments,
both in terms of litigation expenses and administrative costs.
The legislature also finds that the implementation of simple, cost-effective training programs made available via an internet web site, or
equivalent means, will greatly increase the likelihood that our public
officials and agencies will better serve the public by improving
citizen access to public records and encouraging public participation
in governmental deliberations. Such improvements in public service
will, in turn, enhance the public's trust in its government and result
in significant cost savings by reducing the number of violations of the
public records act and open public meetings act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 A new section is added to chapter 42.30 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) Not later than July 1, 2014, the attorney general shall develop
and implement a training program regarding the legal requirements and
purposes of this chapter. The training program shall be:
(a) A concise, web-based presentation, including instruction in:
(i) The purposes and intent of the open public meetings act and the
importance of open public meetings in a democracy;
(ii) The applicability of this chapter to governmental bodies and
members of governing boards of agencies;
(iii) Procedures and requirements necessary for compliance with the
provisions of this chapter;
(iv) Best practices for compliance with this chapter;
(v) Penalties and other consequences for failure to comply with the
requirements of this chapter; and
(vi) The role of the attorney general under this chapter;
(b) No longer than two hours in length; and
(c) Available on the Washington state attorney general's web site,
or on a functionally similar and widely available medium at no cost,
and made available for posting on state and local agency web sites.
(2) In developing the training required under this section, the
attorney general shall consult with, and may utilize training materials
from, associations representing cities, counties, and those nonprofit
organizations whose mission includes education regarding the provisions
of this chapter.
(3) The attorney general shall review and approve in-person or web-based trainings that are intended to satisfy the training requirements
in section 3 of this act that are offered by agencies and such
associations or nonprofit organizations that provide similar training
by persons with appropriate expertise. Training courses implemented or
approved by the attorney general shall be regularly updated at
intervals of no more than two years.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 A new section is added to chapter 42.30 RCW
to read as follows:
Every member of the governing body of a public agency must complete
the open public meetings act training course implemented or approved by
the attorney general as set forth in section 2 of this act. Such
training must be completed no later than ninety days after the date the
member either:
(1) Takes the oath of office, if the member is required to take an
oath of office to assume his or her duties as a public official; or
(2) Otherwise assumes his or her duties as a public official.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 A new section is added to chapter 42.56 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) Not later than July 1, 2014, the attorney general shall develop
and implement a training program on the legal requirements and purposes
of this chapter. The training program shall be:
(a) A concise, web-based presentation, including instruction in:
(i) The purposes and intent of this chapter as well as the
importance of public records disclosure in a democracy;
(ii) The applicability of this chapter to governmental bodies and
members of governing boards of agencies;
(iii) Procedures and requirements necessary for compliance with the
provisions of this chapter;
(iv) Best practices for compliance with this chapter;
(v) Penalties and other consequences for failure to comply with the
requirements of this chapter; and
(vi) The role of the attorney general under this chapter;
(b) No longer than two hours in length; and
(c) Available on the Washington state attorney general's web site,
or on a functionally similar and widely available medium at no cost.
(2) In developing the training program required under this section,
the attorney general shall consult with, and may utilize training
materials from, associations representing cities or counties and those
nonprofit organizations whose mission includes education regarding the
provisions of this chapter.
(3) The attorney general shall review and approve in-person or web-based trainings that are intended to satisfy the training requirements
in section 5(1) of this act that are offered by agencies and such
associations or nonprofit organizations that provide similar training
by persons with appropriate expertise. Such trainings may be tailored
to a particular office or agency. Training courses implemented or
approved by the attorney general shall be regularly updated at
intervals of no more than two years.
(4) In addition to the general training program required under this
section, the attorney general shall develop and implement an intensive
training seminar for public records officers designated pursuant to RCW
42.56.580. This training may be administered via web technology or in
person. Such training shall:
(a) Include duties and obligations of agencies regarding public
records disclosure established under court decisions and state
statutes, if any;
(b) Include training on duties to manage records, including
electronic records, and the provision of access to electronic records
in original, searchable forms;
(c) Include discussion of innovative mechanisms for providing
timely access to public records to the public;
(d) Include discussion of the model rules for the public records
act as adopted by the attorney general; and
(e) Include discussion of the benefits of indexing records,
including but not limited to the duty of state agencies to index, and
provide access to indices, if records are relied upon or invoked for
any purpose pursuant to RCW 42.56.070(6).
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5 A new section is added to chapter 42.56 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) Each elected state or local official, and each person appointed
to fill a vacancy in elective office, who is subject to the
requirements of this chapter must complete a training course
implemented or approved by the attorney general as set forth in section
4(1) of this act. Such training must be completed no later than ninety
days after the date the official either:
(a) Takes the oath of office, if the official is required to take
an oath of office to assume his or her duties as a public official; or
(b) Otherwise assumes his or her duties as a public official.
(2) Every public records officer, as designated under RCW
42.56.580, within ninety days of being so designated, shall complete an
intensive training seminar implemented pursuant to section 4(4) of this
act and shall complete a refresher training implemented or approved by
the attorney general every three years thereafter. If no refresher
training has been implemented or approved, a public records officer
shall complete the training seminar implemented pursuant to section
4(4) of this act.
(3) Due to the limited definition of "public record" pursuant to
RCW 42.56.010(3) for records of legislators, the clerk of the house of
representatives and the secretary of the senate shall provide
appropriate training to legislators on their obligations under this
chapter, rather than legislators being required to take the general
training pursuant to subsection (1) of this section.