BILL REQ. #: H-3620.1
State of Washington | 63rd Legislature | 2014 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/27/14. Referred to Committee on Transportation.
AN ACT Relating to extending and modifying the commute trip reduction tax credit; amending RCW 82.70.900, 82.70.020, 82.70.025, 82.70.040, and 82.70.060; and providing expiration dates.
Sec. 1 RCW 82.70.900 and 2013 c 306 s 720 are each amended to
read as follows:
This chapter expires July 1, ((2014)) 2017, except for RCW
82.70.050, which expires January 1, ((2015)) 2018.
Sec. 2 RCW 82.70.020 and 2013 c 306 s 718 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Employers in this state who are taxable under chapter 82.04 or
82.16 RCW and provide financial incentives to their own or other
employees for ride sharing, for using public transportation, for using
car sharing, or for using nonmotorized commuting before ((July 1,
2014)) January 1, 2017, are allowed a credit against taxes payable
under chapters 82.04 and 82.16 RCW for amounts paid to or on behalf of
employees for ride sharing in vehicles carrying two or more persons,
for using public transportation, for using car sharing, or for using
nonmotorized commuting, not to exceed sixty dollars per employee per
fiscal year.
(2) Property managers who are taxable under chapter 82.04 or 82.16
RCW and provide financial incentives to persons employed at a worksite
in this state managed by the property manager for ride sharing, for
using public transportation, for using car sharing, or for using
nonmotorized commuting before ((July 1, 2014)) January 1, 2017, are
allowed a credit against taxes payable under chapters 82.04 and 82.16
RCW for amounts paid to or on behalf of these persons for ride sharing
in vehicles carrying two or more persons, for using public
transportation, for using car sharing, or for using nonmotorized
commuting, not to exceed sixty dollars per person per fiscal year.
(3) The credit under this section is equal to the amount paid to or
on behalf of each employee multiplied by fifty percent, but may not
exceed sixty dollars per employee per fiscal year. No refunds may be
granted for credits under this section.
(4) A person may not receive credit under this section for amounts
paid to or on behalf of the same employee under both chapters 82.04 and
82.16 RCW.
(5) A person may not take a credit under this section for amounts
claimed for credit by other persons.
Sec. 3 RCW 82.70.025 and 2005 c 297 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Application for tax credits under this chapter must be received
by the department between the first day of January and the 31st day of
January, following the calendar year in which the applicant made
payments to or on behalf of employees for ride sharing in vehicles
carrying two or more persons, for using public transportation, for
using car sharing, or for using nonmotorized commuting. The
application ((shall)) must be made to the department in a form and
manner prescribed by the department. The application ((shall)) must
contain information regarding the number of employees for which
incentives are paid during the calendar year, the amounts paid to or on
behalf of employees for ride sharing in vehicles carrying two or more
persons, for using public transportation, for using car sharing, or for
using nonmotorized commuting, ((the amount of credit deferred under RCW
82.70.040(2)(b)(i) to be used, and other information required by the
department. For applications due by January 31, 2006, the application
shall not include amounts paid from January 1, 2005, through June 30,
2005, to or on behalf of employees for ride sharing in vehicles
carrying two or more persons, for using public transportation, for
using car sharing, or for using nonmotorized commuting)) and other
information required by the department.
(2) The department ((shall)) must rule on the application within
sixty days of the deadline provided in subsection (1) of this section.
(3)(a) The department ((shall)) must disapprove any application not
received by the deadline provided in subsection (1) of this section
((regardless of the reason that the application was received after the
deadline)) except that the department may accept applications received
up to fifteen calendar days after the deadline if the application was
not received by the deadline because of circumstances beyond the
control of the taxpayer.
(b) In making a determination whether the failure of a taxpayer to
file an application by the deadline was the result of circumstances
beyond the control of the taxpayer, the department must be guided by
rules adopted by the department for the waiver or cancellation of
penalties when the underpayment or untimely payment of any tax was due
to circumstances beyond the control of the taxpayer.
(4) After an application is approved and tax credit granted, no
increase in the credit ((shall be)) is allowed.
(5) To claim a credit under this chapter, a person must
electronically file with the department all returns, forms, and other
information the department requires in an electronic format as provided
or approved by the department. Any return, form, or information
required to be filed in an electronic format under this section is not
filed until received by the department in an electronic format. As
used in this subsection, "returns" has the same meaning as "return" in
RCW 82.32.050.
Sec. 4 RCW 82.70.040 and 2013 c 306 s 719 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1)(a)(i) The department ((shall)) must keep a running total of all
credits allowed under RCW 82.70.020 during each fiscal year. The
department ((shall)) may not allow any credits that would cause the
total amount allowed to exceed two million seven hundred fifty thousand
dollars in any fiscal year. ((This limitation includes any deferred
credits carried forward under subsection (2)(b)(i) of this section from
prior years.))
(ii) During the 2013-2015 fiscal biennium, the department ((shall))
may not allow any credits that would cause the total amount allowed to
exceed one million five hundred thousand dollars in any fiscal year.
((This limitation includes any deferred credits carried forward under
subsection (2)(b)(i) of this section from prior years.))
(b) If the total amount of credit applied for by all applicants in
any year exceeds the limit in this subsection, the department ((shall))
must ratably reduce the amount of credit allowed for all applicants so
that the limit in this subsection is not exceeded. If a credit is
reduced under this subsection, the amount of the reduction may not be
carried forward and claimed in subsequent fiscal years.
(2)(a) Tax credits under RCW 82.70.020 may not be claimed in excess
of the amount of tax otherwise due under chapter 82.04 or 82.16 RCW.
(b)(((i) Through June 30, 2005, a person with taxes equal to or in
excess of the credit under RCW 82.70.020, and therefore not subject to
the limitation in (a) of this subsection, may elect to defer tax
credits for a period of not more than three years after the year in
which the credits accrue. No credits deferred under this subsection
(2)(b)(i) may be used after June 30, 2008. A person deferring tax
credits under this subsection (2)(b)(i) must submit an application as
provided in RCW 82.70.025 in the year in which the deferred tax credits
will be used. This application is subject to the provisions of
subsection (1) of this section for the year in which the tax credits
will be applied. If a deferred credit is reduced under subsection
(1)(b) of this section, the amount of deferred credit disallowed
because of the reduction may be carried forward as long as the period
of deferral does not exceed three years after the year in which the
credit was earned.)) For credits approved by the department through June 30, 2014,
the approved credit may be carried forward and used for tax reporting
periods through December 31, 2015. Credits approved after June 30,
2014 must be used for tax reporting periods within the calendar year
they are approved by the department and may not be carried forward to
subsequent tax reporting periods. Credits carried forward as
authorized by this subsection are subject to the limitation in
subsection (1)(a) of this section for the fiscal year for which the
credits were originally approved.
(ii) For credits approved by the department after June 30, 2005,
the approved credit may be carried forward to subsequent years until
(3) No person ((shall)) may be approved for tax credits under RCW
82.70.020 in excess of ((two)) one hundred thousand dollars in any
fiscal year. This limitation does not apply to credits carried forward
from prior years under subsection (2)(b) of this section.
(4) No person may claim tax credits after June 30, ((2014)) 2017.
(5) ((Credits may not be carried forward other than as authorized
in subsection (2)(b) of this section.)) No person is eligible for tax credits under RCW 82.70.020 if
the additional revenues for the multimodal transportation account
created by Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2231 are terminated.
Sec. 5 RCW 82.70.060 and 2005 c 319 s 138 are each amended to
read as follows:
The commute trip reduction ((task force shall determine the
effectiveness of the tax credit under RCW 82.70.020, the grant program
in RCW 70.94.996, and the relative effectiveness of the tax credit and
the grant program)) board must determine the effectiveness of the tax
credit under RCW 82.70.020 as part of its ongoing evaluation of the
commute trip reduction law and report to the senate and house
transportation committees and to the fiscal committees of the house of
representatives and the senate. The report must include information on
the amount of tax credits claimed to date and recommendations on future
funding ((between)) of the tax credit program ((and the grant
program)). The report must be incorporated into the recommendations
required in RCW 70.94.537(((5))) (6). The department must provide
requested information to the commute trip reduction board for its