WHEREAS, The House adopted permanent rules for the 2013-14 biennium
with House Floor Resolution No. 4608 earlier this year; and
WHEREAS, The notice requirements set forth in House Rule 31 have
been satisfied; and
WHEREAS, The state Supreme Court declared the two-thirds
supermajority tax vote provisions of Initiative Measure No. 1053
unconstitutional on February 28, 2013; and
WHEREAS, The state Supreme Court invalidated the two-thirds
supermajority tax vote provisions only because of the methodology by
which they were imposed, and specifically allowed the adoption of such
limitations by other means; and
WHEREAS, A two-thirds supermajority vote on tax increases is policy
overwhelmingly supported by Washington voters, who have passed such a
limitation in four different initiatives since 1993, the most recent
being Initiative Measure No. 1185 in November of 2012; and
WHEREAS, A two-thirds supermajority vote on tax increases
requirement acts as an appropriate check on the taxing authority of the
government and promotes careful and bipartisan consideration of state
revenue issues and policy;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that House Rule 10 is amended as
In the last line of Rule 10(B), after "passed its second reading"
insert ": PROVIDED, That bills which raise taxes shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present to advance to third reading"