By Senator Frockt

     WHEREAS, The Senate adopted permanent rules for the 2013-2015 biennium under Senate Resolution 8601; and
     WHEREAS, The notice requirements set forth in Senate Rule 35 have been satisfied; and
     WHEREAS, The Senate desires to make changes to Senate rules concerning the chair of the facilities and operations committee;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Rule 8 is amended as follows:

     "Rule 8. 1. After the reorganization caucuses of the senate, the majority caucus shall designate ((four)) three members and the minority caucus shall designate three members to serve on the facilities and operations committee. The ((deputy leader of the majority caucus)) lieutenant governor shall be the nonvoting chair of the facilities and operations committee. The operation of the senate shall transfer to the newly designated members after the reorganization caucuses of the senate or at any time after the reorganization caucuses if a different caucus becomes the majority caucus.

     2. All necessary expenses of the senate incurred during the session shall be signed for by the secretary and approved by a majority of the committee on facilities and operations. The committee on facilities and operations shall carefully consider all items of expenditure ordered or contracted on the part of the senate, and report upon the same prior to the voucher being signed by the secretary of the senate authorizing the payment thereof. The committee on facilities and operations shall issue postage only as follows:

     (a) To elected or appointed members of the senate in an amount sufficient to allow performance of their legislative duties.

     (b) To the secretary of the senate in an amount sufficient to carry out the business of the senate."