WHEREAS, Consul General Kiyokazu Ota of Japan, who has served with
distinction in the State of Washington, recently returned to Japan; and
WHEREAS, During his three-year tenure in Washington State, he was
always appreciated for his thoughtful and gracious style and for
significantly deepening ties between Washington State and Japan that
promote lasting friendships, further cultural exchanges, and stronger
economic relationships; and
WHEREAS, He was greatly appreciated for his active and sincere
interest in the people and communities of the State of Washington,
including his participation in cherry tree planting ceremonies which
symbolize the warm friendships between the peoples of Washington and
Japan and took place in Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Vancouver, and other
areas; and
WHEREAS, Officials of the State of Washington appreciated his
active interest in state government, his willingness to come to the
State Capitol to visit the Governor and Legislators, his effectiveness
in information exchange, and his effective role as a liaison between
Washington State and Japan regarding after effects of the Tohoku
Earthquake and Tsunami; and
WHEREAS, He brought a very knowledgeable and broad perspective to
his service here in the State of Washington from his prior assignments
around the world, including The Netherlands, Zambia, Austria, Africa,
Middle East, Australia, and Japan; and
WHEREAS, He will be long appreciated and remembered by all who had
the pleasure of association with him;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate
express its sincere appreciation for Consul General Kiyokazu Ota's
thoughtful, invaluable service and sincere acts of friendship toward
Washingtonians during his tenure in the State of Washington.