WHEREAS, The United States Constitution is the supreme law of our
nation, and this body has full confidence in its ability to endure all
tests; and
WHEREAS, Many immigrants came to our nation to escape government-sanctioned persecution of their faith; and
WHEREAS, This body believes that any law which is designed to
restrict the liberty of one faith tradition erodes the founding
principle of religious liberty and that it is, as James Madison wrote
in 1785, proper to "take alarm" at any such "experiment on our
liberties"; and
WHEREAS, Our state has a history of embracing individuals' right to
practice the faith tradition of their choice within the law and free of
government interference; and
WHEREAS, A multiplicity of religious beliefs, traditions, and
heritages bring strength to our state; and
WHEREAS, This body believes that it is not the role of the
legislature of Washington State to disparage or marginalize any
religious tradition; and
WHEREAS, This body finds abhorrent all forms of discrimination,
including those forms of discrimination targeting religion or belief;
WHEREAS, Our state benefits from a number of individuals and
institutions whose faith motivates them to provide food to the hungry,
shelter to the needy, inexpensive or free health services, and other
humanitarian services; and
WHEREAS, Religious leaders who facilitate conflict resolution often
achieve results that ease the burdens on our courts;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Washington State Senate,
that diverse religious beliefs, traditions, and heritages are welcome
in Washington, and that this body has full confidence in the United
States Constitution and the laws of the state of Washington and does
not entertain concern that religious practices, beliefs, or laws offer
a threat to the law of our land.