SB 6128 - DIGEST

Requires school district employees, who are not nurses, who are asked to administer certain medications or perform certain nursing services to, at the time he or she is asked to administer the medication or perform the nursing service, file a voluntary written, current, and unexpired letter of intent stating the employee's willingness to administer the medication or perform the nursing service.

Requires the board of directors to designate a professional person to consult and coordinate with a student's parents and health care provider, and train and supervise the appropriate school district personnel in proper procedures to ensure a safe, therapeutic learning environment.

Provides immunity from liability, if certain conditions are met, for the provision of medication or services and for rendering emergency care at, or participating in transporting from, the scene of an emergency during an officially designated school activity.


April 02, 2014

To the Honorable President and Members,
The Senate of the State of Washington

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am returning herewith, without my approval as to Section 1, Senate Bill No. 6128 entitled:

"AN ACT Relating to the delivery of medication and services by unlicensed school employees."

This legislation provides important guidance for school districts with regards to school employees assisting with nursing services and delivery of medications.

Section 1 is an intent section that discusses various experiences of school nurses and other employees, and is not necessary to interpret or implement the substantive provisions of the bill.

For these reasons I have vetoed Section 1 of Senate Bill No. 6128.

With the exception of Section 1, Senate Bill No. 6128 is approved.

Respectfully submitted,
Jay Inslee