63rd Legislature - 2013 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1000 Healthcare provider immunity Moeller,Morrell JUDI DPS11 DNP1
HB 1001 f Beer & wine theater license Moeller,Pedersen OVER DPS8
HB 1003 f Health professions licensees Moeller,Cody HCW DP16
HB 1006 f Horse racing comm. accounts Schmick,Cody APPG DP9
HB 1008 Cider sales Hunt,Appleton OVER DP8
HB 1009 Liquor self-checkout Hunt,Appleton OVER DPS8
HB 1012 Appraisal mgmt company bond Stanford,Kirby BFS DPS14
HB 1013 County legislative meetings Appleton,Seaquist LG DP6 DNP2
HB 1016 f Water purveyor facilities Angel,Takko LG DPS6 DNP2
HB 1028 f State route number 410 Dahlquist,Hurst TR DP25 w/oRec4
HB 1032 f Portable electronics Kirby,Chandler BFS DPS13
HB 1033 f Insurer transactions Stanford,Chandler BFS DPS14
HB 1034 Escrow agent licensing Kirby,Ryu BFS DPS15
HB 1035 f Title insurance rate filings Kirby,Ryu BFS DP15
HB 1036 f Service contracts Kirby,Ryu BFS DP15
HB 1038 Cosmetology, barbering, etc. Ryu,Kagi BFS DPS14
HB 1039 Flood control zone districts Takko LG DP8
EHB 1044 f Termination of pregnancy Cody,Jinkins HCW DP9 DNP7
HB 1045 f Local highway speed limits Ryu,Angel TR DP24 DNP5
HB 1047 f Traffic cameras, photo tolls Dahlquist,Hurst PS DPS11
HB 1049 Flood control districts Takko LG DPS6 DNP2
HB 1056 f Corporate officers Angel,Manweller LWD DP9
HB 1059 f State of emergency Goodman PS DP11
HB 1063 f Senior ctr alcohol license Fitzgibbon,Cody OVER DP8
HB 1064 Form year designations Goodman JUDI DP10 DNP2
HB 1065 Arbitration proceedings Goodman JUDI DP12
HB 1071 Salmonid hatchery management Blake,Chandler AGNR DPS14
HB 1074 Plat approvals Angel,Takko LG DPS7 DNP1
HB 1075 Dungeness crab fishery Lytton,Blake AGNR DPS12 DNP2
HB 1078 f Port commissioner terms Appleton GOE DP10
HB 1083 Tribal court judges/marriage Appleton,Roberts CDHT DPS9
HB 1090 f Dock construction Shea,Reykdal LG DPS6 DNP2
HB 1093 State agency lobbying Shea,Overstreet GOE DPS9 DNP1
HB 1098 f Bail practices Hope,Hurst PS DPS11
HB 1101 Patient safety day Ryu,McCoy GOE DP10
HB 1113 f Science and public policy Short,Upthegrove ENVI DP13
HB 1115 Uniform commercial code Pedersen,Rodne JUDI DPS12
HB 1116 f Unif. collaborative law act Pedersen,Hansen JUDI DPS12
HB 1117 Real property transfer Hansen,Rodne JUDI DPS12 DNP1
HB 1119 Habeas corpus writs, fees Goodman,Ryu JUDI DP13
HB 1128 Local agency public records Takko,Rodne LG DPS8
HB 1132 f Gold star license plates Hayes,Seaquist TR DP28
HB 1141 f Water pollution contrl loans Smith,Tharinger CB DPS10 DNP1
HB 1146 f Water right examiner bonding Nealey,Blake AGNR DP14
HB 1148 Dissenters/business corp act Pedersen,Rodne JUDI DP13
HB 1149 f Craft distillery customers Hurst,Ryu OVER DP8
HB 1157 Election law changes Hunt,Taylor GOE DP10
HB 1179 Sewer utility charges lien Morrell,Sawyer LG DP8
HB 1183 f Wireless communications Morris,Smith TED DPS14
HB 1185 Auditor costs allocation Takko,Alexander LG DP7 DNP1
HB 1194 Habitat project liability Stanford,Warnick JUDI DP11 DNP2
HB 1207 Cemetery districts Haigh,Takko LG DP5 DNP3
HB 1209 f Christmas tree growers MacEwen,Blake AGNR DP14
HB 1213 f Social worker licensing Orwall,Pettigrew HCW DP16
HB 1216 f Eosinophilia disorders Habib,Clibborn HCW DPS16
HB 1218 f DFW license suspensions Takko,Klippert AGNR DP12
HB 1225 f Habitual traffic offenders Hunt,Reykdal PS DP11
HB 1226 f PERS/returning retirees Ormsby,Alexander APP DP29
HB 1227 f Child support orders/notices Hunt,Reykdal JUDI DP13
HB 1228 f Family day care providers Hunt ELHS DPS7 DNP3
HB 1230 f Physical therapy degrees Green,Warnick HCW DP16
HB 1239 Water-sewer districts Takko,Crouse LG DPS6 DNP2
HB 1241 Contractor's bond Takko,Kochmar LG DP7 DNP1
HB 1242 f Vehicle subagents Moscoso,Zeiger TR DPS27
HB 1256 f Freight mobility invest. brd Fey,Orcutt TR DPS26 w/oRec2
HB 1264 Fire district mergers Haigh,Chandler LG DP7 DNP1
HB 1266 f District judges, retirement Rodne,Pedersen JUDI DP13
HB 1268 Local government purchasing Springer,Parker LG DP6 DNP2
HB 1269 Diking district elections Smith,Takko LG DP7 w/oRec1
HB 1270 f Board of denturists Morrell,Schmick HCW DPS16
HB 1274 Local government practices Alexander,Takko LG DPS7 DNP1
HB 1277 Conservation easemnts/tribes Sawyer,Zeiger CDHT DP9
HB 1311 f Maritime service/unempl comp Chandler,Sells LWD DP9
HB 1319 Welcome home Vietnam vet day Johnson,McCoy GOE DP10
HB 1325 f State-chartered banks, etc. Ryu,Kirby BFS DPS15
HB 1326 f Consumer loan act Ryu,Kirby BFS DP14
HB 1330 f Dental hygienists, assistnts Moeller,Harris HCW DP16
HB 1331 f Student advisory committees Riccelli,Zeiger HE DPS18
HB 1332 f Spirits sampling on-premises Kirby,Condotta OVER DPS8
HB 1334 f Motorcycle conversion kits Shea,Taylor TR DPS27
HB 1339 f East Asian med practitioners Tharinger,Angel HCW DP16
HB 1351 f Wineries & breweries/labels Condotta,Hurst OVER DP7
HB 1360 f Industrial land banks Wylie,Harris LG DP7 DNP1
HB 1367 Nuisance abatement assessmnt Kirby,Jinkins LG DP6 DNP2
HB 1370 Homeowners' associations Seaquist JUDI DPS13
HB 1376 f Suicide assessment training Orwall,Jinkins HCW DPS16
HB 1379 f Motorcycle skills ed/private Liias,Orcutt TR DPS27
HB 1382 f Medication access/uninsured Jinkins,Harris HCW DPS15 DNP1
HB 1394 f Employment security dept Reykdal,Manweller LWD DP9
HB 1395 f Unemployment insurance Sells,Manweller LWD DP9
HB 1396 f Unemployment insurance Manweller,Sells LWD DP9
HB 1468 f Claimant benefits payment Sells,Reykdal LWD DP9
HB 1469 f Horse racing/ind. insurance Schmick,Sells LWD DP9
HB 1473 f Construction service paymnts Sells,McCoy LWD DP5 DNP4
HJM 4000 I-5: "Purple Heart Trail" Hayes,Seaquist TR DPS26
SB 5147 Juveniles & runaway children Hargrove,Carrell ELHS DP8 DNP2