63rd Legislature - 2013 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1000 Healthcare provider immunity Moeller,Morrell JUDI DPS11 DNP1
HB 1003 f Health professions licensees Moeller,Cody HCW DP16
HB 1007 f Covering loads on highways Kagi,Clibborn TR DPS17 DNP13
HB 1008 Cider sales Hunt,Appleton OVER DP8
HB 1012 Appraisal mgmt company bond Stanford,Kirby BFS DPS14
HB 1013 County legislative meetings Appleton,Seaquist LG DP6 DNP2
HB 1021 f Parental abduction Haler JUDI DPS13
HB 1023 f Apprenticeship utilization Moeller,Appleton LWD DPS5 DNP4
HB 1029 Private road maintenance Morris JUDI DPS7 DNP6
HB 1032 f Portable electronics Kirby,Chandler BFS DPS13
HB 1033 f Insurer transactions Stanford,Chandler BFS DPS14
HB 1035 f Title insurance rate filings Kirby,Ryu BFS DP15
HB 1038 Cosmetology, barbering, etc. Ryu,Kagi BFS DPS14
HB 1039 Flood control zone districts Takko LG DP8
HB 1048 f Higher education governance Seaquist,Haler HE DPS18
HB 1049 Flood control districts Takko LG DPS6 DNP2
HB 1063 f Senior ctr alcohol license Fitzgibbon,Cody OVER DP8
HB 1064 Form year designations Goodman JUDI DP10 DNP2
HB 1065 Arbitration proceedings Goodman JUDI DP12
HB 1071 Salmonid hatchery management Blake,Chandler AGNR DPS14
HB 1074 Plat approvals Angel,Takko LG DPS7 DNP1
HB 1075 Dungeness crab fishery Lytton,Blake AGNR DPS12 DNP2
HB 1076 f Innovation academy coops Haigh,Johnson ED DPS21
HB 1078 f Port commissioner terms Appleton GOE DP10
HB 1087 f Misdemeanor convictions Appleton,Roberts PS DPS7 DNP4
HB 1093 State agency lobbying Shea,Overstreet GOE DPS9 DNP1
HB 1101 Patient safety day Ryu,McCoy GOE DP10
HB 1103 f Ballot design, uniform Van De Wege,Hunt GOE DPS6 DNP5
HB 1108 f Rape in the third degree Goodman,Jinkins PS DP10
HB 1109 f Higher ed registration/vets Hansen,Haler HE DP18
HB 1112 f Science and public policy Short,Upthegrove AGNR DP14
HB 1115 Uniform commercial code Pedersen,Rodne JUDI DPS12
HB 1116 f Unif. collaborative law act Pedersen,Hansen JUDI DPS12
HB 1117 Real property transfer Hansen,Rodne JUDI DPS12 DNP1
HB 1128 Local agency public records Takko,Rodne LG DPS8
HB 1130 f Impounded vehicle redemption Hurst,Dahlquist BFS DPS15
HB 1139 f Local health conditions Roberts,Walsh HCW DPS9 DNP7
HB 1140 f Sibling visitation Roberts,Pedersen JUDI DPS8 DNP5
HB 1148 Dissenters/business corp act Pedersen,Rodne JUDI DP13
HB 1153 f Healthcare employee overtime Reykdal,Sells LWD DP5 DNP4
HB 1154 f Nonpower attributes Upthegrove,Ryu ENVI DP10 DNP1
HB 1155 f Prescription information Cody,Schmick HCW DPS16
HB 1157 Election law changes Hunt,Taylor GOE DP10
HB 1178 f Teacher certification Lytton,Maxwell ED DP11 DNP10
HB 1179 Sewer utility charges lien Morrell,Sawyer LG DP8
HB 1182 f Pharmacists/legend drug act Harris,Cody HCW DPS16
HB 1185 Auditor costs allocation Takko,Alexander LG DP7 DNP1
HB 1194 Habitat project liability Stanford,Warnick JUDI DP11 DNP2
HB 1202 f Animal cruelty prevention Roberts,Haler JUDI DPS7 DNP6
HB 1218 f DFW license suspensions Takko,Klippert AGNR DP12
HB 1225 f Habitual traffic offenders Hunt,Reykdal PS DP11
HB 1226 f PERS/returning retirees Ormsby,Alexander APP DP29
HB 1227 f Child support orders/notices Hunt,Reykdal JUDI DP13
HB 1228 f Family day care providers Hunt ELHS DPS7 DNP3
HB 1231 f Engineers, continuing ed Stanford,Kirby BFS DPS8 DNP7
HB 1238 f Motorcycles @ traffic signal Moscoso,Hargrove TR DPS23 DNP7
HB 1239 Water-sewer districts Takko,Crouse LG DPS6 DNP2
HB 1241 Contractor's bond Takko,Kochmar LG DP7 DNP1
HB 1242 f Vehicle subagents Moscoso,Zeiger TR DPS27
HB 1244 f DNR cooperative agreements Stanford,Orcutt AGNR DPS15
HB 1251 f Opportunity scholarship brd Stonier,Carlyle HE DP18
HB 1256 f Freight mobility invest. brd Fey,Orcutt TR DPS26 w/oRec2
HB 1261 f Emer & crisis care/children Hope,Santos ELHS DPS11
HB 1263 f Emergency transportation Angel,Van De Wege HCW DPS15 DNP1
HB 1264 Fire district mergers Haigh,Chandler LG DP7 DNP1
HB 1266 f District judges, retirement Rodne,Pedersen JUDI DP13
HB 1267 f Voter registration Fitzgibbon,Hunt GOE DP6 DNP5
HB 1269 Diking district elections Smith,Takko LG DP7 w/oRec1
HB 1271 f Denturism Jinkins,Johnson HCW DPS13 DNP2
HB 1279 f Motor voter preregistration Bergquist,Riccelli GOE DP6 DNP5
HB 1284 f Incarcerated parents' rights Roberts,Walsh ELHS DPS11
HB 1288 f State boundary bridge Moeller,Clibborn TR DPS17 DNP11
HB 1290 f Ballot drop boxes in county Orwall,Hunt GOE DPS6 DNP5
HB 1292 f Prostitution convictions Orwall,Goodman PS DPS9 DNP1
HB 1298 Sunshine committee Springer,Hunt GOE DPS11
HB 1304 Online school programs Hargrove,Hudgins ED DPA19 DNP1
HB 1307 f Sexual assault prot. orders Goodman,Lytton JUDI DPS13
HB 1314 Municipal class A biosolids Green,O'Ban ENVI DPS7 DNP4
HB 1325 f State-chartered banks, etc. Ryu,Kirby BFS DPS15
HB 1326 f Consumer loan act Ryu,Kirby BFS DP14
HB 1327 f Money transmitters Kirby,Ryu BFS DPS15
HB 1330 f Dental hygienists, assistnts Moeller,Harris HCW DP16
HB 1343 f Nurses surcharge Cody,Johnson APPH DPS10
HB 1345 K-12 campus access Hayes,O'Ban ED DP21
HB 1352 f Sexual abuse against a child Holy,Hurst PS DPS10
HB 1359 State archivist Van De Wege,Buys GOE DP6 DNP5
HB 1360 f Industrial land banks Wylie,Harris LG DP7 DNP1
HB 1361 f Indian children care Kagi,Ryu CDHT DP9
HB 1362 f Home care/electr timekeeping Cody,Morrell HCW DP15
HB 1367 Nuisance abatement assessmnt Kirby,Jinkins LG DP6 DNP2
HB 1369 f School days/parent meetings Lytton,Walsh ED DP21
HB 1377 f Public disclosure commission Bergquist,Buys GOE DPS11
HB 1378 Ballot measure ad sponsors Hunt,Buys GOE DP7 DNP4
HB 1383 f Stalking protection orders Goodman,Fey JUDI DPS13
HB 1393 f Unemployment insurance Hunt,Chandler GOE DP6 DNP5
HB 1394 f Employment security dept Reykdal,Manweller LWD DP9
HB 1395 f Unemployment insurance Sells,Manweller LWD DP9
HB 1400 f Service/electr. distribution Bergquist,Kochmar GOE DP10 DNP1
HB 1402 f Insurer state of entry act Stanford,Morrell BFS DP15
HB 1404 f Alcohol poisoning deaths Liias,Walsh PS DP10 DNP1
HB 1409 f Allopathic physicians Tharinger,Schmick HCW DPS16
HB 1413 f Voting rights act of 2013 Moscoso,Hunt GOE DPS6 DNP5
HB 1417 f Irrigation district admin Manweller,Fagan LG DPS8 w/oRec1
HB 1419 State horse park authority Warnick,Manweller CDHT DP9
HB 1422 f Beer, wine tasting endorsmnt Condotta,Hurst OVER DPS9
HB 1436 Health care professionals Rodne,Pedersen JUDI DP13
HB 1441 f Long-term care insurance Van De Wege,Morrell HCW DP15
HB 1442 f Parimutuel locations Schmick,Cody OVER DP9
HB 1446 f Judicial proceedings & forms Kirby,Nealey JUDI DPS12 DNP1
HB 1447 f Heavy haul corridors Fey,Hargrove TR DP30
HB 1459 Wine tasting by students Haler,Springer OVER DPS7 DNP2
HB 1467 f Unpaid wages collection Green,Sells LWD DPS5 DNP4
HB 1468 f Claimant benefits payment Sells,Reykdal LWD DP9
HB 1471 f Hospital infection rates Riccelli,Schmick HCW DP15
HB 1473 f Construction service paymnts Sells,McCoy LWD DP5 DNP4
HB 1480 f Direct practice providers Green,Schmick HCW DPS15
HB 1482 f Impaired driving Goodman,Habib PS DPS11
HB 1483 f Airport parking facilities Hunt,Johnson TR DP21 DNP9
HB 1487 f Real estate agencies Parker,Kirby BFS DPS15
HB 1495 Tribes/state land access Sawyer,Liias CDHT DPS8 DNP1
HB 1496 Tribes/hunting enforcement Sawyer,McCoy CDHT DPS8 DNP1
HB 1512 Water/fire suppression Takko,Kochmar LG DPS9
HB 1524 f Juvenile mental health Roberts,Clibborn ELHS DPS9 w/oRec2
HB 1531 f Criminal history record info Hayes,Goodman PS DP10
HB 1536 f Comm & tech college boards Seaquist,Appleton HE DPS15 DNP3
HB 1538 f Public health nurses/meds Morrell,Angel HCW DP15
HB 1544 f Educational specialist degrs Lytton,Seaquist HE DP18
HB 1565 f Prescription monitoring prog Harris,Green APP DP30
HB 1580 f Defendants/additional costs Rodne,Goodman PS DPS11
HB 1582 f Credit unions Ryu,Warnick BFS DPS15
HB 1587 f Public employee benefits Cody,Van De Wege APP DP30
HB 1593 f Prescription drug monitoring Jinkins,Angel HCW DP15
HB 1594 f Interviewing children Sawyer,Roberts ELHS DPS10
HB 1597 Marijuana law corrections Goodman,Ryu OVER DP9
HB 1608 f Marine employees' commission Appleton,Angel LWD DP9
HB 1609 f Board of pharmacy Schmick,Cody HCW DP15
HB 1611 Tow truck operators/breaks Liias,Condotta LWD DP9
HB 1635 f Dispr. share hospitals Morrell,Cody APP DPS30
HB 1644 Transportation planning Fey,Klippert TR DP30
HB 1659 News/independent contractors Sells,Manweller LWD DP8 DNP1
HB 1677 f Adult family home operators Klippert,Morrell HCW DP15
HB 1684 Minimum age requirement Reykdal,Manweller LWD DP9
HB 1736 f Higher ed efficiencies Zeiger,Seaquist HE DP18
HB 1808 Legal marijuana/disposal Nealey,Hurst OVER DP9
HCR 4403 High skills high wages plan Sells,Seaquist LWD DP9