FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2013, 1:56 PM 54TH DAY
SB 5355 f Unemployment insurance
SB 5159 f Family & med leave insur act
SB 5195 f State need grant/nonprofits
SB 5622 f Taxation of large airplanes
SB 5616 Farm vehicles on highways
SB 5716 Capital budget transparency
SB 5215 Health care professionals
SB 5318 f Military/resident tuition
SB 5106 County budgets
SB 5767 f Dairy cattle inspection
SB 5359 Child abuse & neglect
SB 5510 f Abuse of vulnerable adults
SB 5238 Spirits taxes & fees/reports
SB 5279 Public assistance benefits
SB 5702 f Aquatic invasive species
SB 5184 Capital projects review brd
SB 5107 f Construction worker wages
SB 5517 Beer, wine tasting endorsmnt
SB 5770 Conservation districts
SB 5802 f Greenhouse gas emissions
SB 5083 Political yard signs
SB 5025 State of emergency
SB 5132 Estimated debt service costs
SB 5728 Local paid sick & safe leave
SB 5010 Marijuana/community custody
SB 5193 f Carnivore conflict managemnt
SB 5200 f Groundwater withdrawal
SB 5785 f License plates/display, etc.
SB 5605 f Health plans
SB 5392 f State retirement system
SB 5543 f Salmonid hatchery management
SB 5338 Nonprofit debt adjusters
SB 5403 f Office of financial recovery
SB 5509 f Home care/electr timekeeping
SB 5275 Training wage
SB 5596 f Lake management activities
SB 5158 f Minimum wage and overtime
SB 5092 Registered nurses
SB 5508 f Rural school distr. projects
SB 5766 f Ag producers and regulators
SJM 8003 Communications Decency Act
SB 5734 Sunset review process
SB 5743 School bus safety cameras
SB 5160 Administrative reassignment
SB 5727 Prev wages/distressed county
SB 5494 Carbon monoxide alarms
SB 5658 f Mercury-containing lights
SB 5836 Water resource decisions
SB 5648 Energy conservation
SB 5267 f Healthcare prior authorizing
SB 5560 f Job skills program
SB 5183 Financing statements
SB 5613 f Opportunity to dance/cover
SB 5175 Sexual assault prot. orders
SJM 8000 Medical marijuana
SB 5726 Local paid sick & safe leave
SB 5178 f Organized retail theft
SB 5551 f Competency to stand trial
SB 5381 f Cell phones/state employees
SB 5627 f Commuter air carriers
SJM 8007 Fee on U.S.-bound cargo
SJM 8004 Official election mail
SB 5411 Port commissioner terms
SB 5633 f PERS/returning retirees
SB 5208 f State-chartered banks, etc.