TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 2013, 9:34 AM 79TH DAY
SHB 1074 Plat approvals
SHB 1352 Sexual abuse against a child
HB 1442 f Parimutuel locations
HB 1182 f Pharmacists/legend drug act
SHB 1032 Portable electronics
ESHB 1403 f Economic development
HB 1609 f Board of pharmacy
HB 1736 f Higher ed efficiencies
SHB 1265 Traffic infraction notices
HB 1109 f Higher ed registration/vets
HB 1213 f Social worker licensing
SHB 1343 f Nurses surcharge
HB 1113 f Science and public policy
SHB 1537 Veteran's preference
HB 1937 Vapor products
HB 1790 Traffic school fees
ESHB 1647 Landlords/safeguarding keys
SHB 1456 Transit and parking benefits
SHB 1216 f Eosinophilia disorders
HB 1045 f Local highway speed limits
SHB 1034 f Escrow agent licensing
HB 1469 f Horse racing/ind. insurance
EHB 1396 f Unemployment insurance
SHB 1327 f Money transmitters
SHB 1382 f Medication access/uninsured
HB 1209 f Christmas tree growers
HB 1770 f Commodity boards/members
HB 1565 f Prescription monitoring prog
SHB 1889 f Fruit and veg district fund
ESHB 1247 f Job skills program
HB 1471 f Hospital infection rates
SHB 1307 Sexual assault prot. orders
SHB 1376 f Suicide assessment training
SHB 1334 f Motorcycle conversion kits
HB 1531 f Criminal history record info
HB 1035 f Title insurance rate filings
SHB 1752 Commercial motor vehicles
SHB 1686 f High school equiv certifs
SHB 1638 Insurance
SHB 1669 f Higher ed/self-supporting
SHB 1242 f Vehicle subagents
ESHB 1625 f Tow truck operator rates
SGA 9003 PHILLIP L. BARRETT, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 7 (Shoreline Community College)
SGA 9011 DIANA CLAY, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 23 (Edmonds Community College)
SGA 9017 DARCEY FUGMAN-SMALL, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 20 (Walla Walla Community College)
SGA 9018 LAWRENCE M. GLENN, Member, Board of Trustees, Peninsula Community College District No. 1
SGA 9019 COURTNEY GREGOIRE, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 6 (Seattle, So. Seattle, and No. Seattle Community Colleges)
SGA 9025 ANGELA G. ROARTY, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 11 (Pierce College)
SGA 9035 AMADEO TIAM, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 11 (Pierce College)
SGA 9037 MIGUEL A. VILLARREAL, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 18 (Big Bend Community College)
SGA 9042 NEIL JOHNSON, Member, Board of Trustees, Technical College District #26 (Lake Washington Institute of Technology)
SGA 9044 JANET M. KUSLER, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 5 (Everett Community College)
SGA 9048 JANET M. MCDANIEL, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 30 (Cascadia Community College)
SGA 9049 DONALD R. MCQUARY, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 20 (Walla Walla Community College)
SGA 9050 LOUIS A. MENDOZA, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 30 (Cascadia Community College)
SGA 9052 EDWIN W. MORGAN, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 17 (Spokane and Spokane Falls Community Colleges)
SGA 9055 JIM PAGE, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 3 (Olympic Community College)
SGA 9065 JOHN R. BATISTE, Chief, Washington State Patrol
SGA 9069 KEVIN QUIGLEY, Secretary, Department of Social and Health Services
SGA 9076 ELIZABETH L. BAUM, Member, Housing Finance Commission
SGA 9077 ARIELE BELO, Member, Board of Trustees for the Center of Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss
SGA 9085 JUNE CANTY, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board
SGA 9090 GRANT DEGGINGER, Member, Public Disclosure Commission
SGA 9093 DAN DIXON, Member, Board of Trustees, Central Washington University
SGA 9104 JOHN GLENN, Member, State School for the Blind Board of Trustees
SGA 9111 CLARENCE M. HENDERSON, Member, Human Rights Commission
SGA 9112 LESTER T. HERNDON, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board
SGA 9119 STEPHEN J. HUNT, Member, Human Rights Commission
SGA 9129 JAMES L. KEMP, Member, State School for the Blind Board of Trustees
SGA 9130 DENNIS KLOIDA, Member, Housing Finance Commission
SGA 9131 KATHLEEN M. KYLE, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
SGA 9132 M.A. LEONARD, Member, Housing Finance Commission
SGA 9139 KRISTINA MAYER, Member, State Board of Education
SGA 9146 STEVEN MOSS, Member, Housing Finance Commission
SGA 9164 CONSTANCE W. RICE, Member, Washington State Student Achievement Council
SGA 9171 DANIEL T. SATTERBERG, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
SGA 9172 FAOUZI SEFRIOUI, Member, Housing Finance Commission
SGA 9175 LINDSEY J. SIRES, Member, Board of Trustees, Central Washington University
SGA 9179 GABE P. SPENCER, Member, Housing Finance Commission
SGA 9188 PAMELA J. TIETZ, Member, Housing Finance Commission
SGA 9192 MARIO M. VILLANUEVA, Member, Housing Finance Commission
SGA 9195 ROBERT H. WHALEY, Member, Board of Trustees, Eastern Washington University
SGA 9207 SCOTT JARVIS, Director, Department of Financial Institutions