MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2013, 11:31 AM 92ND DAY
SHB 1472 Computer science education
HB 1570 f Property tx exemption claims
SHB 1200 Seafood labeling
ESHB 1480 f Direct practice providers
E2SHB 1134 f State-tribal edu compacts
SB 5296 Model toxics control act
SHB 1270 f Board of denturists
SHB 1422 Beer, wine tasting endorsmnt
SHB 1617 Housing trust fund
ESHB 1717 Up-front enviro planning
HB 1447 f Heavy haul corridors
SHB 1409 f Allopathic physicians
SHB 1525 f Birth certificates and info
ESHB 1688 f Student restraint, isolation
SHB 1512 Water/fire suppression
SHB 1256 Freight mobility invest. brd
SHB 1010 f Antifreeze products
SHB 1370 Homeowners' associations
HB 1203 f Children's personal info
E2SHB 1114 f Crim. incompetency/commitmnt
ESHB 1412 f Community service/graduation
2SHB 1642 f H.S. academic acceleration
SHB 1459 f Wine tasting by students
SHB 1499 f Elderly all-inclusive care
SHB 1076 f Innovation academy coops
ESHB 1199 f Hunter safety
EHB 1826 Integrated resource plans
SHB 1271 f Denturism
HB 1738 Political subdivisions
ESHB 1432 f County property tax levies
SHB 1498 Electronic waste collection
SHB 1284 f Incarcerated parents' rights
EHB 1538 f Public health nurses/meds
HB 1330 f Dental hygienists, assistnts
SHB 1397 f Sexual health education
SHB 1613 f Crim justice training comm
HB 1644 Transportation planning
SHB 1614 Audiology degrees at WWU
HB 1036 f Service contracts
SHB 1941 Toll adjudication, penalties
SHB 1012 f Appraisal mgmt company bond
E2SHB 1445 f Complex rehab technology
SHB 1812 Urban school turnaround
2SHB 1764 f Geoduck diver licenses
HB 1468 f Claimant benefits payment
HB 1800 f Compounding of medications
EHB 1493 f Mobile homes property tax
ESHB 1773 f Midwifery
SHB 1107 Children of military parents
EHB 1733 f Capital and trans budgets
ESHB 1381 f DOH admin adjud proceedings
SHB 1527 f Residential habilitation
SHB 1180 f Firefighters & reserve ofcrs
SHB 1737 f Physician assistants
SHB 1021 f Parental abduction
HB 1474 f Top 2 nonpartisan candidates
EHB 1887 f Voc rehab plans/ed options
ESHB 1204 f Sibling visitation
ESHB 1968 f Programs in school buildings
SHB 1420 f Transp. improvement projects
SHB 1071 f Salmonid hatchery management
SGA 9068 DALE R. PEINECKE, Commissioner, Employment Security Department
SGA 9070 JOEL SACKS, Director, Department of Labor and Industries
SGA 9083 JOSHUA BROWN, Member, Salmon Recovery Funding Board
SGA 9086 LARRY CARPENTER, Member, Fish and Wildlife Commission
SGA 9089 MARC DAUDON, Member, Energy Northwest
SGA 9103 MARILYN GLENN SAYAN, Chair, Public Employment Relations Commission
SGA 9106 KELSEY GRAY, Member, Gambling Commission
SGA 9115 NANCY J. HOLLAND YOUNG, Member, Personnel Resources Board
SGA 9137 CONRAD MAHNKEN, Member, Fish and Wildlife Commission
SGA 9142 STEVE S. MILNER, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission
SGA 9191 KATHY R. TURNER, Member, Public Disclosure Commission
SGA 9193 JANET WAINWRIGHT, Member, Columbia River Gorge Commission