THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2014, 8:15 PM 53RD DAY
HB 2575 f Teacher assignment data
2SHB 1072 f Ag labor skills and safety
EHB 2582 f Parental rights termination
E2SHB 2639 f Mental health, chem depndncy
HB 2573 f Theatrical wrestling events
HB 2708 Qualif'd alt energy resource
SHB 2339 Health care info disclosure
E2SHB 2029 f Econ development agencies
HB 1173 f Financial education prtnrshp
2SHB 1651 f Juvenile records access
HB 2170 Water-sewer district funds
SHB 2171 Veterans, military personnel
HB 2646 f Long-term care workers
SHB 1156 Forest lands & timber lands
HB 1179 Sewer utility charges lien
HB 1145 f Child support/vet's benefits
ESHB 2463 f Parking, person w/disability
SHB 2467 f Health benefits exch/dental
EHB 1538 f Public health nurses/meds
SHB 1402 Insurer state of entry act
HB 2723 f Foreclosures
ESHB 2556 f Therapeutic courts
SHB 2018 f State retirement systems
HB 2254 f Electrician cert./ltd energy
2E2SHB 1727 f Assisted living facilities
ESHB 2543 Electronic home monitoring
SHB 2196 Judicial information system
HB 2440 f Oil or oils, definition of
HB 2329 f Breastfeeding-friendly WA
ESHB 2439 Environmental statutes/DOE
HB 1859 f Licensing reqs/military
EHB 1593 f Prescription drug monitoring
2ESHB 1675 f Adoption process
HB 2231 f Legal financial obligations
HB 2700 f Breast cancer license plates
SHB 2205 Mental status evaluations
SHB 2318 Medicaid transp. brokers
ESHB 2512 f Cosmetology, hair design/etc
EHB 2752 f WA state tree license plates
SHB 2531 f Teacher certification
HB 2437 f PEBB benefits, eligibility
HB 1896 Fishing guides
SHB 2592 County electronic auctions