BILLS IN SENATE RULES - March 26, 2013 - Tuesday
12:20 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SI 517 Initiative and referendum GOV DP4
SB 5064 f Offenses prior to age 18 Hargrove,Kline LAW DPS4 DNP3
SB 5076 f Residential home inspection Dammeier,Rolfes,etc. EET DPS9
SB 5101 f Financial info sales/tax ex. Mullet,Hobbs,etc. WM DP20 DNP1
SB 5109 f New businesses B&O tax exemp Padden,Benton,etc. WM DPS(TRED)12 DNP7 w/oRec2
SB 5116 f Real property transfers Benton,Harper,etc. GOV DP4 DNP2
SB 5133 Growth mgmt hearings board Honeyford GOV DPS4
SB 5154 f Cooperative finance orgs Becker,Ranker,etc. WM DP20
SB 5164 f Farm vehicles Roach,Rivers,etc. TRAN DP11 w/oRec2 DNP1
SB 5169 Sunshine committee Roach,Hasegawa,PREA GOV DPS4
SB 5171 Sunshine committee Roach,Hasegawa,PREA GOV DP5
SB 5189 f Photovoltaic electr. systems Smith,Benton,etc. CL DP4 DNP3
SB 5251 f B&O tax exemption for R&D Chase,Shin WM DPS(TRED)21 w/oRec1
SB 5276 Designated agricultural land Hobbs,Honeyford,etc. AWRD DP7
SB 5288 f Incarcerated offenders Hill,Hargrove,etc.,DOC HSC DP6
SB 5320 Ballot drop boxes/cnty, city Becker,Benton,etc. GOV DP4 DNP1
SB 5353 f Unemployment insurance Roach,Holmquist Newbry,ESD CL DP7
SB 5364 f Real-time translation, etc. Kline,Padden LAW DPS7
SB 5368 f Supplemental income/budgets Honeyford,King EET DPS7
SB 5402 f Total confinement residents Carrell,Pearson,DSHS HSC DPS7
SB 5404 f Contraband/secure facility Carrell,Hargrove,etc.,DSHS HSC DPS6
SB 5426 Unlawful detainer Roach FIHI DPS5 DNP2
SB 5443 County assessors offices Roach,Hasegawa,etc. GOV DP7
SB 5453 f Honey beekeepers/tax exemp Honeyford,Hobbs,etc. WM DP21
SB 5492 f Health care professionals Becker,Schlicher,etc. HLTH DP8
SB 5504 State employee information Roach,Padden,etc. GOV DP4
SB 5505 Valid voter signatures Roach,Chase,etc. GOV DPS7
SB 5514 Vacant mobile home lots Roach,Benton GOV DP5 DNP2
SB 5561 f Dairy products B&O taxation Hatfield,Schoesler,etc. WM DPS22
SB 5566 f Interviewing children Pearson,Carrell,etc. HSC DPS6
SB 5608 Corporate officers Holmquist Newbry,Benton CL DP6
SB 5619 Public works prevailing wage Holmquist Newbry CL DP4 DNP3
SB 5644 f Liquor sales for resale Schoesler,Murray WM DPS(CL)15 w/oRec3 DNP2
SB 5685 f Prevailing wage rate King CL DP4 DNP3
SB 5724 f School district bidding reqs Honeyford,Fraser,etc. EDU DPS9 DNP2
SB 5746 Public hospital districts Roach GOV DP4 DNP3
SB 5752 f Solar energy systems/B&O tax Holmquist Newbry,Chase,etc. WM DPS23
SB 5758 Maritime service/unempl comp Holmquist Newbry,Braun,etc. CL DP5 w/oRec2
SB 5773 f Local option transp. revenue Harper,Eide,etc. TRAN DPS9 w/oRec2 DNP1
SB 5831 f Clay target sales & use exem Rivers,Roach,etc. WM DPS19 DNP2
SB 5848 f Blood, tissue banks/tax exem Becker,Cleveland,etc. WM DPS22 w/oRec1
SB 5862 f Mint growers and processors Honeyford,Holmquist Newbry,etc. WM DP16 w/oRec4 DNP2
SJR 8205 f 2/3 vote for tax increases Roach,Benton,etc. WM DP13 DNP8
SJR 8206 Emergency clauses in bills Bailey,Roach,etc. GOV DP4 DNP3
SHB 1012 f Appraisal mgmt company bond Stanford,etc. FIHI DP7
SHB 1032 Portable electronics Kirby,etc. FIHI DPA7
HB 1045 f Local highway speed limits Ryu,Angel,etc. TRAN DP13
HB 1112 f Science and public policy Short,Upthegrove,etc. NRP DP5
HB 1113 f Science and public policy Short,Upthegrove,etc. EET DP8 w/oRec1
HB 1146 f Water right examiner bonding Nealey,Blake,etc. AWRD DP7
HB 1154 f Nonpower attributes Upthegrove,Ryu EET DP9
SHB 1155 Prescription information Cody,etc. HLTH DP8 w/oRec1
HB 1179 Sewer utility charges lien Morrell,Sawyer,etc. GOV DP7
HB 1182 f Pharmacists/legend drug act Harris,Cody,etc. HLTH DP9
SHB 1200 Seafood labeling Blake,etc. NRP DPA5
HB 1209 f Christmas tree growers MacEwen,Blake,etc. AWRD DP7
SHB 1216 f Eosinophilia disorders Habib,etc. HLTH DPA9
HB 1218 f DFW license suspensions Takko,Klippert,etc.,DFW NRP DP5
HB 1230 f Physical therapy degrees Green,Warnick,etc. HLTH DPA9
SHB 1242 Vehicle subagents Moscoso,etc. TRAN DPA13
HB 1251 f Opportunity scholarship brd Stonier,Carlyle,etc. HIE DP6
SHB 1256 Freight mobility invest. brd Fey,etc. TRAN DP13
SHB 1265 Traffic infraction notices Freeman,etc. TRAN DPA13
SHB 1334 f Motorcycle conversion kits Shea,etc. TRAN DPA13
HB 1339 f East Asian med practitioners Tharinger,Angel,etc. HLTH DP9
SHB 1343 f Nurses surcharge Cody,etc. HLTH DP8 DNP1
SHB 1382 Medication access/uninsured Jinkins,etc. HLTH DPA8
SHB 1418 Public records/hours Hunt,etc. GOV DP6
ESHB 1432 County property tax levies Stanford,etc. WM DP22
SHB 1456 Transit and parking benefits Hunt,etc. GOV DP6
EHB 1483 f Airport parking facilities Hunt,Johnson,etc. TRAN DPA11 DNP1 w/oRec1
SHB 1537 Veteran's preference O'Ban,etc. GOV DP7
HB 1587 f Public employee benefits Cody,Van De Wege,etc.,HCA,LPRB HLTH DP9
HB 1592 f Speeding/private roads McCoy,Sells,etc. FIHI DP6 w/oRec1
HB 1609 f Board of pharmacy Schmick,Cody,etc. HLTH DP9
SHB 1614 Audiology degrees at WWU Reykdal,etc. HIE DP6
SHB 1617 Housing trust fund McCoy,etc. FIHI DP7
SHB 1629 f Home care aide continuing ed Cody,etc. HLTH DP9
HB 1644 Transportation planning Fey,Klippert,etc. TRAN DP11
HB 1645 f Higher ed facils authority Riccelli,Sells,etc.,HEFA HIE DPA6
SHB 1669 f Higher ed/self-supporting Pollet,etc. HIE DP6
EHB 1677 f Adult family home operators Klippert,Morrell,etc. HLTH DP9
SHB 1752 Commercial motor vehicles Orcutt,etc. TRAN DP13
HB 1770 f Commodity boards/members Buys,Blake,etc. AWRD DP6
HB 1790 Traffic school fees Parker,Ormsby,etc. TRAN DP11
SHB 1806 Veterans' assistance Hansen,etc. GOV DP6
SHB 1841 f Electr. competitive bidding Stonier,etc. GOV DP6
SHB 1886 f Ag dept/recoverable costs Chandler,etc. AWRD DP7
HB 1896 Fishing guides Lytton,Chandler,etc. NRP DPA5
ESHB 1944 Lic. plate & registr. fraud Haler TRAN DP11
SHB 1946 Parking, person w/disability Hunt,etc. TRAN DPA11
SGA 9065 JOHN R. BATISTE, Chief, Washington State Patrol LAW BC6
SGA 9069 KEVIN QUIGLEY, Secretary, Department of Social and Health Services HSC BC0
SGA 9111 CLARENCE M. HENDERSON, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC6
SGA 9124 ELIZABETH K. JENSEN, Member, Board of Pharmacy HLTH BC5 w/oRec4
SGA 9157 NATASHA K. WILLIAMS, Member, Investment Board WM BC17 NBC5
SGA 9171 DANIEL T. SATTERBERG, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC6

Total Count: 97