BILLS IN SENATE RULES - April 10, 2013 - Wednesday
2:41 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 5101 f Financial info sales/tax ex. Mullet,Hobbs,etc. WM DP20 DNP1
SB 5109 f New businesses B&O tax exemp Padden,Benton,etc. WM DPS(TRED)12 DNP7 w/oRec2
SB 5154 f Cooperative finance orgs Becker,Ranker,etc. WM DP20
SB 5251 f B&O tax exemption for R&D Chase,Shin WM DPS(TRED)21 w/oRec1
SB 5453 f Honey beekeepers/tax exemp Honeyford,Hobbs,etc. WM DP21
SB 5561 f Dairy products B&O taxation Hatfield,Schoesler,etc. WM DPS22
SB 5644 f Liquor sales for resale Schoesler,Murray WM DPS(CL)15 w/oRec3 DNP2
SB 5752 f Solar energy systems/B&O tax Holmquist Newbry,Chase,etc. WM DPS23
SB 5831 f Clay target sales & use exem Rivers,Roach,etc. WM DPS19 DNP2
SB 5848 f Blood, tissue banks/tax exem Becker,Cleveland,etc. WM DPS22 w/oRec1
SB 5862 f Mint growers and processors Honeyford,Holmquist Newbry,etc. WM DP16 w/oRec4 DNP2
SJR 8205 f 2/3 vote for tax increases Roach,Benton,etc. WM DP13 DNP8
ESHB 1004 f Property taxes, payment Moeller,etc. GOV DPA7
SHB 1009 Liquor self-checkout Hunt,etc. CL DP7
SHB 1010 f Antifreeze products Appleton,etc. CL DP7
SHB 1012 f Appraisal mgmt company bond Stanford,etc. FIHI DP7
HB 1014 Native American heritage day McCoy,Appleton,etc. GOV DPA7
HB 1036 f Service contracts Kirby,Ryu,etc. CL DP7
SHB 1038 f Cosmetology, barbering, etc. Ryu,etc. CL DP7
HB 1065 Arbitration proceedings Goodman LAW DP6
SHB 1071 f Salmonid hatchery management Blake,etc. NRP DP5 w/oRec2
SHB 1075 Dungeness crab fishery Lytton,etc. NRP DP7
SHB 1076 f Innovation academy coops Haigh,etc. EDU DP11
ESHB 1083 Solemnizing marriages Appleton,etc. LAW DPA6
ESHB 1090 f Dock construction Shea,etc. NRP DP6
SHB 1107 Children of military parents McCoy,etc. LAW DP6
E2SHB 1114 f Crim. incompetency/commitmnt Pedersen,etc. WM DPA20 w/oRec1
SHB 1116 Unif. collaborative law act Pedersen,etc. LAW DPA6
ESHB 1117 Real property transfer Hansen,etc. LAW DP6
HB 1119 Habeas corpus writs, fees Goodman,Ryu,etc. LAW DP6
HB 1124 f Spirits taxes & fees/reports Hurst,Condotta CL DP7
SHB 1130 Impounded vehicle redemption Hurst,etc. FIHI DP6
EHB 1132 f Gold star license plates Hayes,Seaquist,etc. TRAN DP14
E2SHB 1134 f State-tribal edu compacts McCoy,etc. WM DPA18 DNP2 w/oRec2
HB 1145 f Child support/vet's benefits Goodman,Klippert,etc. LAW DP6
HB 1149 f Craft distillery customers Hurst,Ryu,etc. CL DP7
SHB 1155 Prescription information Cody,etc. HLTH DP8 w/oRec1
2SHB 1158 Annexation/military purposes Kirby,etc. GOV DP6
HB 1175 f Judges/Benton & Franklin co. Nealey,Haler,etc.,BJA LAW DP6
HB 1179 Sewer utility charges lien Morrell,Sawyer,etc. GOV DP7
SHB 1180 f Firefighters & reserve ofcrs Scott,etc. WM DP22
HB 1194 Habitat project liability Stanford,Warnick,etc. LAW DPA6
2SHB 1195 Primaries Wylie,etc. WM DPA17 DNP2 w/oRec2
ESHB 1199 f Hunter safety Blake,etc. NRP DPA6
SHB 1200 Seafood labeling Blake,etc. NRP DPA5
HB 1203 f Children's personal info Farrell,Lytton,etc.,DERL HSC DP5
ESHB 1204 f Sibling visitation Roberts,etc. HSC DPA5
HB 1218 f DFW license suspensions Takko,Klippert,etc.,DFW NRP DP5
HB 1227 f Child support orders/notices Hunt,Reykdal LAW DP5
HB 1230 f Physical therapy degrees Green,Warnick,etc. HLTH DPA9
SHB 1256 Freight mobility invest. brd Fey,etc. TRAN DP13
HB 1266 f District judges, retirement Rodne,Pedersen,etc. LAW DP6
HB 1269 Diking district elections Smith,Takko,etc. GOV DP4 DNP1
SHB 1270 f Board of denturists Morrell,etc. HLTH DP9
SHB 1271 f Denturism Jinkins,etc. HLTH DP9
SHB 1284 f Incarcerated parents' rights Roberts,etc. WM DPA(HSC)21
ESHB 1294 f Flame retardants Van De Wege,etc. EET DPA6 w/oRec2 DNP1
SHB 1298 f Sunshine committee Springer,etc. GOV DPA4 DNP3
SHB 1323 f Sea cucumber dive fishery Lytton,etc. NRP DPA7
HB 1326 f Consumer loan act Ryu,Kirby,DFI FIHI DP6
SHB 1328 f Mortgage brokers Kirby,etc. FIHI DP7
HB 1330 f Dental hygienists, assistnts Moeller,Harris,etc. HLTH DP9
SHB 1332 Spirits sampling on-premises Kirby,etc. CL DP5
HB 1339 f East Asian med practitioners Tharinger,Angel,etc. HLTH DP9
HB 1351 f Wineries & breweries/labels Condotta,Hurst CL DP7
SHB 1370 Homeowners' associations Seaquist FIHI DP7
ESHB 1381 f DOH admin adjud proceedings Jinkins,etc. HLTH DP9
EHB 1395 f Unemployment insurance Sells,Manweller,etc.,ESD CL DPA6 DNP1
SHB 1397 f Sexual health education Orcutt,etc. EDU DP11
ESHB 1401 f Growth mgmt act/penalties Fitzgibbon,etc. GOV DPA7
SHB 1418 Public records/hours Hunt,etc. GOV DP6
SHB 1422 Beer, wine tasting endorsmnt Condotta,etc. CL DP6
ESHB 1432 f County property tax levies Stanford,etc. WM DP22
HB 1436 Health care professionals Rodne,Pedersen,etc. LAW DPA5 w/oRec1
E2SHB 1445 f Complex rehab technology Cody,etc. WM DPA20
SHB 1459 f Wine tasting by students Haler,etc. CL DPA7
HB 1468 f Claimant benefits payment Sells,Reykdal,etc.,LI CL DP7
SHB 1472 Computer science education Hansen,etc. WM DPA23
HB 1474 f Top 2 nonpartisan candidates Pedersen,Rodne,etc. WM DPA20 w/oRec1
EHB 1483 f Airport parking facilities Hunt,Johnson,etc. TRAN DPA11 DNP1 w/oRec1
EHB 1493 f Mobile homes property tax Springer,Warnick,etc. FIHI DPA5
ESHB 1496 f Tribes/hunting enforcement Sawyer,etc. NRP DPA5 w/oRec1
SHB 1498 Electronic waste collection Upthegrove,etc. EET DP9
SHB 1499 f Elderly all-inclusive care Jinkins,etc. HLTH DP9
SHB 1512 Water/fire suppression Takko,etc. GOV DP7
ESHB 1519 f Health care coordination Cody,etc. WM DPA23
SHB 1527 f Residential habilitation Appleton,etc. HLTH DPA8
HB 1534 f Impaired dentist program Riccelli,Harris,etc. HLTH DP7 w/oRec2
EHB 1538 f Public health nurses/meds Morrell,Angel,etc. HLTH DP9
HB 1544 f Educational specialist degrs Lytton,Seaquist,etc. HIE DPA7
ESHB 1552 f Scrap metal theft reduction Goodman,etc. LAW DPA6
2SHB 1566 f Youth in out-of-home care Carlyle,etc. WM DPA22 w/oRec1
SHB 1568 f Business licensing service Carlyle,etc. WM DPA13 DNP6 w/oRec1
HB 1576 County assessors offices Springer,Kochmar,etc. GOV DP7
HB 1587 f Public employee benefits Cody,Van De Wege,etc.,HCA,LPRB HLTH DP9
HB 1592 f Speeding/private roads McCoy,Sells,etc. FIHI DP6 w/oRec1
SHB 1612 f Firearm offenders Hope,etc. WM DPA(LAW)20
SHB 1613 f Crim justice training comm Hudgins,etc. LAW DP6
SHB 1614 Audiology degrees at WWU Reykdal,etc. HIE DP6
ESHB 1620 f Railroad employees/vehicles Stanford,etc. TRAN DPA(CL)12
SHB 1635 Dispr. share hospitals Morrell,etc. WM DP23
2SHB 1642 f H.S. academic acceleration Pettigrew,etc. WM DPA23
HB 1644 Transportation planning Fey,Klippert,etc. TRAN DP11
2SHB 1663 f Hog fuel sales & use tx exem Tharinger,etc. WM DP21 DNP1
HB 1683 f Postsecondary institutions Reykdal,Haler,etc. HIE DP7
ESHB 1688 f Student restraint, isolation Stonier,etc. WM DPA23
2SHB 1723 f Early learning services Kagi,etc. WM DPA22 DNP1
E2SHB 1727 f Assisted living facilities Morrell,etc. WM DPA(HLTH)22 w/oRec1
EHB 1733 f Capital and trans budgets Riccelli,Hawkins,etc. WM DPA17 DNP4
SHB 1737 f Physician assistants Morrell,etc. HLTH DP9
HB 1738 Political subdivisions Hayes,Sells,etc. GOV DP7
SHB 1740 f Real estate appraisers Kirby,etc. FIHI DP7
2SHB 1764 f Geoduck diver licenses Chandler,etc. WM DPA(NRP)18 w/oRec3
HB 1768 f DOT/job order contracting Moscoso,Liias,etc.,DOT TRAN DPA12
ESHB 1773 f Midwifery Morrell,etc. HLTH DP8 w/oRec1
ESHB 1774 f Child welfare system Freeman,etc. HSC DPA4
HB 1800 f Compounding of medications Cody,Morrell,etc. HLTH DPA8
SHB 1812 Urban school turnaround Haigh,etc. WM DP18 DNP1 w/oRec1
SHB 1821 Permanency hearings Freeman,etc. WM DPA(HSC)23
EHB 1826 Integrated resource plans Morris EET DPA9
SHB 1840 f Firearms/restraining orders Goodman,etc. LAW DPA5 w/oRec1
SHB 1841 f Electr. competitive bidding Stonier,etc. GOV DP6
ESHB 1846 f Stand-alone dental coverage Schmick,etc. WM DPA23
HB 1859 f Licensing reqs/military McCoy,Appleton,etc. GOV DP7
HB 1863 L&I/scholarship information Stonier,Chandler,etc. CL DP7
SHB 1868 f Disabled LEOFF plan2 members Freeman,etc. WM DPA23
ESHB 1870 f Payment methods Habib,etc. CL DPA7
SHB 1883 f Fuel tax administration Fitzgibbon,etc. TRAN DPA12 DNP1
EHB 1887 f Voc rehab plans/ed options Sawyer,Ryu,etc. CL DP7
HB 1892 f Transp. benefit districts Reykdal,Hunt,etc. TRAN DP11 DNP3
HB 1896 Fishing guides Lytton,Chandler,etc. NRP DPA5
SHB 1941 Toll adjudication, penalties Habib,etc. TRAN DPA15
ESHB 1968 f Programs in school buildings Kagi,etc. GOV DPA6
SGA 9068 DALE R. PEINECKE, Commissioner, Employment Security Department CL BC7
SGA 9070 JOEL SACKS, Director, Department of Labor and Industries CL BC7
SGA 9089 MARC DAUDON, Member, Energy Northwest EET BC7 w/oRec2
SGA 9103 MARILYN GLENN SAYAN, Chair, Public Employment Relations Commission CL BC7
SGA 9106 KELSEY GRAY, Member, Gambling Commission CL BC4 w/oRec3 NBC0
SGA 9115 NANCY J. HOLLAND YOUNG, Member, Personnel Resources Board CL BC7
SGA 9124 ELIZABETH K. JENSEN, Member, Board of Pharmacy HLTH BC5 w/oRec4
SGA 9157 NATASHA K. WILLIAMS, Member, Investment Board WM BC17 NBC5
SGA 9191 KATHY R. TURNER, Member, Public Disclosure Commission GOV BC6 NBC1

Total Count: 142