Washington State Senate 1st Order

2014 Regular Session of the 63rd Legislature
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate TIM SHELDON, President Pro Tem
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate SHARON BROWN, Vice President Pro Tem

February 28, 2014 - Friday 47TH DAY
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SB 6542 f Cannabis industry committee CL w/oRec7 WM
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
E3SHB 1005 f Campaign report filing GOV DP5 DNP1 w/oRec1 WM
EHB 1013 County legislative meetings GOV DP7 RULE
HB 1063 f Senior ctr alcohol license CL DP6 DNP1 RULE
2SHB 1072 f Ag labor skills and safety CL DP7 WM
SHB 1156 Forest lands & timber lands NRP DPA7 WM
HB 1173 f Financial education prtnrshp EDU DP11 RULE
HB 1179 Sewer utility charges lien GOV DP7 RULE
EHB 1224 f Voluntary planning under GMA GOV DPA6 RULE
SHB 1254 f Prevailing wage filings CL DP7 RULE
HB 1264 Fire district mergers GOV DP7 RULE
HB 1360 f Industrial land banks GOV DP7 RULE
SHB 1402 Insurer state of entry act FIHI DP8 RULE
SHB 1413 Voting rights act of 2013 GOV DPA5 RULE
2ESHB 1448 f Telemedicine HLTH DP8 RULE
E2SHB 1484 f Public works board GOV DPA7 RULE
HB 1486 f Fire protection authorities GOV DP7 RULE
SHB 1669 f Higher ed/self-supporting HIE DP7 RULE
ESHB 1674 f Minority & women's business TRED DP5 WM
2ESHB 1675 f Adoption process HSC DP5 RULE
HB 1684 Minimum age requirement CL DP7 RULE
2SHB 1709 f Foreign language intrpreters EDU DP9 DNP2 RULE
2E2SHB 1727 f Assisted living facilities HLTH DPA8 WM
HB 1859 f Licensing reqs/military GOV DP7 RULE
2SHB 1909 f Veteran-owned businesses GOV DP7 WM
ESHB 2023 f Securities/crowdfunding FIHI DP8 RULE
HB 2106 Primaries for county offices GOV DP6 w/oRec1 RULE
EHB 2108 f Hearing instrument fitters HLTH DPA7 w/oRec1 RULE
HB 2130 f Veterans innovations program GOV DPA7 RULE
SHB 2135 Protection product guarantee FIHI DPA8 RULE
SHB 2146 f L&I appeal bonds CL DP7 WM
E2SHB 2149 f Medical marijuana HLTH w/oRec8 WM
SHB 2150 Recreational access NRP DP7 RULE
SHB 2153 f Eosinophilic GI disorders HLTH DP7 w/oRec1, On motion referred to RULES RULE
SHB 2157 Flood control zone districts GOV DP7 RULE
2SHB 2163 f Dextromethorphan HLTH DPA8 RULE
ESHB 2164 f Juvenile firearm offenders HSC DPA4 DNP1 RULE
SHB 2165 Early learning/fatalities HSC DPA5 RULE
2SHB 2166 f Students/military families EDU DP11 RULE
HB 2167 f Challenged schools EDU DP11 RULE
HB 2170 Water-sewer district funds GOV DP7 RULE
E2SHB 2192 f State agency permitting TRED DP5, On motion referred to RULES RULE
HB 2225 f Milwaukee Road corridor NRP DP7 RULE
SHB 2229 State tourism marketing prog TRED DP4 w/oRec1 RULE
HB 2231 f Legal financial obligations HSC DPA3 w/oRec2 RULE
2SHB 2251 f Fish barrier removals NRP DPA7 RULE
SHB 2261 Science use/agency actions NRP DP7 RULE
HB 2276 Residential schools/ESDs EDU DPA11 RULE
HB 2294 f Littering, penalty increase EET DP8 w/oRec1 RULE
ESHB 2298 Capital projects/tech infra. GOV DP5 RULE
HB 2301 County financial actions GOV DP5 RULE
SHB 2309 f Property taxes, payment of GOV DP7 RULE
ESHB 2315 f Suicide prevention HLTH DPA8 WM
HB 2329 f Breastfeeding-friendly WA HLTH DPA8 RULE
EHB 2351 f Health care/volunteers HLTH DP8 RULE
SHB 2363 f Military member dependents HLTH DPA8 RULE
SHB 2373 f Homeless student ed outcomes EDU DP11 RULE
HB 2381 f Real estate appraisers CL DP6 DNP1 RULE
E2SHB 2383 f Career and college readiness EDU DP11 WM
HB 2386 Washington's shoreline NRP DPA5 w/oRec2 RULE
HB 2398 f Community college degrees HIE DP7 RULE
SHB 2415 f Homeless status certif. FIHI DP8 WM
SHB 2433 Annexation/utility notice GOV DP7 RULE
ESHB 2439 Environmental statutes/DOE EET DP7 w/oRec2 RULE
EHB 2442 f Electr salary & wage payment GOV DP4 RULE
SHB 2448 f Insur & finan responsibility FIHI DP8 RULE
HB 2450 f Persons with disabilities HLTH DPA7 RULE
2SHB 2457 f Derelict & abandoned vessels NRP DPA6 w/oRec1 WM
SHB 2467 f Health benefits exch/dental HLTH DPA7 RULE
ESHB 2519 f Early ed/children in welfare EDU DPA11 WM
SHB 2531 f Teacher certification EDU DP11 RULE
E2SHB 2540 Career & tech course equivs EDU DP11 WM
SHB 2541 f Miniature hobby boilers CL DP7 RULE
SHB 2544 f Newborn screening HLTH DP8 RULE
ESHB 2546 Higher education provisions HIE DPA7 RULE
HB 2553 f Lowest-achieving schools EDU DP11 WM
EHB 2558 f Tax foreclosed property FIHI DP7 w/oRec1 WM
SHB 2567 Homeowners' associations FIHI DP6 RULE
E2SHB 2569 f Diesel emissions pollution EET DPA7 w/oRec2 RULE
E2SHB 2572 f Healthcare purchase, delivry HLTH DPA5 DNP3 WM
HB 2575 f Teacher assignment data EDU DP11 RULE
E2SHB 2580 f Maritime industry, etc. TRED DPA5 RULE
HB 2583 Charter school CEOs EDU DP10 RULE
HB 2585 f TANF benefits for a child HSC DP5 WM
SHB 2592 County electronic auctions GOV DP6 DNP1 RULE
HB 2598 f Early support/lead agency EDU DP11 RULE
SHB 2612 Opportunity scholarship HIE DPA7 WM
SHB 2613 f Higher ed efficiencies HIE DPA7 WM
EHB 2618 Code city public works GOV DP6 w/oRec1 RULE
ESHB 2626 Educational attainment goals HIE DPA7 RULE
2SHB 2643 f Healthiest next generation HLTH w/oRec8 WM
HB 2646 f Long-term care workers HLTH DPA5 w/oRec3 RULE
2SHB 2694 Higher ed/low-income studnts HIE DP7 WM
SHB 2722 f Domestic violence assault HSC DP4 w/oRec1 RULE
HB 2723 f Foreclosures FIHI DP6 RULE
SHB 2724 Archaeological resource info GOV DP4 w/oRec1 RULE
SHB 2739 f Student success in school EDU DP10 w/oRec1 WM
HB 2776 Civil liberties ed program EDU DP11 RULE
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SGA 9040 LISA K. WOO, Member, Board of Trustees, Technical College District #25 (Bellingham) HIE BC7 RULE
SGA 9091 LYNNE DELANO, Chair, Indeterminate Sentence Review Board HSC BC5 RULE
SGA 9140 JAMES MCDEVITT, Member, Clemency and Pardons Board HSC BC5 RULE
SGA 9154 CHARLOTTE PARSLEY, Member, Board of Trustees for the Center of Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss EDU BC10 RULE
SGA 9166 KECIA RONGEN, Member, Indeterminate Sentence Review Board HSC BC5 RULE
SGA 9170 TOM SAHLBERG, Member, Indeterminate Sentence Review Board HSC BC5 RULE
SGA 9184 BARBARA A. TAYLOR, Chair, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC11 RULE
SGA 9186 DENNIS THAUT, Member, Indeterminate Sentence Review Board HSC BC5 RULE
SGA 9212 MARY MEINIG, Director, Office of the Family and Children Ombudsman HSC BC5 RULE
SGA 9224 DEBORAH J. WILDS, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC10 RULE
SGA 9227 NANCY K. FITTA, Member, Board of Trustees for the Center of Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss EDU BC10 RULE
SGA 9240 REKAH T. STRONG, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 14 (Clark College) HIE BC7 RULE
SGA 9252 YANG-SU CHO, Member, State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC10 RULE
SGA 9262 LOU OMA DURAND, Director, Department of Services for the Blind HSC BC5 RULE
SGA 9267 HEATHER L. FLAHERTY, Member, Board of Trustees, Western Washington University HIE BC7 RULE
SGA 9269 BILL GORDON, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 19 (Columbia Basin College) HIE BC7 RULE
SGA 9271 ANNE HAMILTON, Member, Board of Trustees, Technical College District #26 (Lake Washington Institute of Technology) HIE BC7 RULE
SGA 9280 JUANITA J. KAMPHUIS, Member, Board of Trustees for the Center of Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss EDU BC10 RULE
SGA 9291 JOAN M. MARCHIORO, Member, Pollution Control/Shorelines Hearings Board EET BC8 RULE
SGA 9307 GEORGE RAITER, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 13 (Lower Columbia College) HIE BC7 RULE
SGA 9318 LINDSEY SCHAFFER, Member, Board of Regents, Washington State University HIE BC7 RULE
SGA 9324 EDWIN J. SNOOK, Member, State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC10 RULE
SGA 9328 BERNARD VELJACIC, Member, Clemency and Pardons Board HSC BC5 RULE
SGA 9343 HOLLY A. KOON, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC10 RULE