1174-S2 AMH VAND LIPS 235


2SHB 1174 - H AMD 185

By Representative Taylor

ADOPTED 03/05/2015

    On page 2, line 34, after "(c)." insert "The adoption of a rule to identify a flame retardant as a high priority chemical of high concern for children after January 1, 2015, must be completed prior to December 1 of any year, and the restrictions under section 2 of this act shall take effect at the end of the regular legislative session in the following year."



    EFFECT: Requires the Department of Ecology to complete the adoption of a rule to identify a flame retardant as a high priority chemical of high concern for children by December 1 of a given year, and delays the effective date of restrictions on the flame retardant until the end of the regular legislative session in the following year.


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