1187 AMH STAN CALL 040


HB 1187 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-2228.2) 210

By Representative Stanford

ADOPTED 03/10/2015

    On page 3, line 13 of the striking amendment, after "adequate" strike "and reliable" and insert ", reliable, and uninterruptable"


    On page 3, line 22 of the striking amendment, after "rights." insert "This includes instream flows that otherwise could be adversely affected by the new water uses or lead to harm being caused to priority species of fish or wildlife or to critical habitat for species listed under the federal endangered species act."




    EFFECT:  Requires the Department of Ecology to demonstrate that each Yakima Basin water bank sponsor has available an uninterruptable water supply (as opposed to just adequate and reliable) and specifically includes instream flows into the types of water rights that the Department of Ecology must assure be protected from detriment or injury from water bank mitigation credits. 


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