1355 AMH MANW TANG 045


HB 1355 - H AMD 92

By Representative Manweller

WITHDRAWN 03/03/2015

    On page 2, after line 30, insert the following:

    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  (1) Any charter, ordinance, regulation, rule, or resolution enacted by any city, town, county, or port district regulating the minimum hourly wage rate must apply equally to both unionized and nonunionized employers.

(2) No charter, ordinance, regulation, rule, or resolution enacted by any city, town, county, or port district regulating the minimum hourly wage rate may permit its requirements to be waived, in whole or in part, in collective bargaining.

(3) Any provision of any charter, ordinance, regulation, rule, or resolution enacted before or after the effective date of this section that conflicts with subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall not be adopted or agreed to and is preempted and unenforceable.  

NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.  A new section is added to chapter 35.21 RCW to read as follows:

Section 2 of this act governs the authority of a city or town to regulate private employers and to contract regarding the minimum hourly wage rate.

NEW SECTION.  Sec. 4.  A new section is added to chapter 35A.21 RCW to read as follows:

Section 2 of this act governs the authority of a code city to regulate private employers and to contract regarding the minimum hourly wage rate.

NEW SECTION.  Sec. 5.  A new section is added to chapter 36.01 RCW to read as follows:

Section 2 of this act governs the authority of a county to regulate private employers and to contract regarding the minimum hourly wage rate.

NEW SECTION.  Sec. 6.  A new section is added to chapter 53.08 RCW to read as follows:

Section 2 of this act governs the authority of a port district to regulate private employers and to contract regarding the minimum hourly wage rate."


Renumber the remaining section consecutively and correct the title.





    EFFECT:  Adds provisions stating that any local government regulation regarding the minimum hourly wage rate must apply equally to both unionized and nonunionized employers, and no such regulation may permit its requirements to be waived by collective bargaining.    



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