1445-S AMH REYK MULV 043


SHB 1445 - H AMD 171

By Representative Reykdal


    On page 2, line 6, after "office of" strike "the"


    On page 2, beginning on line 7, after "to" strike all material through "English." on line 10 and insert "determine how much instruction time would need to be dedicated to learning a world language in order for students to achieve a basic level of reading, writing, and speaking proficiency by the eighth grade. The office of superintendent of public instruction shall consult with language teachers and other language experts while conducting the study."


    On page 2, line 11, after "with" strike "the additional instruction time" and insert "dedicating instruction time to a world language"




·    Removes the requirement for the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to study the implication of adding ten minutes to the school day for the purpose of learning a world language.

·    Requires the OSPI to determine how much instruction time would need to be dedicated to learning a world language for students to gain basic proficiency by the 8th grade.

·    Requires the OSPI to consult with language teachers and experts.

·    Makes a technical correction to the OSPI reference.


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