1458-S2 AMH NEAL SILV 068
2SHB 1458 - H AMD 343
By Representative Nealey
On page 2, line 1, after "The" strike all material through "nineteen" and insert "early adult years"
On page 2, beginning on line 4, after "age" strike "to nineteen"
On page 4, line 15, after "((18))"
strike "21" and insert "19"
On page 4, line 16, after "((18))"
strike "21" and insert "19"
On page 5, beginning on line 7, after "person" strike all material through "age" on line 8 and insert "who is eighteen years of age"
On page 5, line 30, after "((such))"
strike "a" and insert "the"
EFFECT: Requires that retailers post a sign concerning the prohibition on sales of tobacco products to persons under the age of 19, rather than 21. Modifies the findings to remove reference to age 19 with respect to statistics on tobacco use. Permits a person who is 18 years of age to participate in a controlled purchase, rather than a person who is at least 18 but under 19. Makes a grammatical change in the section relating to detention of a person under the age of 19 by a Liquor Control Board officer.
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