1491-S2 AMH KAGI PRIN 479


2SHB 1491 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-2266.1) 231

By Representative Kagi

ADOPTED 03/09/2015

     On page 6, line 19, after "(1)(a)" strike "Subject to the amounts appropriated for this specific purpose,"


    On page 6, line 24, after "providers." insert the following:

    "Amounts appropriated for the encouragement of culturally diverse and low-income center and family home child care provider participation shall be appropriated separately from the other funds appropriated for the department, are the only funds that may be used for the protocol, and may not be used for any other purposes.  Funds appropriated for the protocol shall be considered an ongoing program for purposes of future departmental budget requests."




    EFFECT:   Removes the requirement that the protocol implemented by the Department of Early Learning to maximize and encourage participation in the Early Achievers Program be performed with funding appropriated for the specific purpose of the protocol.  Funds appropriated for the protocol shall be appropriated separately from other funds appropriated for the department, are the only funds that may be used for the protocol, and may not be used for any other purpose.  Funds for the protocol should be considered ongoing for purposes of future budget requests.



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