1541-S2 AMH MAGE WARG 115


2SHB 1541 - H AMD 91

By Representative Magendanz

FAILED 03/05/2015

    On page 3, at the beginning of line 3, strike all material through "records." on page 14, line 4


    Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.


    Correct the title.





    EFFECT:   Removes Part I on Disproportionality in Student Discipline from the bill, which:

·   Prohibits districts from suspending the providing of educational services as a form of discretionary action;

·   Prohibits long-term suspension or expulsion as a form of discretionary discipline, limits all suspension or expulsion to the length of an academic term, and requires a reengagement meeting that includes the student's family;

·   Removes certain discretionary violations from those that may result in suspension or expulsion;

·   Requires districts to review, adopt, and disseminate discipline policies and procedures, and encourages districts to train staff on the policies and procedures; and

·   Requires the Education Research and Data Center to prepare a regular report on the educational and workforce outcomes of youth in the juvenile justice system.




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