1646-S AMH MANW ELGE 036


SHB 1646 - H AMD 93

By Representative Manweller

WITHDRAWN 03/11/2015

    On page 4, after line 14, insert the following:

"NEW SECTION. Sec. 10.  The joint legislative audit and review committee must conduct a study of chapter 49.--- RCW (the new chapter created in section 10 of this act).  The committee must determine whether there has been a reduction in any gender disparity in compensation in the state, and whether there has been in increase in litigation as a result of this act.  The committee must report the results of the study to the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 2019.


    NEW SECTION. Sec. 11.  (1) Section 3 of this act expires on June 30, 2020.

    (2) The following acts or parts of acts, as now existing or hereafter amended, are each repealed, effective June 30, 2020:

    (a) Section 1 of this act;

(b) Section 2 of this act;

(c) Section 4 of this act;

(d) Section 5 of this act;

(e) Section 6 of this act;

(f) Section 7 of this act;

(g) Section 8 of this act; and

(h) Section 9 of this act."


Renumber the remaining section consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.

On page 4, line 16, after "through" strike "9" and insert "11"

Correct the title.



    EFFECT:  Provides for the Equal Pay Opportunity Act to sunset in 2020.  (Provides that the Equal Pay Act would be restored to current law.)  Requires the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee to study whether there has been a reduction in any gender disparity in compensation, and whether there has been an increase in litigation as a result of the act and report to the Legislature by December 1, 2019.









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